
What an excellent interview, one of my favorites. Thank you Bari.

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Got it. We need to focus on China which may entail a decrease in military support for Europe. Also, appeasing Iran was probably a big mistake. The discussion included extensive analysis of the Bush, Obama and Biden administration policies. Also, Hilliary got it right on a few things including being tough on China.

Oh, if only we had a President in recent memory that was tough on China, tough on Iran and decreased military support for the EU to make that feasible.

Wait. What? Trump was President during the timeframe covered during this "in depth" discussion, *and* he had policies that, at least at 30,000ft, the guest recommended. Policies, I might add, that were roundly criticized by the entirety of polite society.

That Trump wasn't mentioned - for good or ill - in this one hour and fifteen minute discussion is an egregious oversight. Must. Not. Say. Nice. Things. About. Orange. Bad. Man.

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Fascinating interview, Bari. I’d be curious to hear what WRM thinks of Trump’s influence on the Middle East.

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Took awhile to get around to this. So far it’s a good discussion.

However, Bari once again Bari tips her partisan hand with ‘So it’s GWB’s fault and not Obama’s’ not as a question but an immediate statement of fact. Fortunately, the guest had a bit more objectivity.

Bari, please please please try to keep your journalist hat on! That outburst was pathetic.

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On post-pandemic workforce doing much less commuting- because people discovered they could work from home: (1): SF claims that is reason downtown is empty. Mayor has not acknowledged that her “Defund Police” + ongoing Equity Program’s jihad against police and subsequent crime spike as cause. (2): One of my neighbors- about two years younger than me, died in May 2020 while working from home. I imagine his health may have been borderline and then work at home sedentary lifestyle became the final nail in the coffin. (3): Some friends have reported that the mental connection among work team is limited when at home.

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Walter sounds knowledgeable and confident. I am embarrassed that I never knew of him before. Big-tech is going to be a nightmare of woke bias and censorship on Israel. I recently read that Google showed pro-Palestinian results when users search on Hamas-Israeli conflict. We in CA should pressure our governor to send a clear message to SF-area social media about business ethics and transparency.

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This conflict flareup which began October 7 has been the subject of a barrage of commentary. In all that discussion I have observed a number of claims that seem to me to be, at minimum, misinformation, or quite likely, outright lies. All my comments refer only to Gaza, governed by Hamas. These claims don’t seem to be discounted, but allowed to be accepted. Can someone with real knowledge educate me?

Claim- “the Israeli occupation”. My understanding is Israel left Gaza in 2005. Have there been any Israelis resident in Gaza since then? Is the claim of occupation an outright lie?

Claim- “Gaza is an outdoor prison” I understand Israel hardening its border with Gaza, but what about the border with Egypt. I don’t see how Gaza can be a prison without the collaboration of Egypt.

Claim. “Israel starves Gaza of essential good” Again, I’m sure Israel vigorously controls flows over its border. How does it control the Egyptian border? How does it control goods by sea? Do they Arab sympathetic states like Turkey, Egypt and Jordan just accept this control of the sea?

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Such a good interview. Please keep it up!

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Bari, your interviews with Walter Russell Mead are my very favorite. I always learn so much, keep it up. Would love to hear from him regularly

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The Nazis were extreme left, not extreme right as is often stated. Socialists. Their supporters in Europe and the West were leftist elites, just as the leftist elites are driving all of the chaos in our world today.

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Great interview until it veered to the antisemitic Far-Right -- where are they? What evidence do we have that they even exist? We have been told authoritatively by Biden, the FBI and DOJ and the NYT, that they exist, that they are everywhere and that they are the existential threat not only to Jews but to our nation, yet they are not in evidence today. Time to realize that this was a ruse. It is as true that Trump is the leader of some vast right-wing, racist conspiracy as it was that he was a Russian spy. Both libels came from the same source, the Dem Party; the same one who's supporters are chanting "Gas the Jews."

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Fantastic interview. As always, I learned a lot. Thanks, Bari!!

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Yep, This is a strategy to weaken the resources of the Western Nations. Expect a new front to happen in 2024 to further deplete weapons stockpiles and divide Western Nations.

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