Mar 24Edited

The woman has cancer. She was essentially forced to publicly disclose this very private fact because of the conspiracy theories and the incessant coverage of those (baseless) theories in media outlets, this one regrettably included. Please take this down. Show some compassion for her and her three young children, at long last. It’s not too late to be decent.

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Why is this still posted ? It's rather embarrassing considering we now know WHY Catherine is absent from the public eye.

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Absurd. News outlets - like this one - are covering this using the excuse that it’s something people are talking about. That way, they get to cover the ostensible “mystery” of what happened to Kate but PRETEND they’re really covering something else, i.e., people’s obsession with her whereabouts and what that says about society. It’s a win-win! But, really, Kate’s whereabouts are not news, nor is the fact that people are talking about it. Stop this. Who cares where she is? There’s absolutely zero evidence of any foul play. Oh, but “people are saying…”. Where have we heard that before?

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Hi readers...

Don't look at the nation burning to the ground or the fact that more people have entered the US illegally than German soldiers who invaded the Soviet Union during Operation Barbarossa... look over here, over here!

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The other reason it's weird: this is a woman who, literally days after giving birth, had to put on heels, a dress and makeup to stand outside of the hospital and smile for reporters - THREE TIMES! So yeah, we're gonna ask questions. Also, why photoshop such small details like the positioning of Charlotte's hand? It suggests the photo was more widely doctored or they did not realize how closely press outlets would scrutinize the picture, which is also a miss.

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Cough Jamie Foxx Cough

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Mar 14, 2024
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I need read no further comments--yours is best.

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