
I'm very happy to subscribe. You have done a great job so far. I'm so glad you won't be beholden to advertisers.

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I do love thèse articles - but why pinned here so long? And what the hell is going on with Nellie and you? Where is TGIF? Did you guys fall apart?

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Hi Bari! Why is the only woman on honestly about the topic of parenting? I need to hear more women please. It's creepy looking at the list of shows void of women. You can do better

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I really enjoy The Free Press. I would like to listen to your audio events, but so far have not been able to attend any of these due to my schedule. I wish these were recorded and made available for your subscribers to listen after the event.

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Absolutely love the work you have done and look forward to seeing you find time to begin writing again. Good luck.

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When are we going to see a story about the Bidens and the money they have received from China and other countries?

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As a Bari Weiss fan from her hometown of Pittsburgh, I was hoping to expand my news perspective... after a year I realized it’s not for me. Too many right wing propagandists... The Eli Lake repost was the final straw... nothing but misinformation and misrepresentation... sorry Bari, I expected better!

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You can always read the Grey Lady and letters from an American and hold your teddy bear ;)

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You have been a breath of fresh I am a true moderate independent who was lost in the wilderness until I first saw you on Bill Mar. Finally a solution seeking voice of reason. I joined the first time you asked so I must b a charter member. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. I am happy you ar putting your personal thinking back in the mix. Congratulations on what you have built

Robert Schulman

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Just paid my yearly- cancelled my Sam Harris subscription and am now using that money to support FP subscription. He used to get my support as a place where all viewpoints could be discussed with thoughtful consideration targeted toward understanding the truth. Your site now seems the best place to hope that will grow. Your integrity and your pursuit of truth, even when it is inconvenient to your biases, is what makes your site special.

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Since you asked, here are a few suggestions. Article(s) on what Peter Ziehan is covering. Mainly demographic forces that will have a huge impact on the next decade. How often do podcasters like Joe Rogan change their mind? Maybe a deep look at podcasting verses NYT/Wapo/LAT. Thanks for all you do. I really appreciate the hard working intern too. All the best!

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Did you keep doing The Forum?

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It's now April 5th and I just got around to reading this intro... or maybe I read it before I subscribed and just forgot. I first became aware of you when you first appeared on Bill Maher's show. Since then it's love at first sight. When I saw The Free Press online, there was little or no hesitation in signing up. You and the other writers are amazeballs. Even at 80 yoa age I get educated daily with some real thought. I do hope this venture continues until my grandchildren are old enough to read and understand the wisdom imparted daily. Thank you.

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Bari, you keep taking money from me but you have sent me nothing in weeks or months. If you are not going to send me what I am paying for, don’t take the money.

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I have always enjoyed your writing and it is a shame that you have to create your own space to write because the mainstream media can't find a space for you.

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Just paid for a year's subscription. So if I cancel my NYT subscription is this a center left version? I lean center right but need some moderation/objectivity/less agenda/& truth from the left leaning perspective on the issues, so I can better navigate my way thru the haze that is our politics & culture. (Excuse grammar errors- I'm center right. 🤣 I still have a master's degree so shut up. 🤓 I'm a people person who talked too much during english class.) (Retired therapist))

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I am writing this comment as i admire your many accomplishments in stern defense of the State Of Israel. I am a born and bred a Beitar Likudnick. I supported Bibi Netanyahu for years because he helped connect diasporia Jews with Israel. BUT!!!!! The Ultra Right wing government which Bibi leads (as his only defense against a prison term,) is destroying the very core meaning of Israel itself. My entire family ran away from Germany and fought to build and defend this land. The shield Israel provides for the world's Jews has never been more important then this very moment! We are not a Theocracy. We are a multi-cultural, educated , accepting, inclusive society determined to allow all voices to be heard.

The actions occurring in Jerusalem right now are not different than the rule of the Taliban or the Revolutionary Guard in Iran. Our Hamas and Hezbollah enemies are laughing at us right this minute . They roar because what they can never take with the sword is being handed to them by the narrow-minded and most frightened of our entire nation.

Acceptance takes courage.... Anwar Sadat and Yitshak Rabin gave the highest measure of courage to achieve what has amounted to 44 years of peace. Jews everywhere should help replace this government immediately before the damage to too deep. I am us asking all.. Religious, Socialist, Right Wing, Left Wing, High Tech, Military, Farmers and Students.......everyone with any common sense... to ACT NOW!

Signed 60 vs 600 Ramat H' Golan 1973

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