
Another great pod. That is until you seemed to have confounded Gur to express a view as to how to stack up Harris/Biden against Trump as it related to who might be best for Israel. He seemed oblivious to the irony of complaining about U.S. politics and social policy and him going right there as an excuse for deflecting. He did not give the air of self-importance that afflicts some journalists so I think an accusation of him thinking his own opinion on abortion , etc. would be to impactful to share would be unfair. That said, he clearly suffers from the other malady of even some great journalists who can’t discriminate between their personal views and delivering professional journalistic content.

I think It speaks to a great opportunity for TFP in Israel. Sad to say but I don’t think Gur would be up for being a contributor.

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I've been liking this podcast, and Haviv gave some phenomenal insight. Yet I was quite disappointed that the Russia-Iran-Hamas connection continues to be ignored here. Particularly when connecting the dots to any future American POTUS this podcast also ignores that Trump and the Republicans have acted on behalf of Putin to alienate Ukraine and cut off their support funding. Yet they are stalwarts for Israel?

It's because they serve at the whims of demagogues.

Israel is better off knowing a predictable Harris POTUS vs a mentally unstable psychopath. Jews and Israel should be reminded of why Trump's was impeached the 1st time. It was a quid pro quo attempt at Zelensky.

Do you think that all those military secrets stored in a bathroom at MAL didn't make it into the hands of the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians? Trump is purely transactional and frankly there is no deep moral commitment to anything let alone Israel. As the Republicans move more to isolationism, I don't see any strong national security policy coming forward. Only one that starts pointing its weapons internally towards its own political enemies.

It will be not be if but when Trump threatens to hold up some critical Israeli military need in return for ... Fill in the blank.

Thus Israel is better with predictable policy from a Harris administration even if it is not giving it's full support and too timid to act. The pendulum swing and mental instability of Trump would be a nightmare for the entire world, let alone Israel.

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Another Dem trying desparately to find a way to avoid the cold, hard fact that the Democrat Party, starting with Obama, is virulently anti-Israel (dare I say anti-semitic?). Harris will sell out Israel as soon as she wins the presidency and becomes Obama's pet just as Biden is.

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I love Haviv Rettig Gur for his amazing knowledge of history, both world history and obviously Middle East. He is correct about the state of affairs vis-a-vie current American politics, although he is very careful not to appear ungrateful or judgmental. He and his colleagues at The Times of Israel deliver daily news with a lot of punch directed to Netanyahu as a main reason for everything that goes wrong in Israel. Many either don’t fully understand or can’t say outright that the current White House administration failed Israel and took a very precarious and duplicitous position that significantly restrained Israel’s success. Unfortunately, his assessment of IDF’s capabilities to inflict serious damage to Hezbollah in Lebanon or Tehran are not shared with Middle East military analysts. IDF can’t win a war with Hezbollah in any conventional sense. Given that no one is sure who is running the White House right now, the situation is dire unless America really step up the game. Am Yisrael Chai.

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This has been going on for the last 20 years and many Americans are just waking up.

Unfortunately, as noted in the podcast, the Western left has been trained to think Israelis are privileged whites and everyone else is an underprivileged minority, so they don't feel bad when Israelis are killed because that's how they've been taught.

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Don't believe what they say, don't even believe their actions, the results of their actions is what they want.

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It is good to hear a discussion of the situation(s) in and around Israel and the Middle East. It is also interesting to hear the unmistakable undertones from the two participants in the discussion. Why? Because the terrible orange man is unmistakably the better choice for the survival of Israel and these two have a seething hatred for him. Bibi Netanyahu is the Little Satan in the discussion, but he is conducting the strategy that keeps the Democrats from making good on their final transition to a full-throated support of terrorists hoping to realize "from the river to the sea". Why can't they just speak "their" truth? Maybe they aren't (yet) quite willing to see Israel burned to the ground to satisfy their desire to see Bibi and The Donald perish in those flames. I hope that my opinion on this is wrong, but that is exactly what my gut instinct is telling me. It's funny that I don't feel that visceral hatred of my own political enemies, even though they Actually want to destroy all I hold dear.

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Who are those who might see Israel burnt to the ground as long as Trump and Netanyahu go up in flames also?

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I that was my exact take. Say Trump's name. Abraham Accords-Trump. Say it. Ridiculous. Why are they so blind?

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It's difficult to make the transition from a illiberal, gay, east coast jewish female with an Ivy League indoctrination, to a traditional liberal constitutionist. And it doesn't help when your soul mate keeps pratteling on about the heartbreaking loss suffered by the Hillary Hag, etc. Bari is the reason I subscribed to TFP. I give her chops for making the effort but she and Suzy need to do more.

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Sorry, who is illiberal East Coast gay…?

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Apparently, you're not paying attention. Obviously, I'm referring to Bari (and Suzy)

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I am paying attention, which is why I asked about your statement re: illiberal. All other attributes fit except that one. Thanks.

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Yes, I like Bari and certainly feel she is doing important work; I just hate TDS.

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It is frustrating. Maybe there is another word for TDS: pride.

What I do appreciate about this interview is the candor with which he critiqued the US in their foreign policy and how the singular and insular focus on culture war issues dominates the rhetoric. The geopolitical threats we face really ought to be a more central focus in this election. I also like how kept reiterating that Iran is the real problem and the democrats have totally failed to acknowledge or respond to that fact. I also appreciated his insistence that we need to step outside of our ethnocentric selves in order to understand the players in order to respond intelligently. People look really stupid when they mistakenly apply an American white privilege oppressor vs. oppressed people of color lens to the current situation with Israel—a lens which isn’t even accurate in the US context! Bari is spot on in her critique of the party’s response to Bibi’s speech. I also found her analysis of the ideologues in Big Media being products of the education system interesting.

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