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The arrogance of this Moynihan interview is only exceeded by its idiocy. This clown parading as a dissident is claiming that we can overthrow a government that has an enormous military and the world’s largest nuclear arsenal with 5,000 well trained men. And, this idiots’ proof of concept is Prigozhin, who had 25,000 hardened fighters and was easily put down - and who is now dead. We are daily being driven ever closer to nuclear annihilation by arrogant brilliant fools who could not change a flat tire, but did manage to spend a few trillion dollars on the “War on Terror” - a war that has produced only more instability in the Middle East. Promoting this kind of neocon insanity is incredibly dangerous and greatly diminishes you and your organization. Do better…

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Ground Hog Day!

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"At a time when it is voguish to demonize those on the other side of history, it’s humbling to hear her say: 'The important thing is that we talk to each other and understand each other.' Haltingly and imperfectly, this is what these two individuals with very different memories of the Holocaust are trying to do."

Please tell me I didn't read this anywhere, and especially not on TFP, of all places. When we think of Nazi extermination camps we oughtn't demonize the people who ran them? Jews and Nazis: just two groups on opposite sides of history, two groups with "different memories of the Holocaust"?

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Afraid of speech? Nah… bring it on, argue with me, bring evidence to the dialogue, tell me where you’re coming from. And I’ll do the same. Start calling me names because we happen disagree(commie, leftists, socialist, vermine ,) the argument is over. Not because of the name calling but because nothing being advanced for either of us.

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What the hell does "flop girl" mean? Even doesn't have an entry for it.

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The Free Press would be much improved by eliminating Neoconservative foreign policy takes. Even when coming from a Russian.

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WTF?🧐 Is “Pete Townsend” too difficult to write out? 🤨Pete Townsend is much more than just “the lead singer of the Who”. Some people🙄🤦‍♂️

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I’ll happily lend an enthusiastic second to the recommendation of “The Seaside Hotel”! Warm, clever, funny, a delightfully engaging world apart; innocence and innocents before the Nazi storm. With human foibles, and lessons, in response.

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What’s happening to this doctor is happening to people all over the country. The elite are in charge. God help anyone who goes against them.

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"Meanwhile, The New York Times declared the hottest act touring right now to be the 80-year-old Mick Jagger." Um, the act is called The Rolling Stones. Like it says in the NYT headline. Surprised you've never heard of them.

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The Commandant's Shadow does not appear to be on HBO.

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Im Canadian and look forward to donating to Dr. Haim’s give send go. We need to support the brave. Thank you.

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Dua Lipa can always fall back on fluffing Hamas terrorists when people inevitably tire of her banal music, or whatever she calls it.

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Hombre one of my favorite movies! From Western novel by Elmore Leonard.

Great cast, story and production!

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Of course Trump will win the President Prison coin contest. Liberals will buy it because they want to see the guy behind bars, and conservatives will buy it as a symbol of TDS/ironically.

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