
Wanna pay for a work of art, to heck with functionality, be my guest. Pain in the but it may be, I've made my pact with the devil and stick with my Apple despite its woke workforce and arrogant elitist executives, and the myriad of information sources and contacts it connects me to on a moment's notice. I drive a hybrid, someone else can put up with a gas guzzling '68 charger or fiddle factor EV pain.

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Keegan, you rock! Keep the business going and you'll revolutionise the tech industry.

I hope to place an order with you someday.


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Gee, i started with an Apple 2e, and welcome change. Everything is easier now. In the old days connecting a peripheral to your computer was slow and very painful. Now it is effortless. In the old days, you could take a coffee break waiting for your computer to boot up and start to function, but now that is not necessary. While I can understand the nostalgia of a computer that only does limited specific things, and the beauty of carved wood, for most of us, the computer is a tool to make us more productive. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I have been building my own desktop computers for years. They actually cost more than off the shelf systems but last longer with all premium components including power supplies. It's easier to swap out components such as video cards. 70 years old still going

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What a great article. In the early going my take was along the lines of WTF?! But by the time I finished reading, I’d come to see what Keegan McNamara’s driving at. Good luck to hIm.

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Good try but no cigar. This wooden paperweight won't replace the real computer he does actual work on. A chunk of wood, no matter how pleasingly shaped, that just runs a word processor is not going to be used for anything but sitting on the shelf. It doesn't in any way address the problem of junked electronics, which is a real problem. While he's at it he might as well build himself a wooden car to replace the ugly one he drives. So what if it only goes 10 mph as long as it looks pretty? Form over function only works for things that don't really have to be functional.

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“Computers should be heirlooms,”

Stupidest statement in an idiotic rant of an article. Not TFP’s best.

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I wish he didn’t use leather to make it. We’re trying to move away from using animals and causing them suffering-not toward it.

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You may be, but the rest of are not. We eat animals, ride them, make pets of them, etc.

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I like the woodcarving part. LOL

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I always ask the question when I need new tires. why dont tires last forever instead of "???? " many miles. surely they can invent something that will out do rubber. but then think of all of the people out of work.. same with glasses and expensive frames ( thank you Zenni). and dentists. no way to make a costing that will keep you from ever getting a cavity?

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Freedom, which I believe this publication wholly endorses, has got to mean freedom for all people, including billionaires and their companies, to pursue their goals and objectives without interference from anyone so long as they are not using force to achieve those goals. How, then can you advocate for yet more businesses to be forced to change their business practices because enough people don like them. If people don't like a business' practices they should not do business with it or they should attempt to persuade it to change it's practices or they should attempt to convince others to not patronize the business.. The worst thing they can do is to sic the government on them. That is one of the main reasons our society has gotten so far off the rails from it's original goal of protecting all people's freedom, and why a journal called "The FREE Press" has become so desperately needed.

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I congratulate the guy for taking his idea and making a business out of it...It is a fine example of the American dream playing out in real time.

But I also have to say that the game is somewhat of a rip-off, like Hunter Biden's paintings.

They are both artwork and the marketplace ultimately sets the pricing. As long as he doesn't run into financial issues that threaten his livelihood, there is a high likelihood that there is someone (usually called "The Sucker") who is willing to pay the price.

Problem is that for many artistic endeavors, the number of Suckers out there is limited.

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Thank you, Bari! I’m giving you the greenlight to more like this, since you’re asking for feedback.

Keep up the good work.

I’ve been following you since I read your resignation letter from the New York Times, which I told everyone I knew, years before that, to stop subscribing to.

You’re the best!

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“Laptops you can pass on to your grandchildren.”

Seriously? Does anyone really think so?

Would you use your grandfather’s typewriter regularly?

Instead , give them good pens and journals with good bindings.

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Funny, isn't it, how the ancient technology of pen and paper still works for us.

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I use to work in graphic design, and I am glad to be out of it. The constant upgrades, new software, additional training on the upgrades, was doable with student discounts, work discounts, to maintain my competitive edge. Once I got out, I never wanted back in. Now I am retired, I buy refurbished if I buy at all. No upgrades, and the phone is held on for as long as possible. I also keep my old computers for just in case, and there is a big part of me the is really opting out of of a lot of the technology at present and future. I am finally okay with being in the back of the pack.

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but is it forward-compatible

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