
My name is Kevin Durant. I live in a brick house with a machine gun mounted on the roof. I am looking for a woman who hates Democrats more than me and wants to put them in prison camps. I play golf a lot which will give you plenty of time to prepare meals. I drive a green BMW with a custom license plate that reads FTHEDEMS.


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What I found most interesting was a common theme between the two articles. In the text that Luke Farritor unveiled is Philodemus criticizing the Stoics. Fast forward two thousand years and the art world criticizes Elena Veldez's artwork. Times change, but human beings don't.

As I get older, I become more of a live and let live person. I believe in a simple philosophy: do whatever you want as long as you harm no one else with the caveat of not burdening me or society with the consequences. I read the Elena Valdez article and can't fathom that some people get excited about what they wear or have their souls fed, but what do others think about what they wear? But those people might wonder why you write comments in a news article and comment on others. We are all different, and I agree with this saying that our diversity is our strength in this arena, as it allows people to pursue passions and get enjoyment out of life.

To the scolds who want to condemn everything, they have always been with us and always will be. The goal of any political movement is to keep them as far away from Power as possible. Though I could care less about Elena's art and its philosophy, I admire her giving the middle finger to the woke fashion crowd; the more that is done in all aspects of culture and life, the better off we all will be.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17

Claire - good luck calling meat the murdered. That means any guy who eats meat you will view as a murderer. Not a good look but a huge red flag stay away sign.

Preston. Pick a church or get a dog and take walks. Have your brothers girlfriend fix you up (with someone over 18 of course) Bars are for AFTER you have a date. But stop being so desperate, you’ll meet someone eventually.

Bonnie. Can’t say I relate. I personally would never get married again should my husband go away first. Good luck.

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I just wanted to say good luck to our three dating prospects because they all present like terrific people I’d love to have in my neighborhood. FTHEHATERS

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Alas, there is a lot of luck involved in finding the perfect mate. Kurt Vonnegut wrote “if you have an odd foot you have to find an odd shoe.” My wife and I just celebrated the 40th anniversary of our first date, and I’m about to celebrate my 82 birthday.

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FYI, I TRIED to listen to Suzi's podcast, but my ears began to bleed, and my wife demanded that I call an Uber in the middle of our weekly drive to Atlanta for chemo treatment. Using my better judgement, I turned it off and enjoyed the silence, which made me a more intelligent person.

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I so much appreciate The Free Press for the courage to really be FREE.. Free to publish whatever the team wants.. and subscribers are so hungry for.. Bari, Suzy and Team.. keep up the amazing work as you build a media empire for the real world! And an opportunity to inform the crazy leftists among us!

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I am anti-snob, anti-gynocracy, anti-henhouse, pro-Scarlett O'Hara, and especially pro-earth tones. Wishing her the very best.

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I for one think the available singles all sound lovely. As a 28 year old wife and mom, I’m off the market, but I will be rooting for all three!

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This was a lovely piece full of wit, intellectual intrigue and heartfelt emotion. Good job!

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No sensible person cares about Woke Designers. Sensible people care about the Outrageous Democrat Party Lawfare being waged against presumptive Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump.

Here is an appropriate headline:


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The Navalny piece yesterday sparked a spirited and engaging dialogue.

This? Why?

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Blocked and Reported podcast is going to resume personals soon. Wouldn’t it be great if a Free Press personal matched up with a Barpod?

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Good luck, Preston! Get in a Bible study near TCU! As I tell my 20 year old son, you will find good quality people where the good quality people hang out- Bible study! I forwarded your message to my college student friends at TCU! (And for the record, my son and his friends say college girls are CRAZY. It’s horrible out there!) if we were in TX we’d have you over for dinner with our gaggle of young adults looking for community!

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I enjoyed your podcast this week. You (Suzy) have mentioned several times that virtually all young people in the Northeast are liberal. It occurred to me that your worldview, while apparently unorthodox in the Northeast, is probably closer to the norm for liberals in the South, in places such as Jackson, Mississippi. If you have never done a speech or debate in Jackson, I think you would be a big hit with liberals and moderates and probably with certain conservatives also . Millsaps College is a lovely liberal arts college in Jackson which heavily emphasizes critical thinking and seems like it would be an ideal partner for a Free Press event in Mississippi.

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Feb 18·edited Feb 18

Good luck to the 3 people here looking for love. I hope to see more future stories of TFP readers meeting and marrying.

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