All the elements of CRT and DEI are on display here.

1. There are no objective truths. Only narratives, and the powerful create the narrative.

2. Oppressor vs oppressed is the new form of Maxist proletariat vs bourgeoisie

3. Decolonizing and abolition are the new forms of Marxist revolution

4. There are no individuals, only intersectionality, and all must stay in their intersectional group.

Ergo, Jews are white oppressor colonizers and abolition is the only solution. And it is righteous.

This is what Derrick Bell of Harvard started in the 1990s. Bell was Obama’s favorite professor, BTW

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So is NYU going to continue to allow this spewing of hatred and falsehoods? They need to be pulled before Congress, too! And this guy needs to be deported back to his beloved homeland of the West Bank.

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Their donors need to take note. Worked wonders against Harvard.

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It hasn't worked against Harvard. Comrade Gay kept her salary at another position, and their "anti-Semitism task force" apparently is chaired by an Israel-hating kapo Jew.

They're actually doubling down, not correcting themselves.

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He also speaks in incoherent meandering incomplete sentences which is a favorite of neomarxist liars. Reminds me of when heterodorx interviewed grace Lavery. Another university con artist.


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I agree with you but be careful what you say about incoherent incomplete meandering sentences. Sounds like a non-Marxist presidential candidate I know…

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

As well as the actual president.

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Yes. Sounds like Marxist Obama and incoherent Biden.

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With Dr. Chill, Chewbaca and the Hildebeast as back up singers.

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Classic obfuscation.

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Where’s the push to decolonize Muslim colonialist countries? Perhaps some education on the colonizing nature of Islam is needed in our media and our schools?

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

The Reconquista (Christians pushing Muslim invaders out of the Iberian peninsula), which was ultimately successful in 1492 after centuries of effort, was a great example of decolonization. I am sure this dude celebrates it, right? Um, right?

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Well the Jews were less than pleased-

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Until about 1900 there were many Christians in the ME and Turkey. Now?

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Ever more frequently the topic of discussion is lies.

Together WE, that is, subscription journalists and those of us who support them, along with a number of other successful independent truth/fact based platforms are building the healthy American national dialogue the Republic deserves. The voices are there. And American eyes and ears are hungry to see, hear it, and be freed by what they'e saying.

Free citizens living in a healthy truth/fact based reality is an obvious threat to someone. (Aways has been.) Who funds the obvious weaponized hyperrealistic lie being used to distort American and world reality. Lies damage human lives and people who resort to their use do so out of fear of criminal discovery. Taibbi recently mentioned a seeming effort to prevent journalists accessing the factual information needed to accurately report on current events in a timely manner. Hey!! That's progress!! Remember pre-tech when criminal financiers and political grifters were able to keep the lid on their crimes until the MSM could erase them from memory and another crisis could be manufactured to distract attention away. The perp's can't do that as effectively now. -- Bureaucratic operatives and members of the legal profession who lie to Congress, knowingly destroy and/or manipulate access to public information shall be jailed!! --- Ultimately the lie will bring them down. Hard!!

The bad penny central banking totalitarian DNC/CCP/EU ability to loot the hard earned tax dollars of free peoples and weaponize them to destroy healthy social foundations and the culture of freedom "we the peoples" death on the battlefield, hard labor and sacrifice built must stop... Is Husain NOT exactly the poster child for the weaponized/politicized pretend social service organizations and public institutions that bleed and funnel state and federal tax dollars for lucrative careers with obvious hatred for, and the stated intent of, destroying the free peoples providing them?

Soros and his Davos cronies cocked the gun on the British economy without a second thought of the consequence to British lives. (DNC D.A.'s for sale five for a dollar. Stock up!!) '08 Wall Street swallowed pension funds, destroyed jobs, drove people from their homes, generally looted at will and split town. Biden/D.C./bribery and the Ukraine war? The Ukraine journalist Gonzalo Lira is dead for truth speaking about a war that didn't have to happen in a third rate nation known for money laundering and pay to play graft. Check out the Siri hatchet job on Lira. The same hatchet job the DNC tried to perform at the Taibbi/Shellenberger Congressional hearings.

BRAVO TO THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS!! Let their push back on DNC "write me a check" grift and graft extend to the dollars that fund and support institutions, public and private, that promote (Marxist or otherwise) hate and division to undermine American cultural institutions and further the aims of the rising fascist totalitarianism of criminal financiers and the grifting politicians who serve them. The money for Israel?

In WWII Poland the fascist army took the Orthodox Rabbi of the city, tied him to the top of a wooden synagogue, set it on fire, then forced the Jewish elders to go inside to "try and rescue" him. People who rape, kidnap and murder, and that's exactly what happened in Poland ( two hundred women and children shot dead in retaliation for the death of two German soldiers). Now Israel? How about America? Hitler. Mussolini and Stalin openly declared their intent to destroy Western Democracy. So has the DNC/CCP/EU/WEF and the rest of the globalist (.."it's time Americans accept limits on free speech.." Davos crowd.



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On display? I'd argue agreessive implementation of same.

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Is he a US citizen? If not, deport him.

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The article states he was born in the West Bank - deport him.

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He was born in the West Bank, but that doesn't mean he's not a US citizen, hence, my post. We have people in Congress who were born in Palestine and Somalia and they are, unfortunately, US citizens

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As an immigrant who received my citizenship just over 2 years ago, I promised under oath that "I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen". I CHOSE to live here and although I may sometimes criticize our government and its policies, it does not mean that I can engage in violent rhetoric or destructive acts. All immigrants, legal or illegal, holding a Green Card or a US passport, benefit every single day from living in the US (we all do, otherwise we would have stayed where we were). Therefore, if any of us decide that we want to get involved in these kinds of acts, that go against any social norm of a CIVILIZED country, then we should lose our status and get deported.

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Bravo! Immigrants like you, who know the value of having an America to go to, are going to play a big role in stopping this anti-American woke nonsense and getting our America- loving and supporting president-DJT- back in office. And hopefully his chosen successor for another 8 years. This country is in deep trouble and all of this Marxist woke DEI stuff has to be stopped. It’s going to take a while, but we have to start somewhere. VOTE TRUMP! (As Vivek says)

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We agree on the fight against the woke revolution; however, my fight does not include voting for Trump. With all its troubles, I value the freedom I have in the US and would never want to live in a place where the person in power chooses his successor. This is dictatorship. As Churchill said: "Democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time"

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Totally agree. As a life long Republican I am ashamed of the party, ashamed enough to become an independent.

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Obviously, he wouldn’t be technically choosing his successor! He would be choosing his Vice President. But the bigger question is: why would you NOT vote for Trump? He is simply the best chief executive this country has ever had. If you value America and the way of life it provides, think twice before voting for the Democrats. They are beholden to their America-hating, white-hating, achievement-hating, merit-hating, Jew-hating left wing. Just the fact that the Democrat party has the nerve to run Joe Biden for president knowing full well that he is non compos mentis, is a slap in the face to all Americans

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One of them after marrying her brother.

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Yanno, deporting people whose political views we don't like is....cancellation....

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This goes beyond “political views” when someone is calling for the death of their political adversaries, or they “protest” by breaking the law—that is blocking traffic so people can’t get to work or to the hospital or get to their kid who is coming home from school.

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Then enforce the laws and deport him for that. He’s a Palestinian and has every right to fight for his people. I don’t agree with him, I think he was one of many young men twisted by Hamas, but I respect his right to be wrong.

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Not when the people that this country needs to deport are cancellers themselves, such as the Palestinians and their many brainwashed friends. Tolerance for other views is good only as long as it doesn't breed intolerance. When intolerance born out of excessive tolerance is tolerated, tolerance itself dies and you have fascism, which comes exclusively from the extreme left of our political spectrum, even if it falsely blames the right for its own sins (an old leftist tactic).

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Yeah, I was being sarcastic, but I actually agree with you. It's why I have such a hard time feeling empathy or sympathy for the Pals....they're *so tainted* with antisemitism, not just on their own, but through their explicitly Jewish-genocidal religion. And the genocidal morons who brought this on them *that they voted for* - and I also blame all the moron Jews who voted for Netan-yahoo. I'm not sure how you filter at Immigration for incompatible views but maybe Google some of these bozos...

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Even if you deport him, his ilk will spring up all over. Why is he still on the staff of the New School (or any school, for that matter)? These people are all personnae non grata and should be treated as such. Democracies will not thrive when the rhetoric he spews becomes mainstream.

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Well you may not like his rhetoric. I certainly don’t. And who knows how he conducts himself while he teaches the odd course here and there (adjunct faculty are very different from full time faculty) (BTW: he hasn’t taught at The New School since 2019 so what’s the big story here anyway?) But are you suggesting that he shouldn’t be allowed to speak at events because you don’t like his speech? Or others here, all subscribers to a publication supposedly promoting free speech, are they seriously suggesting deporting people whose speech they find objectionable?

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Speech that glorifies violence toward another group or individual, is not free speech. This person is not teaching, he’s indoctrinating and advocating violence and death toward a group he deplores. Sorry, that’s not free speech, unless you believe that anybody can say anything anytime, regardless of the ensuing consequences.

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And speech glorifying violence is generally protected by the first amendment. What is not protected is speech “inciting” violence.

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First, he wasn’t teaching in the video. He was speaking at an event. Second, speech that glorifies violence is everywhere. Even here in the comments. Even on Jan 6 2021. Even “jokes” made by Trump at rallies. It goes both ways.

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Any “event” that welcomes or fosters this type of hate speech shouldn’t be held on, or affiliated with, an American educational institution. Sure- let him speak. At a CAIR meeting! Not at NYU-which gets US taxpayer dollars (as do all of our universities). The NYU donors need their Bill Ackmans to wake up and speak out.

And P.S. - he reportedly is, or was, an adjunct faculty member. That needs to stop, and NYU needs to dismantle the beyond-stupid woke program he was hired by (and others like it). Enough is enough!

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I'm no fan of woke orthodoxy on campus. As an adjunct professor myself, I've had to deal with it directly. But all of you who are trying to shut this man's speech down and make it stop and proclaiming that educational institutions shouldn't let this or that kind of speech occur are engaging in cancel culture, and pushing your own ideology. Is that what you really want? We all have very strong emotional responses to speech we find ugly or wrong or even what we perceive as misleading or lies. But where do you draw the line? I get very upset when I hear RFK talk about vaccines as if he is truly knowledgable about all of the details (e.g. here is how he gets one of his favorite claims wrong: vaccines ARE tested using double blind studies; in the instances where they are not it's often for ethical reasons) When I hear this, I feel like "enough is enough" When I hear Trump refer to immigrants as vermin that we need to rid ourselves of I think "enough is enough." But I have to suck it up. And so you do. A professor who is spreading lies shouldn't be hired again the next semester. But who decided this? You? The Federal government? Should they publish a set of guidelines. UGH...really?

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He can speak but he can't be a part of violence and he says he has participated in violent acts. If he isn't a citizen get rid of him.

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He says he “organized” violent disruptions. Pretty vague. By organizing I wonder if he means calling people to protest things like maybe an election that he deems is stolen, maybe calling in them to disrupt an official vote of a governing body, maybe urging them on with talk of stopping the steal… is that what is not allowable? Maybe he shouldn’t be allowed to teach or speak at campus events, but should definitely be allowed to serve as president…wait the only disqualification might be he’s not a citizen.

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sorry Paula, not even a close or fair or logical comparison btwn this teaching ass and Donald J Trump #45, one of our greatest presidents the US has had, and certainly needs again for 4 more years....dont even try to rationalize your thoughts here...very weak effort

take care

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He wasn’t teaching a class. He was at an event. The major difference between your views and mine are that you think it’s okay for Trump to say anything and threaten anyone because you support him. I don’t support this professor but think he has the right to speak. I even think Trump has the rights to say all the weird and destructive and made up stuff he says.

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He is advocating and engaging in violence so his speech has crossed into action according to McGill & Gay’s policies — NYU needs to take action.

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Through his group 'Decolonize this Place' this jerk sounds like a criminal. So perhaps it's prison, not deportation. However, if it's his views that you think he should be deported for, that's not the answer. He can't be and he won't be. He's free to articulate them, just like the school (if he's still employed) has the right to fire him, and his students have the right to rebut him. Of course, understanding the malleability of young minds today, I think that is where we should focus on..

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Deport him to Gaza, via parachute out the back of a C130.

He can choose whether to pull the cord.

Maybe the IDF will see “paraglider” and react accordingly.

We can only hope.

Why we let these things inhabit our world I cannot guess.

There are all sorts of non-colonist shit holes such as he idolizes that he could depart to and yet here he stays.

Why not let god sort them out, that’s what they crave, who are we to deny it?

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I was thinking the exact same thing. Parachute him directly into Gaza

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"Why we let these things inhabit our world I cannot guess."

Yes you can, and you'd be correct.

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I’ve always thought that immigrants should have a probationary period. Review them every year to determine their level of contribution and assimilation to our society. Revoke citizenship from those that fail.

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Deport or dispose of him? Since he believes violence is the way to go.

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Husain has obviously crossed the line from free speech to hate speech and should no longer be given the opportunity to speak at NYU or any other learning institution.

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Hate speech is still protected speech. The problem is 1. He is crossing the line into inciting violence and criminal activity and 2. NYU doesn't have to employ people like this and allow them to indoctrinate the young.

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He has repeatedly incited violence. He ought to be in jail for that. But this is NYC.

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There is no such thing as hate speech. There is just speech.

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kind of like "crime" and "hate crime", someone thought it made sense to create a new category of crime, based on some bs group of marginalized people, like Smollett...

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If the express purpose of a crime is to make an entire group of people fearful then it absolutely is a hate crime. If someone, for example, attacks a group of black or white people and says "and everyone in your race is next" and then random attacks continue, that's a hate crime. If someone attacks a group of people who just happen to be black or white, then it's just a normal crime (which should also be punished--am in no way arguing it shouldn't).

If someone wastes police resources claiming to be a victim of any kind of crime and they aren't, then that should also be punished (i.e. Smollett)

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Scott, to be clear, or more clear, the idea that we have to add "hate" to an actual "crime" is in my opinion a waste of effort, and diminishes the fact that a "crime" was committed. Also, a "group" is rarely the object of the crime, it is almost always an individual that is part of a perceived group. Crimes occur daily across the world, and our supposed legal system is paralyzed by the amount of claims and false claims that occur. Today, virtually anyone can get out of jail the day they are arrested or arraigned, and then the process crawls to some conclusion.

Here is the short version of the first settlement of the smollett trial:

"On February 20, Smollett was indicted for disorderly conduct for paying the brothers to stage a fake hate crime and filing a false police report.[9] His defense team reached a deal with prosecutors on March 26, 2019, in which all charges were dropped in return for Smollett performing community service and forfeiting his $10,000 bond.[10]"

Then for the following THREE years, Chicago indicted/retried smollett for his false hate crime filing, and to recover costs. He was sentenced to 150 days in jail and $120k for costs. Right away the following happened:

"Smollett's attorneys immediately filed an appeal and he was released, pending the outcome of his appeal, on March 16 after posting a personal recognizance bond." Where this stands , I dont know, but it is bullshit we have to use "hate" in the suits.

re smollett, he filed a false hate crime report. why not just file a report that he was assaulted by two white guys. Charge those as needed, do the legwork and get it over with, but the guilty bastards in jail as needed.

take care

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Assault is assault. There is not really any such thing as a hate crime either. The hate part is an agenda driven item. Murder is murder. Does it matter if the person who committed the crime was full of hate? No, they get tried for murder.

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Calling for violence (and denying atrocities committed) against a certain group to me is hate speech.

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Trump was right about this, too. We need to end immigration from these countries. While we're at it, we need to identify and expel all terrorists and their sympathizers.

They are a literal existential threat.

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Yes they are. While you're at it have you given consideration to which ideology supports them?

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The real terrorist is the one you think is your friend. They do not wear their allegiance on their sleeve. Identification is a lot easier said than done. And of course, in order to expel anyone you need the agency a lot of commenters around here want to disband - the FBI.

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Should people like this - whose anti-American activism is well documented - be allowed to live/remain in this country? Is inciting violence and destruction of public and private property a crime? Should the funding that the U.S. government provides to universities (in this case NYU) be stopped or paused when the university is found to be complicit in inciting violence and destruction of public and private property?

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If he is representing what is allowed at universities, it certainly explains why there have been so many street protests supporting Hamas. Yet they all promote demonizing the white race especially conservatives.

He is actually promoting violence and ignoring horrific violence against innocent Jews in their homes.

This is horrific. NYU should be ashamed. The president of the university should be ashamed. All who still believe in America should be ashamed. This man should be ousted from teaching hate.

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NYU should be ashamed. But have you noticed that shame is not a trait of our leftist elites? How many times have they been proven wrong and they never apologize and simply move on to the lie du jour?

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This is how they operate. It will take a great bloody mess to rectify the overgrown and entangled leftist hedge. They've been permitted free rein since 1854.

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I still believe in America but I’m not ashamed. I’m pissed off!

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to answer your above questions:




thanks for asking, it seems like American Logic 101

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In one of life's greatest ironies, the backbone of modern Israel consists of the Mizrachi/Sephardi community, whose ancestors were expelled during the 1940s-1950s from ancient communities throughout the Arab/Muslim world. They were forced to leave everything behind - land and property worth billions in today's dollars - and arrived destitute in Israel, which absorbed them all while fighting existential wars and widespread boycotts, essentially doubling the population within a few years.

When liberal upper class Jewish friends in the diaspora tell me they are starting to investigate their options "just in case", I am no longer surprised. The free expression of antisemitism which is rapidly expanding across the globe may well ignite the next massive wave of aliyah, immeasurably enriching the country once again, only this time with enormous financial resources as well.

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Which is why the United States must stand firmly beside our Jewish brothers and sisters. They have enriched our national life immensely and we will benefit immensely again as a safe harbor.

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and as if thing would stop after Israel was destroyed, it would accelerate

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YES to all of this. Just a reminder that many of these Jews (my family included) were pogrommed out of their countries BEFORE Israel was created, in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The new nonsense narrative spewed by Hamas defenders is that Muslims and Jews lived in peace before the evil Zionists arrived. Not true and they should all have to look up the words "dhimmi" and "jizyah."

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How did this maniac get a visa to immigrate to the USA? Really! Israelis who, until very recently, wanted to just to visit the USA had to jump through hoops to get a tourist visa. How did someone who admits to being pro-terror, antisocial, decries obedience to the law, get an immigration visa?

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Keep up this investigative reporting. The fact that college credit is being given to listen to this nonsense is beyond disturbing. What happened to classes that taught students to produce something of value to enhance the world instead of burning it all down? Waiting for NYU’s reaction and hoping this individual is NEVER again allowed to “teach” in this country.

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He should be the poster boy for banning Muslim immigration to the US.

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It's time to STOP all immigration from countries that do not have western values, and it's time to STOP voting for politicians who do not have western values.

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AMEN! But to do that, you also have to stop muslim countries and billionaires from lining the pockets of politicians and university presidents.

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We need to re elect trump

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Just because the country doesn’t have our values does not mean that it’s citizens don’t!

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A guy that feels so strongly should be in Gaza with an AK-47

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Or maybe he's just a loudmouthed coward? Sort of goes with the territory.

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100 percent loudmouth coward

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I'd also add douchebag to the list. Someone that says "right" after every sentence should be strung up by his berries, slathered in honey and placed on a giant ant hill.

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And then be cut down by an Uzi.

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He should be prosecuted and deported

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At Queens College CUNY Jewish students are being told to stay off campus today for fear of violence following a planned rally but Students for Palestine this afternoon.

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They should not be cowed into fearful submission by threats af violence and that questionable institute should should ensure that there are NO threats to Jews on campus. This has to stop NOW and colleges have to step up and take strong actions to deal with Jew hztred, - seemingly the only hate allowed - and not being dealt with.

Anything less can only empower the moronic jew haters even further...

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They should come to campus armed and defend themselves instead.

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Decent Americans should join them.

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Who is telling them to stay off campus? The administration or students?

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If is it administration, then evidence of this instruction should be made public immediately.

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I would like NYU and The New School to explain how it is possible that this person is affiliated with their institutions. How does hate speech constitute educational instruction and discourse? How are they dealing with this person? How are they handling what students are now reciting as chapter and verse? How are those students who do not agree being counseled? This is a nightmare.

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And what exactly are his qualifications for teaching anyway? There are so many bullst artists who get these gigs because of their professed politics and grievance stance. When will universities take their jobs seriously??

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Just look at what he's "teaching" - Husain is also an adjunct professor at The New School of Public Engagement, where he taught a graduate course called Race, Class, and Ethnicity in Media.

What graduate student in their right mind would take a class like that. You might as well wipe your keister with $100's and flush them down the toilet rather than pay to listen to this utter drivel. Gosh, what a complete waste of time and money!!

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Meanwhile, yours truly wound up on trial for "racism" at one of these schools for saying nothing even remotely racist...

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Worthless college class. Worthless person. Deport this filth.

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Why is this person still in the United States? He hates this country.... get him OUT!

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OK, so this piece of trash is "no longer affiliated with NYU/New School" since 2019, but student groups continue to ask him to speak on campus. This is tacit promotion of hate speech. So...

Defund the student group and ban them from campus for violating university hate speech/bullying rules.

And if NYU/New School does not, stop their federal funding for violating federal hate crimes laws (which includes "The 1968 statute made it a crime to use, or threaten to use, force to willfully interfere with any person because of race, color, religion, or national origin and because the person is participating in a federally protected activity, such as public education, employment, jury service, travel, or the enjoyment of public accommodations, or helping another person to do so.")

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