‘Trump. Again. The Question Is Why?’

It's truly amazing to keep hearing the question of "Why?"

Its simple. Trump represents a molotov cocktail to the DC ruling class and globalists, and right or wrong, half the US populace would love to see them all burn.

I'm not much of a Trump fan, but I have to say that the idea of forcing the jaws of the corporate media back open and shoving Trump down their gullets again puts a little 'go f*ck yourself' smile on my face.

Also, my guess is that Trump will beat Nikki Haley like a rented mule in her home state of South Carolina. Question is, where will her voters go after she pulls the rip cord? Back to Trump or perhaps RFK Jr?

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Trump represents the uniting of the American people, and this terrifies more than anything has in our history. It blows my mind whenever some fall for the divide and conquer crap. There's no "race war" coming, no matter how much the media pushes that fairytale, and US citizens of any color are realizing their interests are not in alignment with that of the foreigners flooding across the border illegally. The rubber has met the road and has melted. Whether in Maine, Florida, California, or Alaska, we're all US citizens with the same desire for low crime, good schools, job opportunities, a future for our children.

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If that were true--that we all want "low crime, good schools, job opportunities, a future for our children"--we would not have elected the people who currently have power.

Leftists talk all the time about poor Republicans "voting against their own interests." But Leftists have succeeded in getting half of America to vote in favor of DEI policies on a grand scale. Policies that free criminals who have the proper Intersectional position. Policies that have allowed Leftist teachers to indoctrinate children with whatever ideas they please instead of teaching them to read and do math. Policies that have propped our border wide open.

I don't see any sign that the people who voted for those policies are going to pull the lever for anyone except the same Leftist again.

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No one who cast a ballot in 2020 cast an informed one. No one was allowed to cast an informed ballot. Some of us voted our instincts but that is different than an informed vote.

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We didn’t vote for them Lynne, it was a rigged election and the so called Covid lockdowns that sank the country. This time round going towards November I’m wondering what possible shit could the Democrats drum up this time. Ukraine has passed its sell by date, so to has the abortion story, Israel is proving to be no pushovers for Brandon and his administration, so there no brownie points going to November coming from the ME. To me the Democrats looked stuffed but this is America anything can happen. I’m praying whatever November brings it won’t be Biden.

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True. But on a positive note I saw a blurb thst a pro-abortion rally was disrupted by a pro-arabs we now refer to as Palestinians protest.

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Excellent point.

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Both sides talk about people voting against their own interests, including going so far as to say "They are still on the plantation," condescending and not exactly a great way to convince someone to come to your side. I've found that while there's a hardcore dem silo of people that have the ideology you describe, the majority voted for who they thought would help all of us. They are now having buyer's remorse, just like republicans had after being lied to about Iraq. Let's not forget how the Dixie Chicks were endlessly attacked for not clambering onto the Bush/Iraq cheering bandwagon.

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Celia, I totally agree. Independents are seldom voting Trump. It is a pipe dream

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Race war? No, not from Trump and his MAGA cult. He's nothing like the insane anti-racists on the left:

"They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in New Hampshire. “That’s what they’ve done. They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America, not just to three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world. They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

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"All over the world" in English means all over the world, not based on low or high levels of skin pigment. The blood of our country is our Constitution, and all the American men (of all skin pigment levels) buried in military cemeteries, and all my fellow US citizens. I have to break it to you, but I stand first with Americans, and E pluribus unum is a threat to totalitarians.

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Great analogy, Evans. Trump is also a mirror. Everything leftists accuse him of, they are doing. The “elite expert” class can’t handle the fact that a crass real estate developer has better policies and more charisma than they do. Every attack makes his support stronger.

Trump Derangment Syndrome should be classified as a real DSM-5 psychological disorder. TDS Substackers like Thom Hartmann, Jeff Tiedrich, Robert Reich, Dan Rather, Steve Schmidt, The Bulwark, etc make tons of cash from whipping their readers into frenzies. I worry that many of them will have full mental breakdowns this year: https://substack.com/@yuribezmenov/note/c-47934205?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=j3a7

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Thx Yuri.

“many of them will have full mental breakdowns this year”.

We can only hope....

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They are more likely to express their insanity in rioting and violence.

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How what Rachel Maddow said can be interpreted as anything other than inciting violence is beyond me.

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And then they will claim it is the right that is rioting.

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Consider what Ms. Lagarde said at Davos after the Iowa victory by Trump: “The best defense, if that's the way we look at it, is attack”. Most of the elites agreed with her viewing Trump and populist movements in Europe as a threat to their globalist/socialist agenda. There were a few sane voices. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan, “Take a step back, be honest. Trump was kind of right about NATO and kind of right on immigration. He grew the

economy quite well.” Yet, TDS continues and 2024 continues not to disappoint as a roller coaster ride.

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The LaGarde comment is likewise inciting violence.

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I’m sure she did not mean “insurrection” ;)

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Only Mostly Peaceful insurrection.

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Great post.

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I want Trump to win just to watch MSNBC on election night.

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MDM 2.0 I don't like Trump...but yeah watching MSNBC if he wins will be one small consolation for me. I'd trade that in though for a Haley win. :(

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Rachel’s numerous smug assurances late in the evening that Trump had “no road to victory” and that there was no possibility of him winning were priceless. As were the the other network’s election panels, who began the night making no attempt to restrain their giddy excitement over Hillary’s victory only to watch late in the evening as the glee slowly drained from their faces.

They’ve spent a lot of time and effort in the ensuing years to get retribution for those who pissed on their parade.

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it was highly entertaining

would like to see it again...get the Resistance™ cranked up again...to Defend Democracy™

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😂😂😂can you imagine!

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They probably wouldn't televise it...

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Ratings bonanza from folks (folx?) like me…

They’d be torn

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Yes, but they can't televise untrue things...(insert heavy sarcasm)

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Trump Derangement Syndrome affects Trump lovers just as much as it affects never-Trumpers. The symptoms just present differently.

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So true! When Clinton was president, my family was all "character matters!" But now that Trump has been president and I point out his many character flaws, they say, "Well, all politicians do that."

Don't get me wrong. I voted for Trump in 2016, and I think Trump (or the people he had in his administration) did a lot of good during his term. But I also think the rah-rah Trumpers are being willfully blind with respect to his thirst for retribution against those who did him wrong and the likelihood of his ignoring real problems in favor of getting even. Just because the MSM has a hard bias against Trump doesn't mean that every criticism they levied is baseless.

To wit, Trump's lack of enthusiasm for studying and understanding the content of the material in his briefings, his incessant need to feed his gigantic ego, and his tendency to throw people who worked for him under the bus are serious issues. Yes, things were good under Trump's administration, but if you're honest about his shortcomings, you should have some skepticism that a second Trump administration will have the same rosy outcomes as the first.

I would be *delighted* to be wrong about my misgivings, and I will admit it if I am. But I worry that those who refuse to see that Trump's age is catching up to him and that his narcissism really is a problem are supporting him out of nostalgia for the good ol' days and not being clear sighted about the realities of today.

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"forcing the jaws of the corporate media back open and shoving Trump down their gullets".... pure poetry....couldn't have said it better.

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In backroom management meetings at CNN, MSNBC, etc., they are gleeful that Trump is back in the spotlight. He is their only means to improve their woeful ratings.

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He is there livelihood and their oxygen without him they will die!

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Everyone who reads or writes for FP should read the linked Gurri piece.

We want the elites to stop raping and pillaging our country. Trump is the only one in the race who gets that. I would have preferred Tim Scott, Vivek or DeSantis for a variety of reasons but that year is not this year.

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I see a role for all three in a Trump administration. Plus Pompeo. If he wins, Trump will only have four years. I like DeSantis for AG. That one is crucial. He will also need a compatible Congress so down-ballot votes are significant too.

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It is better if DeSantis continues being an amazing Governor of Florida through 2026. He could run for president again and serve for two terms after Trump.

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I think Florida is secure. Part of the reason why he was so successful.in Florida was because he had a favorable legislature and pretty much overwhelmng support of his constituents. We desperately need a strong AG. The DoJ controls the FBI. Barr was a RINO, which I did not see until fairly recently. If Trump wins he will only have four years. I think DeSantis is the man for the job.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I've been thinking about your comment, Lynne.

1. We do need a strong AG, and

2. Ron DeSantis is so much more... He knows how to prepare for natural disasters, he knows how to put good people in place - including taking "risks" with people like Christopher Rufo, he is bold toward corporatist DIE and trans cult power (Disney)... And, he is only 45. I don't think people really go from AG to president but they do go from Governor to President. It will take more than 4 years to save the nation. People need to understand that the GOP is a new party. The Democrat party certainly is a new party - a Crazy radical party.

Also, how did Ron DeSantis get the overwhelming support of his constituents? I would argue that he earned it with hard, steady work, thoughtful work. Now that he is out of the presidential race I am all in for Trump even though I think he is imperfect and does not truly believe in all of the things he fights for - as DeSantis does. However, the more Trump is put down with lawfare and media - the more it is clear he's the next, best (if not great) step.

And, a couple of middle aged male clients aside :- ) - "Trans" is currently a cult along the lines of Heaven Gate - only it is promoted by all of society - especially Education, Government, "Medicine" and Pharma.. Even Governor DeWine of OH bought the "suicide card" regarding children but he's been defeated on that:


Activists point to the fact that the American Academy of Pediatrics is pro medicalizing kids but its president, Dr. Jason Rafferty, is an activist who has made his career on the lucrative "trans" cult. He and the AAP are currently being sued.

So, there has to be Someone else who can be a good AG!

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In case you missed it edited my reply.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I see, and respect, your point. And my preference for 2028 would be DeSantis. But I still think he would make an outstanding AG because I do not think he would be bamboozled or try to bamboozle. He is so earnest and straightforward. And handling the FBI career bureaucrats is going take strength, intelligence and earnestness. Maybe he could do 2 years at AG and then move to State. The international experience would be a good resume builder I think. But if he is not interested maybe the current Texas AG, Paxton. Reportedly he and Trump are tight and Paxton is tangling daily with the DoJ and Homeland Security. Pretty successfully. But I would prefer Paxton at Homeland Security. I also think Texas' Governor, Abbott will run in 2028. I think State and Defense are obviously important. But I view AG as critical at this place and time.

I think the Republican Party is in transition. But I think Trump is fighting a two front war. First for control of the his party and I mean control, not just securing the nomination - McConnell, Romney, Cheney and cohorts need to be neutralized. Then against the Dems and their press lapdog. The Democratic Party is IMO completely compromised. They should change their mascot to a lemming.

I saw the Ohio veto news. And I agree that the trans hysteria is very, very harmful to our youth. Shockingly so. As far as I can tell Pharma has an inordinate influence on our public consciousness. Starting with people who are beholden for an ever increasing supply of meds. Continuing through doctors who prescribe what they are rewarded for prescribing (I do not think most people realize that although a doctor's prescription is required for a controlled substance, doctors receive little, if any, training in pharmaceuticals). On to news broadcasters s and publishers that are dependent on pharma advertising. And elected officials who are heavily lobbied by and donated to by pharma.

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Hum. I totally agree that we need some good people in those positions - not the kind we have had.

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Agreed. I’d like to see Tim Scott as veep.

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I like him too.

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Why Trump? Listen to Argentina's new President, Javier Milei, address the World Economic Forum last week.


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That was priceless, you gotta love that guy. Afuera!!!!

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I have it was brilliant he said “I have not come to guide sheep I have come to awaken lions” that’s President Trump he has awaken America from her slumber it’s time to make her great again!

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If only Trump were a libertarian free-marketeer like Milei!

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Perhaps he's a Cocktail to you, but in the circle I travel - rural America - that Molotiv stuff would be what warmonger Haley might call collateral damage - a little payback, nothing more.

What I hear from everybody is that America is following precisely the path that put most of Europe behind the Iron Curtain after WWII (Remember the Iron Curtain?), and it Must Be Stopped. I take the Trump approach: we don't have time for retribution. There is so much damage to be repaired that it will take 24/7 of his entire presidency, and I'm ready to roll up my sleeves. Just because that's how THEY think, and of course in the usual fashion PROJECT, does not mean it's how WE think.

I just bought Dr. Bradley-Farrell's book: "Last Warning to the West: Hungary's Triumph over Communism and the Woke Agenda." The slide into totalitarianism is not a done deal - although we are very close - and it is possible, as Hungary has demonstrated, to stop it.

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Crap. Molotov. Fingers faster than the brain, and that ain't much of a footrace anyway these days....

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A group of criminal financiers and political grifters gutted American manufacturing and looted the American economy. Now after wrecking everything they could get their hands on the bill is due and they don't want to pay. So they're selling counterfeit woke/fascist totalitarianism as a virtuous vision of the future. They're criminals. As I've said elsewhere, the perps will kill everybody on the planet and reduce the earth to space dust to get away with the grift and avoid prosecution for their crimes. America the beautiful has been captured by rigged game lier's. The TELL is their necessity to distort and lie about everything. It's obvious why. The DNC/CCP/EU/Globalist Davos crowd has to go away. (To jail if possible.)

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Evans W

Nonsense. People motivated by paranoia and hate are nuts. Republican voters are voting in their own self-interest. They remember how good things were under Trump and they are opposed to the following: elections being won by lawfare, open borders, hyperinflation and Climate Change Alarmism. And they prefer justifiably rude to demented.

Trump’s support among Republicans increased with every malicious and corrupt prosecution of him.

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"...they are opposed to the following: elections being won by lawfare, open borders, hyperinflation and Climate Change Alarmism."

And censorship of what they can read or write. And their government deliberately inflaming racial hatreds. And being told what kind of car they can drive, or what kind of stove or light bulb they must buy.

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I failed to include lawlessness.

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I’m expecting RFK, Jr. to be disruptive. Not exactly sure which way it will help/hurt, but I’m betting his campaign will be a factor.

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I sure hope so!

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The Jacksonian Revolt

American Populism and the Liberal Order

By Walter Russell Mead

March/April 2017


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Populism has appeared throughout the history of the Republic. It was disrupted during Trump's last term by the bureaucrats. But historically it appears and then disappears. A course correction if you will.

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You Better Watch That Reading History! I'll get you into trouble! :-)

This is the advantage Republics have over other forms of government. hey self correct. Sometimes it takes awhile but it does happen.

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Trump reminds me of Hugo Chavez. America makes me think of Venezuela.

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Trump reminds me of Javier Milei. But America can easily become Venezuela in the next year or two. With or without DJT in the White House.

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Milei yes. Venezuela no. Unless the leftists win

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I can't see Trump nationalizing anything. The other side? Yes. Yes I can.

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I wish TFP'd stop running Maddow clips (really it's O.K. -I appreciate their hard work). I can't watch Maddow anymore, or those like her. It's like inviting someone to use your dignity and self respect for a toilet. A significant part of Americans not having worthy candidates or the healthy national political dialogue we deserve is because of these grifters. They have no legitimacy what so ever. And they cause harm. "We the people deserve better."

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

"Rented mule" will be seen as racist, of course. See https://unsafescience.substack.com/p/1200-academics-denounced-me-as-racist.

Plus, people will claim you are normalizing the beating of women. Worse, beating brown women.

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Let’s hope you’re right in both cases. 🤣🤣🤣

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Haley's entire plan to win the R nomination relies on D's voting for her in open primary states like NH and, soon, if she stays in, here in her home state of SC. That will fail. OF COURSE none of them would vote for her in the General Election.

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I think Haley's plan is to stay in the race and hope lawfare eliminates the candidacy of Donald Trump. I expect her to suspend her campaign before the SC primary in order to avoid the embarrassment of a clobbering in her home state.

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They have scurried back to Biden. New Hampshire is an open primary state. A portion of Haley's voters did not even have to identify as Republican to upvote her. All hail the by any means necessary party! That last was tongue firmly in cheek.

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Another dimension to this which I think we all get intuitively but I hadnt heard it expressed so clearly until recently by good ol' Bill O'Reilly was that that its the pervasive and increasing CORRUPTION we have seen everywhere, and so often especially directed at Trump, which is what drives the attraction to him, and wanting him to do something about it, which is why we want to give the DC ruling class and media a firm and large middle finger / metaphorical molotov cocktail!

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I am commenting from Israel so my take on Trump isn't local.

I am very grateful for Biden's support since Oct. 7. However, Israelis cannot think now about a two state solution, especially if Hamas stays in power in Gaza and that Blinken is pushing that now feels like a stab in the back and that we're being used for Biden's campaign.

I know Trump poses many problems, is personally kind of repulsive, and I don't know if I could vote for him if I lived in the US. But a former president should be judged mainly on his record. He recognized the Golan as part of Israel, moved the embassy to Jerusalem and actually did bring about the biggest peace deal in a generation.

Biden (and Obama before him) strengthen Iran. Moreover, the support the democrats seem to give the "woke" crowd is very scary from the middle east.

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As a Jew living in America, I want a leader to keep me and my people in Israel and in the US safe. I don’t care if he’s repulsive. As a body guard, I need a tough body guard, not a softie with manners. However, you have to remember that although Biden “supports” Israel, his administration in my opinion has been an extension of the Obama administration. And we all know Obama was and still is a huge anti Israel person.

President Bill Clinton was amazing for Israel. OSLO Accords were during his presidency. In the same breathe, he had sexual relations with an intern IN the White House and reportedly “likes them young” on Jeffrey Epstein’s island. But America loves the Clintons.

My point is, two things could be true at once. Trump may be “repulsive” but that orange man is the best thing that ever happened to Israel from the US standpoint. He was also incredible for black America with his prison reform. America was more self sufficient on oil when he was president. And most importantly he kept ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN CRIPPLED.

America was groomed to hate him based on the false documentation of “there are good people on both sides.” Never mind what he actually said was “with the EXCEPTION of the neo Nazi and the radicals, there are good people on both sides.”

Again, Jews and our allies. Is your hate for Trump greater than the love of your Children’s safety?

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After both my sons being on the front line for over 2 months in the north and south fighting Hizballah and Hamas respectively in Oct-Dec ,and both going back for a second round of miluim next month, my children's safety isn't up for snarky remarks.

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Many prayers for your sons.

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prayers to your sons....may G-d watch over them and protect them and may our IDF crush Hamas quickly. One Jewish mom to another, I can't imagine how you're feeling. I can't think your boys enough......endless hugs and prayers. Am Yisrael Chai!

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Wishing your sons a safe return.

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Do you think the support of the US is important to Israel's cause? If so, which candidate do you think more likely to do so?

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I think Israel will win with or without America's support. In fact, they have already won. But of course America should be supporting Israel. And Ukraine.

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No. Please. America does not love the Clintons. Some Americans who don't really know anything about the Clintons, or who ignore what they DO know about the Clintons, love them because the Clintons symbolize an idea to them.

Please don't put us all in that group. Me and mine literally use the word "Clinton" as the vilest insult we can apply. For example, my friend's boss is corrupt, narcissistic, rude, vengeful, and inappropriate. We call that boss a "Clinton." We are not alone.

As for the rest of your comment, well said. Orange Man is repulsive, but at least he knows an enemy from a friend.

All the best to you and your country.

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One of the Clinton's created Trump. And back when the odious Hillary was a little First Lady professing she was not standing by her man while she did exactly that, she was the FIRST nationally recognized politico I am.aware of to embrace the Palestinian cause. I literally did a whiplash when I heard it to make sure it was her. It was. I remember thinking, "[L]ady, you are not going to do well in a burka."

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IMNSHO, you misinterpreted Jennifer's post.

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well said!

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I don't know Trump personally so I don't know if he is repulsive, or at least any more repulsive than any other president. The mainstream media have done everything they can to destroy him but he just keeps coming back stronger. The intelligentsia hate him and the common folk love him. But just look at how our hallowed halls of academia have been exposed. It's Trump who we've been told is the antisemite. But now we see how deep the rot of antisemitism runs in our liberal colleges and our youth are being indoctrinated and nobody paid attention--they were too busy vilifying 'Orange Man Bad'. Trump did so much for Israel. There's a good chance if he'd been president instead of the puppet Biden, we wouldn't be in this dire situation, on the brink of WWIII.

I've written quite a bit on the topic but here's the latest about why it's so important we stand with Israel: Christians & Jews, United with Israel https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/christians-and-jews-united-with-israel

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I do not expect Biden to be the name on the ballot. Rather I expect he will garner the nomination (as the incumbent thereby avoiding a meaningful primary) then be replaced due to some crisis. Which means the DNC selects the replacement. So be calculating where the likely contenders will fall on support for Israel.

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And it rhymes with Grusome.

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I'm in California now. I truly hope you are wrong.

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All I know is, get ready for a wild ride leading up to the elections.

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Lynne - this seems like what will happen.

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I’ve been saying this for over a year. We will soon be watching it live...

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Trump with Kushner landed the Abraham Accord which Biden smashed - how’s that working for you?

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I am very happy with the Abraham Accord and not sure what your point is. Perhaps you state your response without sarcasm.

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10000% agree. But the left, the progressives and even the regular folk who hate Trump...it’s a religion.

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...and you still don’t know if you could vote for him?? What exactly do you want?

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I would vote for Trump with my eyes closed. That’s my point.

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It's wise to keep your eyes and ears open, there is a lot going on.

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Much of which is mis, mal-, and/or dis-information.

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What I saw on Jan 6 was scary. I didn't see Trump telling anyone to stop.

This is why I don't vote in the US even though I can. I care about Israel and would vote in the US accordingly.

I wouldn't want Israelis living abroad getting to vote here for parties/policies that would be able to send my sons to war while theirs are safe.

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What you saw was highly laundered to create a narrative. Trump told the people at his rally to march peacefully to the capital. He did not incite them. There were undercover FBI agents in the crowd doing that. Ever hear of Ray Epps?

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It’s not a coincidence they immediately started using the term “insurrection” and use it ad nauseam.

You would have to be blind to not see this was orchestrated to keep Trump from ever holding office again. Over 200 FBI agents in MAGA clothes, provoking the protestors who were too stupid to realize it. Denying National Guard assistance, withholding all the footage, Nancy’s camera crew.... I mean FFS how stupid are we?

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An insurrection where they forgot to bring weapons :)

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Trump created peace for Israel. Biden's weakness allowed that peace to shatter historically.

If you care about Israel there shouldn't be any debate.

What you saw of Jan 6 was a scripted show edited by ABC propagandists to portray Trump supporters as rebels. Reality politics is fake. Iran seeing that our military is destroying its finances and its patriotic spirit, that's not fake.

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Thank you for mansplaining Israel to an Israeli. In future please refrain from sarcastically saying to an Israeli: "if you care about Israel ..."

Now your turn: I don't think that shaman with the horns, who was convicted in a court of law, was edited by ABC propagandists.

And ABC propagandists didn't dictate Marjorie Taylor Greene's post “Vice Chairman of Rothschild Inc, international investment banking firm” may have used “space solar generators … beaming the sun[’]s energy back to Earth” to fire a “laser beam or light beam coming down to Earth” to “cause” the 2018 Camp Fire in California in order to manipulate the stock market and line the pockets of “Rothschild Inc,” “Solaren,” and Sen. Dianne “Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum.”.

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I am a woman.

That “shaman with the horns,” who in reality was an overly enthusiastic military veteran, was shown on a recently released video being politely given a tour of the building by a friendly Capital policeman. Both were smiling. The most violent action the condemned took that day was to say a prayer in the rotunda.

The January 6th “Event” was severely and purposely edited from moment one.

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Hi Roberta,

I voted for Rabin and supported the Oslo peace process even though now it looks very naive. I didn't vote for Sharon and yet supported leaving Gaza in 2005. I am observant of mizvot and yet do not agree with any of the current policies of all of religious parties in the Knesset. And now I support both doing nearly anything to bring back hostages and ending Hamas even thought we will probably have to choose between them. Frankly, I have heard conspiracy theories about Oct 7 that alternating between the left or the right cooperating with Hamas or the IDF killed the kids at the party.

I think it is fine to support Trump based on his policies (or at the very least the policies of the other party), not on his personality and to also admit that he has made mistakes, such as Jan 6.

The world is complicated and we are allowed to have a nuanced opinion or even have conflicting goals. Who you vote for is the sum total of the best of your knowledge at the time you vote.

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I wasn't sarcastic nor explaining, and I consider "mansplaining" a disgusting and sexist word.

I'm challenging you on the incongruity of you own stated position, in which you imply you'd choose war for Israel because a smiling guy with a horned helmet taking pictures with security guards is frightening to you.

ABC turned a trivial nut job into a terrifying symbol of violent fascist rebellion, and you bought the narrative.

MTG has nothing to do with any of this, but if you go off on her when I point out that Democrat rule literally means death for Israel, I just don't understand the conversation we are having. I say "Democrat rule will destroy your country" and you say, "yeah but MTG posts conspiracy theories".

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I would direct you to Trump's tweets on Jan 6. Here are two:

January 6, 2021

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

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Trump was slow to respond on Jan. 6, but eventually he did tell the rioters to "go home." Would he do that if he wanted an insurrection?

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“The support the democrats seem to give the ‘woke’ crowd” - SEEM??!!!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

Perhaps you haven’t seen what’s happening here on college campuses and in cities across the country. Democrat support for Israel is waning. They cater to who they feel will keep them in power and I see no evidence that isn’t what we see in those places. If military and financial support for Israel dries up, nobody’s sons and daughters will be able let alone need to fight. And then all of Israel loses.

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Please do not trust Biden. He is feckless. The US executive branch agencies are infiltrated with people who mean Israel harm. Personally I do not think Israel would be at war without the Biden administration's playing footsie with Iran.

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All that, Jennifer, and you still said "I don't know if I could vote for him if I lived in the US" - this is inconceivable to me.

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I 100% agree. As a Jewish American, Israel is now my only issue. I've become a single issue voter since 10/7 as the future of Israel is being threatened more now than ever in my lifetime. I personally can't stand either Trump or Biden. However, I can't vote Dem seeing how many are anti-Israel on that side. I know there's antisemitism on both sides of the political spectrum, but GOP supports Israel way more than Dems (polls clearly show this) and thus I have to back who will ensure Israel's right to exist. Biden can't condemn any of the vile antisemitism coming from "the squad". He refuses to stop the proHamas rallies raging in our cities and on our streets. He has not stood up harshly to condemn the antisemitism on college campuses. Obamas have said NOT ONE peep about the brutality women faced on 10/7 & hostages still face. Not one thing!!! Those who supposedly support women's rights, LGBTQ rights and DEI seem to actually be 100% against all of it. My biggest fear is Trump can't win and GOP is putting money on a losing bet. Nikki is by far the stronger candidate in the general. Yet, it seems more impt to GOP to stick it to the other side and risk losing (risk getting 4 more yrs w now a President Harris) versus going with someone who is a sure thing. It seems like insanity seeing as though they haven't won an election since 2016.....seems like it'd make more sense to get a conservative in the white house even if it isn't DJT than a dem for 4 more.....

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If you like Nikki Haley - why not just vote for Biden? Same circus - different clown.

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Trump was the most pro Israel president ever. The Jewish people (myself included), among many other groups, owe him a debt of gratitude. Biden is doing what all Dems do to Israel: talk a good game at first, then betray them. Imposing a “two state solution” is just that. Betrayal. The Democrat party are huge hypocrites, and are cowing to their “woke”, anti-Israel left wing just for votes. Disgusting. And dangerous.

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Trump is the best friend Israel could hope for and the best hope for Mideast and global security. Dems consistently embolden Iran. This isn't rocket surgery.

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Spot on. Unfortunately the Tucker Carlson Republicans are extremely naïve and myopic. They don't understand what will happen if America cases to be the leader of the free world.

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Biden has had supportive words for Israel but he's tied aid for its war effort to aid to Ukraine, resulting in a stalemate, and sent Secretary of State Blinken over to talk Bibi into a cease fire and a two-state solution. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem and negotiated the Abraham Accords. I believe Iran/Hamas held back on the type of attack carried out October 7 because they were afraid of what Trump might do.

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I didn’t vote for Trump the first time, but I did the second. I literally lol’d when I heard Charles C. W. Cooke a couple months ago say he wished Trump would fall down a well because I feel the same way. I cannot stand the man and I hate that he makes me laugh. I prayed and prayed that he would not run again. BUT I will vote for him this time too because Democrats screaming about Democracy in peril falls on deaf ears when the border is wide open and we have a media who thinks their job is to be activists for the Democrat party. Hello, Democrats, those two issues ARE a threat to democracy! The most important job of the POTUS is national security, and Biden and nearly every Democrat thinks having a wide open border is just great. It’s just insane.

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This is the one thing that baffled me more than anything.

When I was a child, the USA strongly believed that an objective media and a well educated voting base were essential for democracy.

Today, Democrats are completely comfortable with every media outlet being propaganda scripted by party leaders and packed with lies.

Why, Democrats? When did you change your minds? Why do you continue to support those people, knowing that propaganda kills democracies?

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Many understand that freedom and liberty are precious. Many others despise it, which is very odd. Some are old-school Democrats who refuse to acknowledge that the party has become anathema to its previous version. Some acknowledge this but simply can’t change their habit of voting for Democrats which is to say they most likely believe that Republicans are truly evil. Some resent America because they haven’t been rewarded financially for what they think they deserve. And some, typically young people, simply go along with the prevailing group-think driven by social and traditional media. They’ve had things so easy that they have no benchmark to be able to recognize how precious freedom and liberty are. Keeping the masses largely ignorant (education) and angry (media) serves the purpose of keeping the base loyal.

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On a positive note I heard that a pro-abortion (strong Dem support) rally yesterday was disrupted by pro-Arabs we now refer to as Palestinians protesters. Cracks?

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Democrats make them feel virtuous. It is as simple as that.

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When they quit teaching civics. Apparently we have a significant portion of the voting public that does not grasp how the three branches of government need to function. They do not begin to grasp that they vote for whichever candidate says he/she will throw them a scrap of their most highly prioritized issue - abortion, DIE, climate change, student loan forgiveness - without regard to the issues that matter - the economy, national security, strong alliances with other nations we can rely on, border integrity, fiscal integrity. You can live without abortion on demand. You can survive without student loan forgiveness. POC have the skills to thrive and prosper without DIE. Many, maybe none, of us will survive WWIII. Many of us, maybe most of us, will not survive an asymmetric assault over an open border. I read an article yesterday that the Mexican government is asking for a US investigation into why they are finding many, many US military grade weapons in the hands of the cartels. Cartels. Not cartel, so it is not a one-off. Remember Obama/Holder's gun-running op? I do not care what the re-imagine crowd says, 2+2=4. Our military may not have the wherewithal to defend the nation. And if it does it will be because of the old-school.warriors who have been in awhile. The new breed, at least the new breed of leadership has demonstrated no such skills. They cannot even organize an evacuation. Meantime we are all atwitter about the President. In a nation functioning as designed by the Constitution we would understand that the power we need is found in Congress.

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National security. I would say it three times, but then I would sound like a real estate agent.

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Because democrats turned into communists; throughout history, there are examples of how the overeducated but underexperienced have always clamored for more power.

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Have these media activists ever considered the fact that they’re hurting Democrats by being nothing but mouthpieces for the party? It’s human nature to push limits, to get away with as much as you can. Do they think Democrats don’t know that they can get away with much more bad behavior than Republicans? Don’t they realize that this could eventually lead to a scandal so bad that it could destroy the Democrat party?

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No. They don't think, they don't realize, and they don't know they are being propagandized. Such is the power of fear, self-righteousness, censorship and endless repetition of the same talking points. We're all susceptible to these things, but the Democrat media has it down to a fine art.

How else could so-called journalist Rachel Maddow convince Democrats that not airing Trump's speeches is the proper thing to do?

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It is worse than that. She says Trump supporters want fascism. She is calling for violence.

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It is not really the Dems though. They are too besotted to realize it is the career executive branch bureaucrats wielding power. If a strong Democrat who would not play ball surfaced, those bureaucrats would pivot to a weak Republican. Personally I think that is Haley's role. A six of one, half a dozen of the other thing.

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I’ve never voted for him but I will this year. Your points are exactly right.

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Indeed, my great grandparents all emigrated from eastern Europe before 1910. They all came on ships via legal emigration procedures.

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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here, since your comment only intersects with Sharon's on the subject of immigration. As tempting as it might be to equate your great-grandparents with the people surging over our southern border, as you noted yourself, they came legally; the current "emigrants" did not.

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Exactly, being against a "wide open border" is not being against legal immigration.

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But that is the way the Left frames this. They conflate immigration as one big thing that you must either favor or be against (which means you're a racist).

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Every time you hear someone say Trump is anti-immigrant laugh out loud and remind. him that his wife and mother of his child is an immigrant. As was the mother of his three eldest children. I do not want to see a shooting war. But it is a war of words and right is might.

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Consider RFK Jr , at least listen to him talk,, you will be surprised.

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The intelligentsia/privileged class will never understand Trump's appeal because they look down their noses at the "common man". As I write in my essay The Trouble with Trump https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-trouble-with-trump :

We can argue forever about whether or not Trump is a good guy or whether or not he is the right candidate for president—yet again— or whether or not we continue to have free elections, or if, indeed, we ever had them. But we can all agree that what Trump did do was rile people up. They started asking questions. Finding the courage to talk about things they had never considered important before. He made the common people believe that their voices mattered. And so those common folk in those lowly "fly-over-states" had to be demonized.

Articles such as this one in Wired, pushed the narrative by comparing the people they describe as white nationalists to “pathogens spread from host to host.” Here are some highlights:

Deplorables] are “strains” “move like viruses, are highly contagious, and replicate quickly and clumsily.”

They are like parasitic infections—like tapeworms.

Then there were articles like Newsweek’s Why Are White, Uneducated Voters Voting for Trump?

"There is a deep connection between education and a successful, well-run representative democracy.

Voters need significant education to be able to judge the people to whom they delegate the power to make governing decisions and to assess how their governing system is operating. Without adequate education generally and specifically about representative democracy, the system itself is at risk."

Oh, the arrogance! Well, we're now seeing the downfall of our most hallowed halls of education and it isn't pretty.

The privileged always make the mistake of underestimating the working class, the "salt-of-the-earth' folk and dismissing them as irrelevant. But Trump didn't. And the more the establishment persecutes Trump, the more the People see themselves in him.

And still, the upper classes scratch their heads in confusion and dismay. They just don't get it.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. There is one thing, notice how the ruling class resemble over the top indulged spoilt brats. They were denied something once & have been having an endless tantrum ever since.

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Yes. And, this is going on all over the world. People tried to separate themselves with money and land, which they are desperately trying to hold. Now it’s education and technology, which AI will soon wrest from us. Supremacy is the fight we are all fighting, but the wrong way. Elitism will soon be dead.

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Get ready for a wild ride, the closer we get to elections.

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Yes, it sure will. I look forward to reading your article.

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Voters need significant education to be able to judge the people to whom they delegate the power to make governing decisions and to assess how their governing system is operating. Without adequate education generally and specifically about representative democracy, the system itself is at risk."

So wait, are they saying those poor POC that can't get ID and can't vote because of "racist" voting policies shouldn't be able to vote anyway?

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It is not the POC that concern me. But after seeing first hand the youth vote stoked by Robert Francis O'Rourke with Soros and Sam Bankman-Fried money (mommy runs the PAC and she is still free, the bribery cases have been dropped) to Vote Blue No Matter Who I am thinking voter literacy exams could be justified.

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I agree. I just think it's funny that these are the same people complaining about poor uneducated people being "unable" to vote, when they are the very people they seem to be complaining about in this statement.

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Good point.

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I think there will be violence against Trump supporters. The opposition is ginned up to the extreme and emotional people do not make good decisions.

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Well said. I think they think they will replace the common man with machines to do their bidding/labor. I find proof of this in the green energy thing - there is not, and never will be enough electricity to furnish a population of 8 billion people reliant on green energy.

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Yep. I am fascinated by this topic. Humans have become the commodity, the mice in the petri dish, a vast global experiment. A race to see who can collect the most DNA. As far as energy, we are becoming the energy to feed the Vast Machine. "How your DNA is being used against you" https://khmezek.substack.com/p/how-your-dna-is-being-used-against. Also, why the elites are so obsessed with proving who is human and who isn't, within the virtual world. "MASTER vs MACHINE: Human DNA is the Ultimate Prize" https://khmezek.substack.com/p/master-vs-machine-human-dna-is-the

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Aww crap. Little ole Luddite me probably doesn't need to see that. JK. Thanks.

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As a Luddite you're way ahead of the game. 💪😂

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We had four years of Trump and none of the breathless fears of the elites came true. In fact, the opposite was true - America was prosperous and at peace. The chaos came from the elites and their collusion lies and then their insane reaction to the bioweapon launched by their funding source - the Chinese Communist Party. Isn't it time to grow up and stop listening to a word they say? They are insane children. Take back America. Trump 2024.

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That's something they never seem to notice. They kept screaming about "literally Hitler," but Trump didn't do any of the dictatorial things they claimed. And now they're tooting that same horn again. How delusional must one be to believe that?

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Trump, by saying that he'll be a dictator for a day, isn't helping his cause. Isn't there someone who can tell him that the media will twist everything he says and just maybe, he should think before he opens his mouth? Also his Mein Kamph quotes don't help. He really is his own worst enemy.

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Listen to the interview in context with Hannity. It's not at all what the media claims he said. Just like he never told people to inject bleach.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

I see them more along the lines of this comment about Hillary's purloined e-mails and asking the Russians what they did with them. Vintage sarcastic Noo Yawk humor. Much of the country doesn't get it. And, of course, the witless leftist Newsies screeched that the comment meant Trump was in bed with Putin. Morons.

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That twisting is on the media though. Let's assign the blame where it belongs.

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Yep. Trump is very pro Israel and paid for his daughter's Orthodox Jewish wedding to Jared Kushner. That was not only a lie, but a ludicrous one. Adding the misused qualifier "literally" did not help.

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We've seen since Oct7 that the whole "Nazi" thing was pure projection on the part of the Left.

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“The percentage of voters who see immigration as the biggest issue facing the nation has jumped seven points in one month to 35 percent.”

Only 35%?? What are the other 65% of Americans doing? Where have they been? Off coyoting??

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The main stream media has been sitting on this issue like a fat lady hiding a bag of potato chips.

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Maybe “we in the know”, and not MSM followers, have an obligation to talk about it more, and not just to our like-minded and also “in the know” friends and family? (Myself included)

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I think that is the key. It is a war of words. Just never say anything you cannot prove. Facts, just facts. Right is might.

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Inflation and the economy are pretty big issues as well. Not that that's any comfort if you're a Biden voter.

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There are two economys in the US; the economy of the economists who see the nation as doing well, and the economy of the people, who go to the grocery store and see their dollars buying less.

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I agree. The wage numbers are hiding that the upper end is raking it in hand over fist and the lower ends are struggling to stay afloat. So when someone says wages ate goung up, ask whose? And a significant number of new jobs are in the government sector. So much for job growth.

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And the numbers (2 million admitted ) in the article are not right.

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The question "why" is just stunning after all this. My turn: WHY was it ok the swing states were shut down in the middle of the night to suspend counting in 2020 and you thought it was ok? WHY did the country endure months of looting and burning in 2020 only to see a few hours on January 6th called an insurrection - an insurrection that people forgot to bring weapons to? WHY did it take red state governors sending illegals to the northern city before Biden's border invasion got any coverage?

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The Canadian version of the Supreme Court issuing a ruling that Trudeau acted in violation of their constitution, at this point in time, is a big middle finger to the Canadian public. Lives have been ruined and Trudeau got away with his undemocratic and extremely harsh methods of crushing a popular and peaceful political demonstration. The court should have immediately issued an injunction against the Trudeau administration during the crackdown, and this ruling is far too late and ineffectual at restoring democracy in Canada. The message is that the Canadian government can do whatever it wants without restraint, constitution be damned, and any remedy will occur in the distant future.

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It's never too late, perhaps it's a start. There needs to be a lot of civil suits filed immediately against Trudeau and the government for damages incurred by the truckers. Keep fighting and get Trudeau our of there, along with Freeland. Don't give up!

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Couldn't agree more with most of your comment, however, the case(s) have not yet reached the Canadian version of the US Supreme Court,,,,,in all likelihood they will but for now they have been adjudicated at a lower level,,,but that's certainly a step in the right direction !

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True, plus I do not think it is a final opinion anyway. If there is an option to appeal it is not.

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Barbie was the worst movie I saw last year. Just a really convulted, nonsensical plot with weird pacing. Plus it was about as subtle with its feminist message as a hit on the head. Margot potentially should have gotten a nomination but the screenplay got a nomination? Really?

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My dear, sensitive wife, who is not very political, watched it with our grand-daughter and commented that the movie was too political for her sensibilities. That comment alone convinced me to NOT watch it!

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Thank God. I thought it was just me, blinded by the patriarchy.

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It has no plot 🤪😹

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We don't need no stinkin' plot! We have a narrative to push

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If there was an award for marketing a movie, Barbie would win that 20 times over. For anything else it was bland. Acting was fine. Story was meh. It wasn’t a GREAT movie. But it seems like it was because there was so much hype, so much marketing. The world was painted pink before the movie came out. Then it all died down because it wasn’t about the movie. It was about the nostalgia and how iconic Barbie is.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I honestly couldn’t tell if the Barbie movie was trying to be political (in a woke sense) or if it was poking fun at it all (I certainly hope it was.) Nonetheless, it was a pretty lame movie. The fact that BOTH Barbie and Oppenheimer (which I heard was waaay drawn out, uninteresting and bad) are up for awards feels a bit like our upcoming presidential election; Neither options are great.

It’s funny (but mostly pitiful) that in both American politics and culture, our forerunners are not even, imo, mediocre, but rather sad excuses in their respective domaines.

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Tucker interviewed Rand Paul, who is actively disparaging Never Nicki. He explains his revusion for her. She is the embodiment of the part of the R and D parties who think wars are good because it keeps the military industrial complex busy and profiting. She thinks pushing NATO into countries like Ukraine and Georgia is fine, who cares what Russia thinks? Never mind that forever wars haven’t worked for America, just indebted us trillions.

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She lost me after saying we have to cut social security, but need to give more to Ukraine.

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She didn't say she was in favor of cutting SS for existing seniors. It must be for today's labor force.

SS has to be reformed and she has the guts to admit it.

It's ok not to like her. It's not ok to twist her message and create a lie.

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I didn't twist anything. She wants to cut social security for future generations while increasing spending on foreign warmongering. I liked her up until she revealed her foreign policy.

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You didn't say "for future generations"......big omission, don't you think?

Doesn't SS need to be adjusted for future generations?

(I don't think she ever used the word cut. If she did, please provide evidence)

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Not really, I clarified my comment so I don't know why you are harping on this. Social security does need reform, I recognize that. I don't agree on raising the retirement age for younger Americans as she suggested.

This is more about her spending more on foreign wars and funding trillions for the military industrial complex.

She lost me and many of her supporters with her foreign policy. The establishment is interested in spending more on wars. She proved herself to be part of the elite establishment, rather than for struggling Americans.

Younger generations are overall struggling more than Boomers. Nikki Haley wants to cut future social security for my kids while throwing them into WWIII. No thanks.

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I agree with you about Haley and your overall point about social security. It is a Ponzi scheme and if it is not okay for you or I to run one I do not endorse a government one either. Initially it was just intended as a pension fund not a means of support. But the federal government overpromised and expanded the program well beyond a simple pension plan. So SS recipients totally dependent on it are no different than welfare mothers totally dependent on their monthly check. They have fallen victim to the same empty promises and prostrate themselves at the same altar of government largesse. So the pension part needs to be honored but the rest needs (mostly medicare) needs to be revisited. And the life expectancy has greatly increased since 1935 so yes the age of retirement must be raised. Kids born now are expected to have life expectancies in excess of 110 years. So the retirement age will have to be increased. As for Boomers this one came of age in the Carter years. Gas wars. Rampant inflation. Mortgage rates as high as 18% and none lower than 6 or so. Minimum wage was $2.35 an hour. It was hard and scary. What I learned was resilience, not to embrace debt, and not to embrace government fixes. I have done okay.

So Boomers are not the problem. The problem is the unrealistic wants and needs of young people starting with a never ending supply of electricity to run their never ending supply of gadgets to replace their never ending supply of items disposed to keep up with the latest trend. We have accepted the corporate gambit of planned obsolecence. Have you ever paused to consider that 100 -125 years ago people did not have power bills? Phone bills? Car payments? Mortgages for McMansions? If you love your kids teach them that less is more, how to grow a tomatoes, how to use a needle and thread, how to cook. Teach them.that they are capable. Teach them.that they are strong and resilient and do not need government for much.

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You did not clarify your comment by omitting "for future generations"

Take it as constructive criticism and move on.

SS must be adjusted, which means there will either be higher taxes or reduced benefits, or both. There's no escaping it....your children, mine, everyone's.

Give her credit for addressing it while others are too afraid to.

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Rand Paul voted against a bill condemning Hamas. He’s done for me. Byeeeee

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He did? Wow. That's disappointing.

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Before you condemn him for voting against ANYTHING, you must first examine other items in the bill. Many times they're loaded with pork he votes against.......then the opposition will twist his vote to meet their narrative.

Wise up my friend....this has been going on for eons.

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A bill condemning hamas...what good does that do, except to streamline the list for funding war-mongers' reelection campaigns?

Who you gonna vote for when he comes-up for re-election? Oh right, you don't even live in KY, you just want to make a lame point. You know what F israel and F hamas. We have our own problems and alot of them are people who think the US is their cash cow.

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I disagree. We need a stable Israel if we're ever going to have a whisper of ME peace

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No to Nicki!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

I love him. I wish he would run.

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Texas put up razor wire to secure the border from the invasion of millions of military age men. The Supreme Court said that was illegal and the Federal government was in charge. That Federal Government started tearing diwn that border that same day. What more visible proof does one need to see that the Federal government is actively attacking and harming it own towns, cities and citizens? The Biden Administration is run by people that hate the citizens of the US, and laws, like border security, are ignored and trampled.

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If I search the vast reaches of my mind for an analogy for the behaviors of Rachel Maddow and her compatriots I am rewarded.

Imagine small children huddled in a corner of a dark room telling one another, "There are monsters." Further imagine that verbalized terrors escalate to the point that the children are screaming and running around in the dark.

The darkness represents the ignorance of Rachel Maddow and her friends. If they genuinely got to know Maga people and even Mr. Trump, they might like them.



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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

To this day it boggles the mind knowing that Maddow went to Stanford and I think Oxford too. She would have done better as a person had she gone to plumbing school. But financially she read the Progressive environment right as she is scooping up $30 million annually working part time.

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Plato’s Cave

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So the Republicans are picking a psychotic, lying narcissist who lost in 2020 to be their standard bearer in 2024.

What could go wrong?

2028 can’t come soon enough, politically speaking.

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You seem like a smart guy, but I have to say it is a bit of a head scratcher to see comments like this. They’re not picking Trump the man, they’re picking what Trump represents. A giant fucking wrecking ball. The establishment GOP leadership does not support Trump, they just want the power that a Trump win gives them. They’d get behind a broomstick if they could get the same result that Trump gives them in holding on to power.

It’s the exact same reason on the other side of the aisle they line up behind Biden.....a literal Alzheimer’s patient with access to the nuclear football.

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Exactly. I dislike Trump and everything about the man. I will vote for him with gusto this year. He is a lying narcissist but he’s the only lying narcissist on offer who stands a chance to slow our descent.

Politics sucks but sometimes the outcome needs to be the most important thing.

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Look into RFK Jr. Don't listen to what mainstream says, hear him talk you will be surprised.

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OK, but he has NO chance of winning.

In your lifetime you get only about 15 turns to vote for a president.

Why would you throw it away, especially knowing it winds up helping one of the two you didn't vote for? Surely you're smarter than this? Maybe?

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I get your point and I personally agree but everybody should get to vote as they see fit. People said the same thing about Ross Perot. But he got enough votes to send a message to the Republican Party. That may actually be what kept them from going off the other side of the same cliff the Dems have. I want a viable two-party system. Today's Dems want power forever with a nonviable opponent. I do not want people like Kyra to switch sides (although I would welcome her vote this go round). I want her, and people like her, to attend Democrat precinct meetings, state conventions and the national convention to make their voices heard and take their effing party back. The way genuine conservatives have and are doing in the Republican party. That is Trump's legacy I think. He made us understand the possibilities.

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Duly noted....thanks. But before Democrats take back their party, they must first decide what their party stands for. The old guard Democrats used to speak up for the working class, underprivileged, elderly & poor. Guess what? They've accomplished those missions.

Now they're a party trying to solve problems that don't exist.

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If people just cannot stand Trump, I hope they will vote for Kennedy. Better than Biden.

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Right on point!

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Democrats have their own psychotic, lying, grifter with lots of ‘Hunter baggage’ to boot. Meet you at the ballot box with your fistful of mail-in ballots.

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That’s a juvenile comment. I’m not voting for either Biden or Trump. They are both unfit.

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Good. Keep your hands clean by all means.

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"What could go wrong?" For whom?

I suppose if you are loaded up on war-mongering stocks or simply have a hillary-bolton level hardon for killing people, plenty could go wrong. If you are operating a human and drug smuggling operation over the border, things may go wrong for you. If you make your living telling people they are racists and that they need to repent for things they didn't do, things may go wrong for you. If you are a globalist scare-monger trying to rape the US and flood it with illegals in some f'ed version of already-failed flight to opportunity fetish, things could go wrong for you. If you're a DC autocrat, unelected asshat making rules for people you have no idea of the consequences of, things may go wrong for you...there are plenty of people for whom Trump II could be wrong. Those people all deserve what they have coming.

For the rest of us, way more right than wrong will come. Prepare yourself, junior.

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I see we are taking the Kool Aid intravenously now, gig?

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If your going to make a serius point, it would helpful if you'd stop the cliches and attempeted insults.

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Aren't you leaving?

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You have nothing. That is why you reply as you do. What are you a Swarthmore sophomore? Millenial? What?

Bring us something worth discussing or STFU, kthx.

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"Voters give Biden a 32 percent favorability rating on immigration—an all-time low. "

Proof positive that 32 percent of America is retarded.

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The Bell Curve never fails to deliver.

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That really did make me laugh out loud. Thanks.

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Democrats in NH told you are nothing and your primary is against Slow Joe and the DNC. We insulted you and the Lemmings still wrote in Slow Joe for a win. Can’t fix stupid.

Yeah Trump will be the guy but can’t win. Why? Wait until the election and all the dead rise up to have their ballots harvested. Ancestors and illegals unite to stop the Orange Man.

As for movies, just don’t care about we love each other award shows. How many do we need?

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An honest election has to be created between now and November. It can't be fixed after the fact.

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deletedJan 24
Comment deleted
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Why would they fix it? Does it serve their interests to have elections with integrity? Once people doubt the integrity and legitimacy of elections, they just stop voting and the pre-designated candidates are installed. Banana republic 101.

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I have confidence in mine. It is the other states that worry me.

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I don’t think so. Rumor has it Michelle Obama will be stepping in for Biden in the summer...thoughts? I think America will run to the polls for her. Tell be obsessed w “first female president” they’ll take it a step farther and say “first black female president”

Never mind she stands behind a man who HATES ISRAEL. Voted against the Iron Dome funding, created Iran’s Nuclear Deal, supports and endorses UNWRA (the same agency that is behind the 10/7 attack on Israel).

I think she’s a disaster. However, in this day and age, if Taylor Swift ran for president, she would be able to beat Trump. We live in a time where Pop culture and emotion “trumps all”

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“For the first time in my life, I’m proud of my country”. Michelle Obama, commenting on the nomination of Barack. Nothing before that made her proud of America. Nothing?

No, I think there’s too much baggage there, bitter, entitled, groaning about how hard it was being first ho, oops, sorry, lady, jetting around with family in tow on the taxpayer’s dime. Lots of photos of her scowling face and slovenly dressed style.

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She's not a disaster to the left. I was adab (assigned democrat at birth) and was red-pilled in the last two years. My former people would jizz their lululemon leggings to vote for Michelle. They would refuse to look at the facts just like we did when Obama ran. I never in a million years would think I'd vote for trump at this point. I cried when he won in 2016. Now though, the veil has lifted and the R lever I will pull. More lefties need to wake the fuck up to the propaganda and hypocrisy they've been chugging.


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You tell it Mrs. Miller!

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The lululemon thing is priceless.

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I've been disappointed in the outcome of some elections, but crying? Really?

BTW, please clean up your language. Not very fitting for a woman, or man.

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Clean up your judgments, your numbers. What kind of screen name is that. Not fit for a human. It's my party and I'll cry, laugh, curse and stomp if I want to and you can fuck off if you don't like it.

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I hope you’re right. It’s not about Michelle as much as it is about the voters and their romantic visions of leaders.

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I'm not convinced the replacement will be Michelle. She's not the slick speaker that her husband is. I'm still betting that Newsom will be the DNC's pick.

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ICBW but I think she has a pretty big skeleton in her closet.

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I think the biggest skeleton in her closet is that she hates the U.S. I don't think she is willing to be its leader.

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I agree MB hates the US. But why then not take the mantle and deliver the kill shot? They do not want the physical nation destroyed, just the ideaology that built it.

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I agree with those who say she's too lazy.

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What will they do with Kamala who will not go quietly ?

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Supreme Court. Lifetime appointment. Right up her alley.

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Or a reserected Howdy Doody. Any puppet will do.

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