May 15, 2023Liked by Olivia Reingold

The energy from these kids comes through in your writing. Lovely.

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These kids are triple A personalities. They are driven.

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I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked! What? No participation trophies?

That is downright cruel.

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Slavery was considered a moral institution for thousands of years but it didn't make it right same with participation trophies.

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1. Again with the slavery. Can we keep it contemporary please.

2. Existence of "participation trophies" is overblown nonsense. Not a major cultural/social issue.


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Two things and I will try and not answer you again. You are just too disgusting.

1. You are a hypocrite. You say keep it contemporary yet you post and article that goes back to WW I and in the past you brought up Barry Gold water and how GIs were discouraged to using the GI Bill after WW II and Korea.

I guess to a hypocrite such as yourself, it is alright to go back in time to make a point but not anyone else.

2. According to the UN 50 million people today are slaves. All of your pals in Islamic nations still practice slavery. Is that contemporary enough for a ignoramus hypocrite such as yourself?

It beggars belief that you really are a college professor. Please tell us what school you teach at so we can all tell people not to go there. I bet it is Ignoramus U. the school for the not so bright.

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We see before us the empowered child, protected, nurtured, secure within itself, displaying a sense of personal wholeness, initiative and agency. Why is there a war on this? And, who is waging it?

The conscious attempt to connect to and live in balance with the living force informing the fact of human existence. Community. Myth and culture. History. Belief in the value of education and intelligence. Love of country. Wisdom and the fight against chaos. Self-sacrifice. Hard work. These are values that define Jews and Christians. In fact, all peoples. Principals the American Constitutional Republic was founded upon. Why is the American landscape a shattered mirror? Who does the destruction of truth speakers and the lives of worthy men and women serve? From whence this darkness surrounding us?

Perhaps truth, fact and subscription journalism are the kindling for a small fire that can begin to light this darkness. Good news and the light of love falling on the child's face the beginning of hope.

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It is so uplifting to read this in the midst of gender dysphoria, canonization of criminals, cancellation culture, etc. Kids like this ( and the boy who saved his little sister from a would-be abductor with his slingshot) give me hope that all is not lost.

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I had to look that one up. Great story. We had Wham-o slingshots as kids and they were nasty weapons. Smart, brave and resourceful kid saved his little sister.

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Do you have a link to the slingshot story?

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King David strikes again.

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These youth seem to have lots of passion about this! And it seems to be self driven, not parent driven! I'd much rather my child be having fun with something like this than spending hours on their phone trying to be an influence!

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It’s of course an amazing personally achievement to study and know the Bible here. Also, so am personally familiar with this, there’s a prestige and honor that comes with it too, it’s got to do with the values these kids are surrounded by.

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Gasp......getting ahead by studying and working hard and actually being tested with the winners being determined by objective results.

Who knew?

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Hard work are dirty words to the left. How can you be a victim if you work hard and succeed?

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Isn't it funny that the teachers unions are the ones who claim to be so liberal but oppose any reforms to allow schools where minority (mostly black) kids are free to work hard and succeed?

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Yes. Privatizing/school vouchers are the answer.

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I'm stunned. Stunned, do you hear me! Something we can agree on. Instead of a snarky remark, you actually made sense.

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Yep. I am all for my tax dollars going to send kids to religious schools. Which is why I'm opening a Madrassa.

And we can all rest assured this is by no means an effort to completely eliminate public education, so that only those with certain level of income can get their kids educated.

Of course, we can rest confident in the fact that, as American history has shown us, all families will recieve the exact same stipend, regardless of neighborhood, background, etc. ;)

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If public schools are so great how come hypocrite Democrat Presidents and Democrat congress members send their kids to private school but deny this the unwashed common riffraff?


I eagerly await you cogent, on point, in depth response. So, put your broom and mop down and respond.

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At long last we agree on something.

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and homeschool. private schools and charters are/are turning woke too. its critical for parental involvement at this point.

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What is "woke?"

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Marxist "woke" is the political front funded by the globalist DNC/CCP/WEF juggernaut. It is employing police state, surveillance, psyop tactics developed by Stalin and Mao to create chaos and disintegration within the American landscape. Intended as a means of destroying Western culture and values, it originated a half century ago as an economic war to limit the political/financial success of the American-middle class, suppress wages and destroy unions. Its primary tactic today is the distortion of idea's, the suppression of speech and, to quote AOC, "de-platforming works". Key moves have been the exploitation of toxic feminism (now the D.E.I. commissariat) to create division by sex and race, the gutting of the American industrial base, the open looting of the American economy and the capture and subversion of American education. It is succeeding in Europe as witnessed by the open arrest of citizen's for thought and speech crimes, illegal seizures of farm land and laws to restrict free movement. It is a fascist operation that fully intends to install a one world serfdom governed by a financial totalitarian oligarchy. Only the American citizen and the Constitution stand in its way.

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According to the Merriam Webster, it is a word that was co-opted by the progressive movement from black culture to define "aware and progressive." It gained popularity during the rise of BLM. It's now moving towards the definition of ".... a way to describe people who would rather silence their critics than listen to them." Words change meaning all the time. Just look at the definition of vaccine before 2020 to what's it at today (after 50 years of staying the same). Hence, you see many use the term to describe people or institutions who have a radical leftist ideology. It's been discussed plenty of times on this website, on Bari's podcast, especially in relation to cancel culture.

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As you know Bruce, I don't call the left liberal because they aren't liberal. They are fascist.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

You're right. I need to remember that. Old habits die hard. They are totalitarian in thought and deed. And by ceding them control over language we err greatly.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Olivia Reingold, Suzy Weiss

I had no idea a contest like this exists. A great piece, so cheerfully written. Thank you for this, Olivia.

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“I learned that I could learn on my own,” she says, as a line of people gather waiting to congratulate her. “I learned that I have the potential to do so much more than I ever imagined.”

That’s it in a nutshell.

Thanks, Olivia, for bringing us such interesting stories that I may never have known about otherwise.

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I am so surprised and pleased to see the Chidon HaTanach covered by TFP! A young man from our local day school was first runner-up a few years back, and we were all incredibly proud of him. How refreshing it is to read about these smart, serious young people who value their religious heritage so highly.

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Look at these kids, and then compare Israel by any measure of human progress to any of its neighbours, indeed to any nation on this planet, and the reason is obvious. But an orthodontist becoming prime minister? Never again would the plague of National Health teeth afflict the Chosen! There will never be an Israeli Austin Powers!

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Moses tripped and shattered the third stone tablet, on which was written, "Thou Shalt Have Straight Teeth, and, also, Floss."

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May 15, 2023Liked by Olivia Reingold

Really great read. Thank you for revealing this gem.

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As a long time Chidon HaTanach/Hebrew Bible Quiz participant (Canadian nationals and Israel internationals in the 90s and 2000s), it was amazing to wake up to this article! I can safely say, 20+ years on, that this experience has impacted my life in so many ways. Many of the friendships I formed on the competition are still alive and well today (and continue to be full of Bible conversation), and the lessons of working hard, the importance of fierce but friendly competition, and my deep knowledge and love for the Tanach/Bible are all skills and messages that Chidon has given me. Thank you Olivia for bringing back wonderful memories of my childhood!

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

If you understand even a little Hebrew, watch the international youth chidon from this past April 26 (I'm sure it's on youtube). Mainly in order to see kids of a very different type.

Yes, the two finalists this year were two Israeli girls. Except you feel that young women is a much more appropriate description than "girls." Both are 17. Both, under tremendous pressure - this is national television in Israel! - look serene, both young and mature. Their demeanor conveys poise, modesty (not just because of their dress), generosity (watch them embrace, when one edges out the other by two points to take first place). Tanakh is only one aspect of an entire lifestyle. At the same time you realize that both are extremely smart and extremely ambitious, or they wouldn't be here. This is surely not the only intellectual olympics they are engaged in. A model of human being one hopes one's children might develop into.

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Ah yes, let me indulge in one more moment. The eventual winner is asked, "What is the first occasion that Joseph [as with Joseph and his brothers] wept?" She has 60 seconds. She puts her hand to her mouth, steps back from the microphone, stares at the ground, and you realize with a shock that she is running the ENTIRE second half of the Book of Genesis through her mind, just as if she were Google. (This was the one question she got wrong the entire day).

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May 15, 2023Liked by Olivia Reingold

GREAT feature, TFP. Feels like I haven't been exposed to this kind of reporting in a long time.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Olivia Reingold

This as such an enjoyable piece to read.

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Great article. Glad to see some exceptional young people talked about for once, instead of the constant drone of complaining about lazy, spoiled, materialistic young teens living on a "smart" phone. Good show Olivia.

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You said it! Sure, there's the lazy jagoff kids, but there were always lazy jagoff kids. Most kids, like most adults, are pretty good people.

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They absolutely are. I discovered through out the course of my career that the bad ones travel in packs and the good ones travel in their packs. Likes to likes you know.

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Good for them!! I used to involved in AWANAS which is heavy on Bible memorization. I am a strong advocate for TEACHING the Bible in public schools for historical and literary reasons

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

It is difficult to understand classic literature's references without a knowledge of Greek mythology and the Bible. It isn't going to happen in an educational enviroment filled with "dead white men" mania.

I am a strong advocate of parents recognizing that they are the tailors of their child's education and it is up to them to take a one-size-fits-all education (which means it is not well suited to most) and make it fit their child by stitching in books and other resources into their child's educatiom.

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"I am a strong advocate of teaching the Bible in public schools for historical and literary reasons."

I'm sympathetic to the notion, Madjack, but can't go there, for several reasons:

1. Which Bible? Torah, Christian, Koran, Mormon, Jainist, or something else? The arguing over which Bible shall be deemed historically accurate and therefore worth studying would make the Abortion Wars tame in comparison. Even Christians can't agree on which Bible is "correct and true"--King James, Catholic, Mormon, something else.

2. Anything worthiness that can be abused, will be abused, and at the earliest possible moment. As soon as schools get permission to teach the Bible for "historical and literary reasons," some will use that opportunity to inform the kiddos that Jesus Is Lord and You Best Remember That, Christ Killer . . . er, I mean, Young Master Goldstein. My grade school science teacher was a sparkly-eyed fundamentalist and once spent an entire period bellowing about The Christ and You're Going to Burn and Etc. He was reprimanded (but not fired) not for proselytizing, but for failing to teach science that period.

3. Schools are overloaded enough with teaching mandates. It doesn't need another--better to concentrate on reading, writing, civics, and learning how to spot scams and frauds.

4. All that said, teaching world religion as history and literature is a good idea, because modern civilization's roots are deep in it. But families can do it on their own time and own dime---it's not like there's a shortages of religious institutions happy to step up to the task.

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To understand Western Culture/ history/ literature you must have a working knowledge of the Bible. Old and New Testament. If you wished to study and understand Saudi Arabia you could not ignore the Koran.

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I agree, but I don't trust some schools to not use that opportunity to preach the Gospel to captive audiences. The temptation is just too great. That's why I want Bible taught as history and literature, but only privately.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

My state has a "release time" option during the school day. With a parent's permission, the student can leave campus for one period (usually just once a week), participate in religious education, and then come back. Transportation and the religious instruction are provided by a local church.

My understanding is that this is becoming more formalized through an organization called LifeWise Academy, started by a former Ohio State football player.

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This was my experience in the 1960s!

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This makes a great deal of sense. Pleased to see somebody's on the ball!

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What a delightful story! Thank you! You go, kids! I’m on my third time through the Christian Bible (not hard when you’ve got a good Bible-in-a-year calendar). It is epic in every sense of the word.

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Oooo, Bible in a year calendar. What a good idea! Need to try that.

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BlueletterBible.org has an app with several calendars. I highly recommend it!

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