
As a woman, I am continually flabbergasted by this administration’s policies against women. Title IX is a bedrock for us, for student athletes. They do not care for us or represent us.

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If I had boys, I would not send them to a school filled with left wing idiots. They would go State schools in a conservative State.

This is a cliche, but how is it that left wing people break everything they touch, then lie and call it progress? Adulthood is in part about owning mistakes. It is about sincerity. It is about improving the mind, and improving the world. Why does this never happen once this zombifying virus takes hold? Thereafter it is roughly equal measures BS, patronizing moralistic postures, and steady decay in everything.

Trump is innocent with respect to all the charges in all of his trials. The current one in New York, as I understand it, is about campaign finance violations. The FEC already looked at it and found no wrong doing. The whole thing is a cooked up fraud that should embarass any lawyers still capable of embarassment.

And lets not forget that Hillary operated a server that itself was illegal, that plainly was intended to avoid compliance with the Federal Records Act (for the seemingly obvious reason that she was conducting illegal transactions), then deleted 40,000 emails, ran Bleechbit on her servers, and physically smashed both her hard drives and cell phones, to make any investigation impossible. This AFTER all this was subpoenaed by Congress.

If you do not understand that we have a two tiered system of "justice"--which really amounts to two tiers of injustice, in which one set of people is not charged for things they did do, and another IS charged for things they did not do--then all I can say is I assume you are wrong about nearly everything in your personal life too. I pity those around you, because you are out of touch with the currents of Life itself. None of this is complicated.

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A brand new 300 sq ft dwelling is beneath the dignity of someone currently sleeping in a tent under a bridge? Cool.

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Will the insanity never stop? We actually know how to take care of the homeless, educate children, foster a more peaceful world, create wealth here, build cultural strength, etc. For some reason unknown to me, we have allowed a bunch of smug, uninformed, petulant children to hijack multiple issues and solutions on a variety of topics. From Greta Whatever on climate to the California progressives to the pro Arab State Department contingent to the Trans women’s right destroyers and more, they are pushing us into multiple disasters.

Who the f-ck are these people and why do we put up with them?

My answer is to vote for the Democratic policies that created a successful world. The policies of Truman, JFK and Bill Clinton.

Of course right now those policies reside in the Trump wing of the R party. What Trump policy would not have been supported by any D up until 2008?

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Let's see, CA led by hair gel has spent between 88 and 128 billion on a high speed train and has squat so far and still needs more money. LA just passed some homeless housing construction projected to end up at a million per tiny unit. $1.7 million projected for a public toilet in SF. Who the hell even believes CA is a state that has any ability to solve any problems and their only answer is to throw money at an issue and then have a party in the high rent district to celebrate what great caring people they are. Meanwhile the taxpayer struggles more everyday and the politicians cronies get richer from these bullshit projects that are always over cost and behind schedule. The idiots that keep voting the progressives back into office deserve everything that has and will continue to happen to them. Again, You can't fix STUPID!

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Imagine the perspective of young men in college today. You can be verbally accused and be severely punished with zero recourse even if it is a lie. And if you’re a female athlete you can be (essentially) sexually harassed, lose events and be humiliated by a man and you too can be expelled for speech about that. Sounds like a war on college kids to me.

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“If we don’t get no justice, then they don’t get no peace.”

Apparently the ability to use functional grammar is not a requirement for acceptance into Columbia.

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‘Uncharacteristically for the Trump administration, her effort was thorough…’. Really, Free Press, really?! What a well written article factually laying out the most recent changes to Title 9 with a brief synopsis of its history, and then that dig of opinion looms larger than the story. Please keep opinion out of pieces so the reader can take in the substance of the piece without any bias from the author. It ruins the morning reading experience.

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There will come a moment - and we may already have reached it - when ordinary people who are trying to simply care for their families and do their jobs will no longer tolerate being shamed, hectored, patronized, and sneered at. Their would-be re-educators will then be met with horse laughs and the diminution of their career prospects.

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Since these are universities we're talking about, why don't they tell students that they can protest all they want if they can pass a simple test on the history of the Middle East, the history between Israel and Hamas, the history of this particular conflict, and the nature of counter-insurrection warfare in an existential situation?

I'd like to think that there would be a lot fewer protestors. But I'm afraid that's an overly optimistic view.

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Interesting that Google wants politics out of work only now, and not before it couldn't draw an accurate Nazi

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I cannot speak to the housing policies of West Hollywood, only to say after a peak income of about $160,000 a year as a lawyer, I had to cross any form of Hollywood off my affordability list. I don't think the answer is to force someone with a 5 million listing to accept $700 monthly payments from me.

In other parts of America, that begat the GRANTS PASS case argued Monday and the BOISE vs. McDonalds case the issue is NOT "NIMBYISM" or the desire to make poor people just get out of site.

Those 9th Circuit decisions have said that even an offer of a clean, safe bed and a meal is inadequate if the recipient doesn't like any of the provisions put on it ; like, "no guns, no drugs, no pit bulls." Many homeless have profound mental illness and substance abuse issues and claim that can't "be fenced in." Others demand the right to a "low barrier shelter" meaning the organizers shouldn't' be able to check for guns, knives and weapons.

I have volunteered running all night homeless shelters and while there certainly exists a real need, a significant part of the loudest are young men with no apparent physical disability, but very sure in their "right" to wave guns around, smoke fentanyl, harass women, or disregard whatever minor safety rules a shelter might have.

The justices suggesting the "campers" were ""taxpayers" looking for a place to go "stargazing" are delusional (supreme court justices used those very those words in quotes, during the argument Monday).

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If California fell into the Pacific tomorrow, we would not miss it.

So tired of selfish me me narrative.

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Columbia should have a mandatory semester abroad in rural Afghanistan, Yemen, and Sudan. That would enable all the protesters and the sympathetic professors and administrators to live their truth in very real terms.

PS Kawaler-Weiss 2028.

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All those students protesting to demand divestment elected to attend Columbia knowing that it has investments with Israel. Why did they not select to go to a university that has already divested or never had any involvement with Israel? Seems a little hypocritical to me.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

You can’t cite Bill Kristol as evidence that the anti-Trump circlejerk includes people from “both sides of the aisle.” Neocons were never really “cons,” and when his Weekly Standard failed, Kristol took left-wing money to run an anti-Trump site. A true conservative would not support this administration which is drowning us in spending, debt, and wars (it’s the wars that Trump wasn’t giving Kristol).

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