The New York Times is incapable of reform. It is a sign of civilizational collapse that the most powerful news source in the West is so utterly corrupt.

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Source of a great new comedy series - The New York Whines. A press room filled with arrested adolescents utterly devoid of objectivity whose only mission is to out-virtue signal each other with acts that would make the judges at the Salem Witch Trials blush. Keep waiting for the announcement that the company has been purchased by Pravda or Tass. But, in the end, who cares? As long as they don’t mess with Wordle.

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They are Pravda. Instead of the commie USSR, they are the stooges and scribes of the commie dnc. What doesn’t serve the narrative is not reported.

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The parallels of present day America with the Soviet Union are endless. Beginning with a sclerotic, clownish leader (Biden as Chernenko), to the Times as Pravda, to the Justice Department run by a dwarfish Beria, to the FBI aping the KGB, to the establishment of a Ministry of Truth...it's all just too chillingly, albeit often comically, familiar. And will inevitably lead to a fall unless reversed in 2024.

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Not comically. Tragically

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The parallels with Mao-era China are also endless.

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Lenin called entities like the NYT "useful idiots".

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Best reply ever!😀

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Maybe an Arab prince will buy them out and keep all the staff who are proHamas. Oh wait, most of them probably "identify as queer and nonbinary."

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Sandra Pinches — That’s not a problem: they’re “Queers for Palestine“. What could possibly go wrong.

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I wish I could live long enough to be a fly on the wall when something does.

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Best reply ever!😀

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I think the only people who consider the New York Times "the most powerful news source" are journalists and New Yorkers. The rest of the country could not care less about the NYT.

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Oh no...there are many, many people, the die-hard lefties and the head-in-the sand libs who don't want to believe what the PRO-crime democRAT party has become, that still subscribe to the NYT.

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Oh my God, I’m sitting in my 93 year old mother’s living room, having coffee with her and my sister as they slavishly read the NYT and vent about Trump, a mile up the road from Mar-a-Lago…. At least the maid is legal,I’m pretty sure…

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I wish you weren't right, but you are. I knew many of these thoroughly propagandized leftists in Seattle and now I am getting to know their counterparts here in northern Virginia. They choose to believe the New York Times and the Washington Post rather than the reality in front of them or easily grasped through even casual analysis or reflection.

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If you're from Seattle, you might recall CM (and former gossip columnist at the ST), Jean Godden? She made a comment in a local story I read recently about the decline in the number of print newspapers but how she still subscribes to the NYT. More than 85% of the money donated from these so-called journalists goes to (D) causes so for Jean and her ilk, they just continue to support her confirmation bias.

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I do remember Jean Godden. Just read that she's 92 now--I will not wait for a piece from her admitting that she's been wrong about everything.

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I agree with you in some respects but be careful not to make the same mistake they do… dehumanizing the other side with generalizations and name-calling.

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Those are two separate things, de-humanizing and generalizations, though right?

The generalization is that everyone on the left supports these crazy idiotic policies? At the least, they don't apply critical thinking skills and look at the expected outcomes of illegal immigration, legalizing drugs, defunding the police and blindly goes along with the gaslighting from pols, academia and the media.

The dehumanization is something altogether different and I don't see anyone on the right doing this. Using abortion as an example, the Democratic party, as recently as the 90's, used to believe "safe, legal and rare". There was common agreement on at least "rare". Now the leftists' slogan is "at any time, without apology". With the exceedingly rare exception of the mother's health, third trimester abortions are EVIL. As is the gaslighting described that Hamas doesn't use rape as weapon and would wipe Israel off the map - "from the river to the sea, Gaza will be free".

The left is comprised of useful idiots that either don't or won't care to see what their party has become. As are the supposed peaceful Muslims who cheered after 9/11 and don't want Israel to exist.

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Again, I totally agree their ideas are largely inane and ridiculous, but I’m just saying attack the ideas not the person. AKA using words like idiots and RAT. Don’t give others any reason to dismiss what you’re saying because you resort to name calling.

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M Palmer — The Times determines what stories ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC will treat as news. And what stories the censors at Facebook, Google, Instagram, and Youtube will suppress.

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I have never understood why people cared so much about the NYT. Unless they are from NYC and want to keep thinking that it matters. Most newspapers are dying, and calling them "news sources" isn't going to save them.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

It's self- inflicted. The only cure is firing. The maddening capitulation to "staff" --the Times became DEI incarnate- or "students" must end. Forget deleting a post. That's peanuts. Employees using a news operation as an activist platform must be fired. Students who disrupt and politicize virtually every aspect of campus life ruin it for everyone else and need to be expelled.

They are not because we're back to the same equation:intersectionals are more important than anyone else, and the country itself.

Corporations, colleges and news outlets are still actively recruiting activists who take control. From a business or academic perspective, let alone the larger ethical issue, it's bad news because you are cherry-picking from a faction, out of a massive national population. You're employing and recruiting members of only this faction to run an entire country, much of which disagrees with them. This isn't neuroscience.They got their mitts on the nation's largest newspaper through biased hiring, with the owners' invitation. I wonder how it feels, in a line of stewards, to be the father and son to wreck an institution.

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I’ve read your comment a few times. I think about this often and wonder how this iteration of Marxism has grabbed so much power so quickly We must reject loudly their insults that we are intolerant racists when in fact it is only they who are both those things. We were saying live and let live but they are intent on ramming their freakish ideas and behaviors down everyone else’s throats by indoctrinating our kids, destroying the family structure, co-opting language, denying truth , reality and science with nothing to replace it with but” destroy the patriarchy and all oppressors, as defined by us, and sex one is born with is meaningless”. They are oppressors and censors . They must be defeated as they have no intention of stopping. The war is heating up.

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You are correct on all points. When I have been called a racist (and I have for non-agreement) I respond with “I prefer Blue Eyed Devil.” It really annoys people.

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You nailed it!

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You'd think companies would do a better job on screening for disruptive personalities: it's not like these people hide their activism either online or in their communications (pronouns on their resumes or LinkedIn profiles is a huge tipoff).

Then again, human resources departments are full of these people, so they recruit their own.

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They purposely recruit DEI followers. Prospective employees or students are in effect compelled to take a DEI oath, which is unconstitutional, and to show what they've done for DEI and what they will do for it. They also screen social media for any problematic behavior such as questioning pronouns. There is no neglect here, it is very deliberate.

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In the case of the NY Times and most likely the Washington Post, it is most certainly deliberate.

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And to be clear, this isn't just any "activism," as in clean air or clean water or civil rights. This is a zero-sum authoritarian ideology that targets and discriminates against certain populations, prevents speech - see the vaunted "staff" attempts to kill the report on rape atrocities by Hamas-- and aggragates all power to itself.

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Very good attitude. Fire them. It won't be enough as the owners hired them. But when you have a tiger by the tail... you're in deep shit.

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“It’s self- inflicted”


Thank you! I love that and will use it with my NYT reading friends.

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And let's not forget that it's faithful fans still describe it as middle of the road. I think that's the road filled with good intentions.

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And bottomless potholes….

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Middle of the road doesn’t exist any longer.

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Reminds me of that “Not My Job” meme, with the freshly painted passing lane lines painted over a squashed possum

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Publishing that BS story/expose definitely didn't help.

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America has dropped out of the top 20 in happiness and yet Israel remains at number 5. Ok she dropped 1 space due to war. The question is what do those at the top have in common? These countries are either very homogenous or have a national mission. The US is neither. We can't agree on anything except that everything sucks.

We don't like our candidates for president, the cost of everything is ridiculous (however in every one of these top happiness countries their cost of living is much much higher than the US), and even though there are supposedly jobs, those jobs don't lead to starting a future. We see no hope and progress.

The reality is that we have our heads so far up TikTok (well any social media actually) that nothing normal is good anymore. We seem entitled to live in mansions, drive ferraris or Bentleys and go to Lake Como every summer, but do not have the means to achieve these goals. Truth of the matter, is that in these happier countries they have good priorities. They understand what is most important in life and they live it. Family (either the one you were born into or the one you made yourself), food, entertainment, good conversation (which no one seems to be able to do anymore) just living life and enjoying what you have. Americans complain that this generation will not be better off than their parents. Well sorry, but there is peak living standard. Once you reach that there really is no place to go. It really isn't important to have the new iPhone every year(again priorities).

Studies find that those who volunteer or give of themselves to others are actually the happiest. Maybe that is what we have lost in the US, community, caring and respect for others.

What they do in Scotland-It is not so much as laying in bed under the covers, as taking the time to relax, layback and go slow. The constant rushing of modernity takes it toll. It could also be why Americans are not that happy. Take a Sunday, stay in bed, or laze around reading the paper and doing the crossword. Sometimes you just need to stop...

And lastly, I am really tired of hearing about the Sussexs. I did care once upon a time. I was very happy for them when they got married. Joy is a terrific and an often forgotten part of life. But I have lost patience with such overly indulged people who do nothing but complain. Ok so she has another venture. Good luck to her.

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In what seems like more than a lifetime ago, before the China Virus and before the institutions of American life appointed the plagiarizing, lying, corrupt, racist and increasingly incompetent hair sniffer as president, times in the US were pretty damn good.

FWIW, my son graduated HS in 2019 and has been working for Amazon for the past couple of years maintaining the robots at one of their hubs. He moved from Seattle to FL for a promotion - 22 yrs old, $75K/yr and zero college debt. The jobs and a good life are out there; just not in areas that are strangling their economy through over regulation (of business, the under regulation of drug users, criminals, illegals and other "quality of life issues" is another rant for these liberal shitholes).

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From what I understand the growth is all in Florida, Texas and Georgia. That’s where the young people are moving. I am certain that they are not the unhappy ones in the country.

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Lots of voting machines to maintain in GA… 😆

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But what if you don’t want to move or can’t?

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Life is not going to be handed to you on a silver platter.

That said, I *couldn't* leave WA until my kids turned 18 and the parenting plan I had with my ex became moot. Sometimes you need to live with the consequences of your actions.

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That is the point. Not everyone can go where there are the good paying jobs. Not everyone also has the money to move. The truth of the matter is that it shouldn’t be so hard. I am older than you it sounds like and I remember when things were never this difficult.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

It was not that long ago that things were never this difficult. And for point of clarification, I'd offer that anyone CAN go where there are good paying jobs; nobody, except their personal decisions are stopping them, not you, not me, not the government. They just might not have the intestinal fortitude to do so. That's not to say I'm not sympathetic to someone who bought a house and started a career in Seattle when it was still a nice, albeit liberal, city but is now having to deal with leftist policies that have turned it into a shithole. Yes, it shouldn't be this hard, but elections have consequences (if you trust them, with 100% mail in voting, I don't).

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I think the point is not necessarily moving to get better paying jobs but to figure out how to build a life that accepts conditions (to a certain degree - not saying to drop everything and go live in a tent on a sidewalk in SF) and find satisfaction instead of slavishly pursuing more and more. I make a third of what I used to make in the city, but I own a nice little house in the boonies. I know exactly how blessed and lucky I am, but my wife and my daughter occupy every square inch of every thought and intention in my life.

We each have a daily mission in my house that we say to each other when we walk out the door in the morning, “The Big Ten”: “How will I make myself and the world better, today?”

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Someone (Mark Levine?) once said - imagine a squirrel who can't find any nuts. Does he stay there and hope, or does he move and find some?

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"I was very happy for them when they got married."

So was I. I thought they were both dingbats, but dingbats can be happy together and not do anyone any harm. I also thought that being an actress was ideal preparation for a role in the British royalty: focus on appearance and fashion, lots of boring waiting around, and then a turn on camera ... rinse, repeat.

It's too bad it didn't work out. I hope that anyone who buys Ms. Markle's decor stuff likes it.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

You've laid out a good summary but are missing one thing. We used to be a happy Judeo-Christian country whose citizenry had a love for God and understood his immense mercy, grace, compassion and love. We've become a self-centered, self-loving (with a self-loathing cycle), ego maniacal people. There's nothing to be gained from that. And that leads to Meghan Markle. Oliver's piece is hilarious, starting with the statement that Meghan Markle is back doing what she does best....selling herself. Imagine if she spent more time doing what is expected of the royals---working for others. Just a thought.

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One of the best comments I've read in a while. The American drive for "bigger and better" is a huge part of our cultural identity and has created the best standard of living in human history, but the downside is happening now when not as many people can afford to access it.

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As I wrote lots of jobs but not jobs that provide a future. Either the cost of living is out of control or we have shipped the life sustaining jobs overseas. Maybe both

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Indeed. It is reminiscent of the state of affairs in an early Vonnegut book called Player Piano, in which automation replaces increasingly skilled labor and the engineers who invent the automation are the only ones left with meaningful work. Everyone else is off to either the Army or the "reeks and wrecks," who perform make work in exchange for basic sustenance.

We have done this with automation, done it again with the outsourcing of jobs (and negative externalities), and are about to do it yet again with AI. It will be interesting (perhaps in the ancient curse sense of the word) to see how the intellectual-sector workers, who are going to get their first real taste of this, will react. One wonders whether they will have a bit more empathy for the deplorables, or indeed, whether they will become deplorables themselves.

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It is the result of modern economic theory. Suggest to an economist the concept of satisfaction with what you have ot that enough is enough and watch the fear in their eyes shortly before their head explodes. It is a perversion of capitalism I think.

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There is a paradox at the heart of capitalism (in terms of its being the golden goose of The Good Life)....You can't live well with it and can't live well without it. I know of no solution to this paradox.

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And humility.

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I think the problem. Could be described as rampant capitalism - more, more, more!!!!! I think advertising/marketing have always been somewhat problematic but the stuff done now is pretty incredible psychological/

psychosocial manipulation.

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Service jobs. Next stop plantation jobs.

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Unfortunately not everyone can have bigger and better and this idea permeates everything including homes, cars, job position, neighborhood, designer clothes etc. AND young people's expectations today are unreasonable in what it actually takes to get there. When is it enough? The pressure is always there for more.

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I was going to write something similar, but you said it all much better. The young are so unhappy because they're sooooo involved with self...unwilling or unable to help another person. They could probably find more happiness by engaging in service to others!

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Not my 21 and 23 year old children! They are very happy. They limit social media (no TikTok and only Insta for one of the them and FB for the other) and they have God at the center of their lives. Their happiness comes from a kind of selflessness that has been developed over time through service to others from elementary to high school to college. I hope they always have God at their core and service in their heart.

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You make my point! They're happy because they're selfless and have done service and continue to do so! Same with my kids and grandkids. I too hope mine continue to have "God at their core and service in their heart."

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With a parent like you, they will.

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Very well-stated perspectives, thanks. I'm with you on taking some time to relax. Telling the person hitting the snooze button to get up and get on with their day (i.e., get your ass to work) reminds me of an obnoxious Cadillac Super Bowl commercial some years back. It featured some appropriately go-getting assclown walking through his beautiful big home, and by the pool, extolling the virtues of America--HARD WORK! Unlike those pansies in Europe with their 3-week vacations, we get our 2 weeks--maybe--and we like it. And because we're such successful, rich assholes, we drive Cadillacs.

I have a theory on why Israel is higher on happiness than we are. They take better care of their citizens. Their citizens have a higher standard of living than at least half of Americans. But we should immediately send them another $14 billion because they need it more than we do.

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What these other countries have is strong social safety nets. Healthcare, childcare, national service agencies and senior care. Healthcare and childcare alone eliminate daily stress significantly and permit people to focus on quality of living.

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How much are we paying for their national defense?

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Actually these nations are lowering their huge social safety net because they can’t afford it any longer with the influx of migrants- except Iceland which doesn’t allow for immigration really. But then again there are only 350,000 Icelanders so it’s not so hard to provide. And contrary to common thought Israel may have lower healthcare costs for their premiums but it is not national healthcare. Other than that they pay for everything childcare and senior care out of their own pockets.

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And the war doesn’t actually make things easy on them.

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If you are talking about the Nordic countries, those are small, homogenous cultures which, until recently, did not see immigration from third world countries. Now that they have more immigrants than they can handle they are rethinking some of their safety net policies.

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Elon should be celebrated for inspiring so many young ones in his companies and many startups where meritocracy rules. The achievements in many fields are remarkable!

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‘Sussex Goop’ - absolutely golden

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I was absolutely cackling at the entire thing. This was my favorite: "The self-exiled princess’s new initiative is called American Riviera Orchard, which sounds like an address given by an immigrant to a taxi driver, asking to be taken to paradise." Just ask Harry, the immigrant!

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*Harkle Goop. It’s silly to call them Sussex, given that they chose to leave behind the light duties associated with their title. More importantly, it’s an American trademark based in America, where royal titles are outlawed in the Constitution.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

That is the most maddening thing about those two whiners: they made a spectacle of themselves rejecting their responsibilities as “working royals,” but demand every perk and privilege. Compare Merkle’s behavior with that of Princess Anne.

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All of the perks, none of the responsibilities. The definition of entitlement. The cognitive dissonance must give their supporters a migraine.

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Their supporters are fans, and diehard fans aren't given to thinking.

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Germany's far right... The new 'label' Lefties throw out there...

What is 'far right'? People that KNOW there are only two genders? People who KNOW that Letisha James just went full communist in seizing her political opponents' property in violation of several constitutional violations she took an oath to support? People who know that Demonrats are pro-crime and call them out for it while they arm up to defend themselves because the government now supports criminals?

Somebody help me here with the Left's 'definition'.

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That is exactly what I thought when I saw it. Whenever I see that term these days I generally ignore it. People that were once seen as peacenik hippies can end up with the Far Right label. Its just what people say to shut people down.

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Agreed. Was at a party recently with a couple teacher buddies and they brought it up. I asked them what 'far right' means and they waffled. Pretty embarrassing, but good that People are waking up.

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Well, guess I’ll have to comment here since you began almost just as I would.

When did a national Identity become bad. When did not wanting hordes of non-Germans, non-French, non-⁉️become a bad thing such that those who recognize what they’ve got and wish to preserve are to be denigrated? You notice none of our invaders are stopping in Mexico, etc., or nations closer to home — no, it’s push on to nations where the national ethos is a far cry from what the invaders offer nor what they wish to assimilate to.

According to these nabobs I’m "far right" and for a spell I wore that label proudly - kind of humorously, more as a sharp stick in the name callers’ eyes. But then I got to noticing: does the appellation "far left" ever get bandied about? 🧐 Ya’know, you dig just a bit into what "far right" is suppose to mean and it’s a bit of nonsense gas. The idea being that as far right I’m allied with, hmm, Hitler⁉️Well, in the scheme of all things political Hitler was just one variation of the left which includes Lenin, communism, fascism and the goober from Italy, Pol-Pot, Xi in China, etc. AND DEMOCRATS.

Me?, I’m a constitutional Conservative, I’m allied with our founders who gave us a democratic Republic (IF WE CAN KEEP IT), who for the most part were Christian men&women who made room for all (most) faiths to enjoy - if they could integrate into our national ethos. They recognized we’re fallible and that we were given a way to amend our Constitution to better for changing needs. Those who would call me far right, AND President Washington, T Jefferson, Betsy Ross, have used that ability to amend to rend asunder rather than attempt "more perfect."

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Yep. I consider myself a Civic Nationalist.

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That may need some unpacking, defining 😉.

Interesting: "civics," been on my mind of late. Is that even discussed, taught in schools? I had a civics class back in the 60s - it may have been a decent foundation, if I could remember any of it, but my understanding of civics is what’s formed over the last couple few decades. I believe my son had a little instruction on the matter, but he went to a private school, Christian education, which would’a been more conservative in scope from the government schools, even here.

I’d push for civics to be taught today but sometimes you’ve got to be careful what you wish for.

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Far right is literally anything a lefty doesn't approve of. The term "far right" is the new scarlet letter.

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Right. And the farmer revolts in Germany and 20+ EU countries are about their livelihood and lives. Censorship around this issue is so so scary.

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Great writing about the essential emptiness of Megan Markle. Who knows, her Orchard Goop might sell. There might be enough gullibles in the US willing to pay to get some of the Duchess’s emptiness.

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Once American Riviera Orchard goes tits up, Markle will undoubtably start screeching about being an oppressed black woman living the most racist nation on the planet. Then it'll be off to the next grift.

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Imagine how this "business" would really take off if AOC loses her seat and the dynamic dimwitted duo were to team up to save not just democracy but the planet itself

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Biden will stop sniffing hair before AOC loses that seat.

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Your comment should be posted on billboards throughout the country. Absolutely perfect comment.

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Appreciate that. When I saw your comment i thought it might be from camilla!

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Might be enough gullibles?? I say there is no question about it!! :)

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Ya but she was hot in Suits. She peaked too early.

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Loved her in suits

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I don't want the govt. telling me what I can and can't eat. If I want to eat dead cows, I will, if I want to plant-based meat substitutes, I will. I understand that they are telling me what I can and can't buy, and it amounts to the same thing as what I can and can't eat. Republicans are making it really difficult to vote for them.

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Your point isn't lost on me, but look outside of your hula-hoop for a minute. Consider all of all the places that don't get to make that choice. Hospitals, schools, retirement homes, low income kitchens etc. These places will definitely make the choice to serve artificial foods if there are not protections in place. Bill Gates is neck deep in this movement as he's funded Upside Foods and Good Meat which both recently received USDA approval. Don't think for a minute he's not going to wield huge influence on where these "foods" get adopted and distributed.

Also, just like the COVID vax, there are no long term studies on potential downside of these "foods" & recently UC Davis scientists found lab-grown or cultivated meat is likely worse for the climate than traditional beef production.

I can think of a bunch of reasons not to vote Republican, but this ain't gonna make my top 10.

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Read the ingredients label of "Beyond Meat" and ask yourself how healthy that might be.

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Frankenfood. Terrible for you.

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Is there anything on the planet more processed?

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I'd nominate the garbage "protein" bars which are like candy laced with that poison, sucralose.

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Oh yes. Veered away from.those too.

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Agree completely. Conservatives are supposed to value freedom. If you don't want it, don't buy it.

If they really cared about health issues (never mind animal cruelty), they would ban factory farmed meat, which is full of hormones and dangerous bacteria.

But these politicians don't. They just want to be the authoritarian scolds telling "the libs" what to do while collecting donations from lobbyists.

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I'd rather they banned govt. interference in people's lives. If the meat is labeled, Factory Farmed, and the hormones and chemicals are listed on the package, those who don't want it won't buy it, and those who can't afford organically farmed meat will buy it. Everybody has to eat and it's not the govts. job to tell them what and what not to eat. It is the govts. job to tell people what's in their food. Of course, that would severly reduce their lobbying money. Oink, oink.

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In a perfect world the market would rule. But we do not live in a perfect world. I eschew this crap. I do not knowingly buy it. I pay top dollar for grass fed (not fimished) born, raised and harvested in the USA. My concern for myself is that I may be getting bad information. Do you think the only misinformation provided under the guise of combating misinformation is political? And Mt concern for others is they may have not have the choices I do. Humans need protein to thrive.

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The more accurate information and consumer choices we have, the better. Politically motivated regulations get in the way of both.

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“If you don’t want it, don’t buy it”

Agree. Buy and eat what you want, but for me, fake meat is the equivalent of a blow up doll

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Yes, BUT - as I said above this is very much like libs in NYC banning soft drinks...With obesity and diabetes as the real pandemic, costing us all a ton of money, I actually support these common sense bans. Sorry not sorry. Same with cigarettes - WTF actually. I just watched my mom die DIRECTLY because of her addiction to cigarettes which is more addictive than heroin. I support people's right to kill themselves with whatever they want but healthcare costs affect all of us and that I am done with.

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Welcome to the slippery slope. Almost everything we do has some risk to it. Where do we draw the line at what we allow and what we don't? Mandate exercise? Us fat people make your healthcare cost more. Take away fat, salt, sugar, motorcycles, rock climbing, sunbathing, etc? You can find someone who died of almost anything. So how do we decide when we need to say that no one can do a thing?

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We can keep the government from paying for (via food stamps) unhealthy food and we can restrict the availability of it literally everywhere (I.e. soda in schools). Of course there is a slippery slope however I believe obesity and diabetes is the #1 issue causing healthcare to rise. I also happen to think that our food is poisoning us. This I do not blame overweight people for at all, but the USDA recommended food pyramid, combined with overly processed food, the emphasis on carbs, etc. is what is contributing to this massively. So some of this, I’ve actually come to believe is no fault of people who are overweight. However, there are common sense measures we can take, including what I mentioned above.

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Except we do not know what is causing obesity and diabetes to rise. Saying it is unhealthy diet is like saying the sky is blue, it is just an observation not an explanation for why the sky is blue. And obesity and diabetes are modern phenomena arising in the age of more regulation, not less. Personally I think shielding people from.the consequences of their actions is foolhardy. It creates people incapable of reason. And I also think the modern health business of health by algorithm is foolhardy and an abysmal.failure.

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I don’t know how you can claim to not know why diabetes is on the rise. Type 2 diabetes can be managed with diet…when the government is recommending foods like processed cereals and claiming they are healthier for you than red meat, then we have a problem. So do you think we shouldn’t wear seatbelts? Stop criminalizing DUI? I agree it can be a slippery slope when regulating things and I don’t like telling people what to do but when it harms everyone else (like drunk driving) I think the government has to take steps for the greater good.

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deletedMar 21
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I agree with your main point though, don't ban it. Don't want it? Don't buy it then.

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are you distinguishing between vegan burgers made of eg, pea flour, and meat created from culturing animal cells? Totally different things.

I don’t understand how people can be hysterical about GMOs but then fine with eating a tissue culture.

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And also if they get rid of farmers and cows and the fake crap is cheap, choice is gone for many.

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Have you seen the footage on how it is made to look like steak? It is shown.in such a pristine environment but I have lived long enough to recognize idealized when I see it. Soylent green here we come.

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I agree. Unless they have evidence that it is dangerous, I don't like the idea that they won't let me buy it. However, I am also aware that both sides have their bits of suck. And this is WAY low down on that totem pole. I care more about not going to prison for using the wrong words than I care about being able to buy meat I know nothing about and probably don't want to be the guinea pig for anyway.

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I don't know Sghoul. Could all that other shite be the left hand distracting the populace from tthe right hand financing a reliance on soylent green? For people like AOC who thinks meat comes from the grocery store it will be no harm, no foul.

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Wouldn't put it past them. I can totally see a world where they push this grown meat on us, knowing there are issues with it). But if they can make it cheap, it will supplant real meat for all but the rich. So us plebes will have the garbage and they will get the real stuff.

But, until there is data that shows something, I don't agree with making it illegal. Wanna make them have to call it something other than meant? Maybe. Make them put huge labels so everyone knows it is fake meat? Possibly. But taking it away as an option without giving good reasons aside from "maybe it is bad" is not enough of a reason to remove freedom as far as I am concerned.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I fully acknowledge my lack of objectivity here, but I have no faith that the government can ascertain reliable data or not to distribute it. At least not at this point. And please look at some of the information already available on lab-grown meat.

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Sadly, I also don't trust the government to tell me if something is not good. That is why I would rather have the freedom to research myself and decide. What if I do look at the data and decide it is worth the risk for me or I don't even see risk? It won't matter because the choice has been taken away.

To me, this is an example of where the Right is willing to do the same things the Left does, but in this case it is something they agree with.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

I agree with that. It worked for years too. But we saw how the governmentnt censored Covid data, for example. We know this administration censors political.data. What makes you think.they don"t/won't do the same regarding the food supply?

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I agree. When Republicans start acting like Democrats this country is finished. Oh wait! It’s already happened. Never mind.

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The government has endless rules about the food you can purchase and consume. Much of it is designed to keep consumers safe. Your Republican criticism is misplaced.

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Your Democrat ignorance is showing. How are those government safety protocols working? Answer they do not until tainted products make it through, people get sick, then there is a recall. In large part because of the revolving door between the inspectors and the inspected. Which renders the notion of protection of consumers a fairy tale.

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Are these "lab meat" evangelists the same ones who melted down over GMOs?

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They are the same that protested for free speech that now support the government telling people what they can and cannot say.

We have a word for that: "Hypocrites!"

I know where this synthetic meat thing is coming from. It is the same for attempting to push everyone to electric and batter power. Most people don't see it.

Wall Street has to keep gaining returns. So what happens when the markets are saturated? You have to create new markets. And if you have power to push consumer trends and government policy, you can pre-bet on those market changes.

Bill Gates purchased millions of acres of farmland and invested through his Wall Street holdings in synthetic meat. The elite globalist corporatist cabal powered by Wall Street and the billionaire boys club, that own controlling interest in the media and most large corporations, push the climate crisis scam that meat is bad and thus synthetic meat is the new trend. They are doing the same with EVs and solar and wind turbines, etc.

They push the scam after pre-betting on these market changes that they are attempting to ram down our throats.

It is all about money. It is always about money. Money for the elites, and nothing for anyone else.

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That's right..follow the money...and power.

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Some not all. Markets seek to drive out competition via these laws and markets often have the money to get their way. So the public safety food pie is a very mixed bag. But fake meat. Um. No.

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Lab grown meat is not plant based. It is meat procured from embryos and grown in vats filled in a slurry of heaven knows what. Then when that process is complete it is processed by equipment to resemble the real thing. The skullduggery in the fish and seafood industry is going to be holding this industry's beer. I am thinking a clue will be lack of bones.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

Oh my gosh.....that visual is 🤮!

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Herr Schwab vants you to eet ze bucks......

Now obey!!!

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Remember NYC banning sodas? Republicans are hardly alone as overlords. I actually agree with this though - as much as I value personal freedom. Overconsumption of things like soda and chips, processed foods with huge amounts of sugar, etc. is the reason we have rampant obesity and diabetes which is crushing our medical system and costing all of us real $$. This meat stuff is laden with crap and who knows the health effects.

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A little self control is a long lost art these days

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Can't you order it from anywhere and have it delivered to your (Florida) home if you want it?

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It would have to be kept refrigerated. I don't know what the Fl. laws are or will be regarding that. I think that the cost would be prohibitive. If you lived in NW Fl. you could drive to Alabama, or Georgia and buy it, if they have it. Hardly seems worth the expense. There are a myriad of plant protein sources if you don't want to eat dead animals.

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deletedMar 21
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Some is, some isn't. For me the difference lies in the taste. I don't like the taste of lab-grown meat and every brand tastes similiar. I haven't seen studies comparing the nutritional content of lab meat to animal meat and can't address that.

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

The NYT is a disgrace, not getting out of bed is something, Megan Markle, fake meat.

You continue to refuse to report on the larger and more deeply concerning failures of the Biden administration and their repeated efforts to undermine every American, our laws and the very fundamental standards of our constitution. "Common Sense" and a commitment to journalism should obligate you to report on the ugliest and most unpleasant truths you seem to be willing to ignore. We are at a tipping point in our current politics and I am fearful that the cliff is quickly approaching.

Joe Biden has been accused of the highest form of corruption. If the dots are impossible for TFP to figure out after yesterday's testimony from Tony Bobulinski stating that "Joe Biden was the brand being sold.", TFP is indeed just another news source unwilling to face the fact that Biden is in fact a Manchurian candidate!

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The major unreported story of the Biden regime is the amount of new regulations it has promulgated, from all government agencies from the SEC to the FTC to the EPA to the...ad nauseum, (see Brian's comment above about a new "office" at the EPA) even the supposedly independent banking regulators. The regulations will be enforced by existing and new bureaucracies whose major incentives will be preservation of their own power over all of us, while they strangle the economy and suppress American freedom and innovation. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for any future president, if he or she is even so disposed, to reverse this bureaucratic bloat.

But hey, Megan Markle!

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Yes!! Just wait until the government outlaws cash and forces a required central digital cryto currency on everyone. Heavy regulations are nothing more than government control over everything! The tentacles of our government cabal are terrifying in how far and deep they go. We will all go down because the idiots don't get it. Wake. The. Fuck. Up!

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

As I said down below, you can take the FP out of the NYT, but you can’t take the NYT out if the Free Press.

They all come from the same training grounds of the elitist journalism schools where every graduate just wants to make the world a better place. Turns out that can’t save them from mass layoffs.

And now both the fish wraps of Gannett (USA Today fame) and McClatchy have jettisoned the AP. So likely they’ll be layoffs there as well.

As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

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Isn't the abomination of this administration important enough? Everything it has touched has turned to shit. The repercussions are being felt by everyone and fake meat will save no one.

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Of course it is. But it doesn’t serve the dnc narrative that’s so important to places like the NYT. And to elitist journo majors like Wiseman. Because while the FP is trying to forge a new path, journos like wiseman who live in the DC area aren’t going to go too far out and become so ickily conservative. Their friends might reject them.

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Yes, get too far out of line and the government will happily censor you if not completely use its authority to crush you. And no one seems to care...the government cabal counts on the feeble-minded and compliant to continue full steam ahead without any interference whatsoever.

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This is because The Free Press is really The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Party. TFP is not too deeply interested in looking at the rot because even the most casual observer could pinpoint all the places where their previous cheerleading for left-wing idiocy has become a reality... and the reality is not good.

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It's a slow process.

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The Supreme Court just had hearings on the 1st amendment case and the free press ignores it to bring us drivel about Meghan Markle!!!! WTF is this.

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I keep hoping they are just not wanting to step on Matt and Michael's toes. Those guys are really digging into free speech stuff.

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Yes, hello, TFP, anyone paying attention?

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RIGHT? It’s almost as if they want their readers to go to other sources for real news and here for BS.

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DeSantis is correct about agriculture being another front in the Climate War. Another indicator of what's going on is that EPA just announced the creation of a new Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, which ostensibly is intended to "help" the industry and rural communities. However, given what's going on in Europe in the name of saving the planet, it's not unreasonable to be concerned about what they will really be up to.

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Trust no one that has never planted a seed to understand/explain anything about farming. Yet, these are the idiots telling everybody how farming should be done. Overeducated, underskilled.

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We actually have an entire Department of Agriculture- including the NRCS, the Farm Service Agency, and Rural Development. Does anyone one check for duplication among agency programs and the fact that taxpayers are funding apparently duplicative programs? Seems like a good question for journalists to dig into.

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Neuralink is incredible. The change in that young man’s life is just beginning. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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I an see the line outside the polls in ‘28: “Must … Vote … Democrat, Must … Vote … Democrat…” 😂

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I always wanted to be able to do any math problem in my head.

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Not quite what they are currently working on. But maybe one day.

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I agree. Seems like the focus is on spinal cord injuries. It truly will be a miracle to give the gift of mobility back to people who are afflicted. I know, incredibly ableist of me! (Sarc).

I’ve always found the idea of a brain computer interface interesting. Although the hacking possibilities do seem scary.

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Wow! Another day of "I don't care".

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Just puff and more puff. Over to Taibbi’s Racket. Bye.

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Don't leave out Public :-)

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Was there something something about Bobolinski and the Bidens yesterday? Gee, must have been no big deal because Olly chose to cover Megan Markle.

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Free Press lately without Bari is becoming what the leftist media has become. It directs our attention to some fairly frivolous stories, while in reality, they seem afraid to deal with Bobulinski's truth-telling vs. Parnas and democrats outright lies. They have ignored the actual Hostages and obsessed over the NY Times, (again) and fail to mention the US Generals who sold us out in Iraq and Afghanistan, leading to deaths of brave US soldiers and one more word, Iran. How bad does it have to get for these bicoastal journalists to stick their necks out? Maybe my expectations for the Free Press had been misinformed by the sheer courage of Bari and some of the difficult topics covered that caused me to subscribe in the first place. And please limit the Trump Derangement Syndrome, these comments, not often subtle, are annoying and misplaced. The readership of FP is diverse and deserving of respect. If free speech is lost here, where can we go (looking for suggestions, fellow readers!).

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No mention of Trump today.

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And your point?

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Yes, Wiseman is almost single-handedly destroying the credibility of the Free Press. Bari needs to rethink this. The FP became hugely successful without Wiseman. He needs to go. More Olivia, less Oliver.

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More anyone but Ollie

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I have to say, the last 2 days haven't bugged me as much. I don't mind some puff news, so long as it is being done in a less obviously biased way. Also, they have the actual numbers of who reads what...so it is very possible that lots of people like this. They just don't feel the need to post.

Every newspaper had sections people would skip. This can just be one of ours.

Lastly we need to remember that the writers we do like are probably already producing what they can. So they likely couldn't do more even if they wanted.

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The headline "...Megan Markle's...." was meant to piss you off, right at the start. What do we think is Wiseman's real purpose here?

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Being an insufferable douche?

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Mar 21·edited Mar 21

And they say at the NYT “There are a huge number of people at the Times who are activists, and it is their job to tell a particular story,”

Apparently you can take the FP out of the NYT but you can’t take the NYT out of the FP.

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The Free Press seems to still be under constraints of a Biden family restraining order.

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The hearing with General Milley and the botched Afghan withdrawal, the blame of which was placed solely on the Administration? Trump suing George Stephanopoulos over false accusation of rape? Media distortion of the "bloodbath" comment?

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And nothing on Supremes and gov’t censorship—the most burning issue of our lives.

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At least no “Orange Man Bad!” today. I know it’s a low bar.

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Maybe time to move on. Go with God.

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Neuralink. Mind blown. Truly awesome and fascinating! I was so happy watching Nolan on that video it made me well up with beautiful tears. Extraordinary what human creativity can accomplish. Why don’t we focus soooo much more on that people? Well done, Elon, yay!

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Perfect description of Megan Markle: "where rank materialism meets bogus activism." If you could also work in "endless victim" it would be even better.

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I think Sussex Goop is also pretty good!

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Princess? PRINCESS? Please get this right: Ms Markle never was and never will be a princess (except emotionally).

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Let’s talk about Germany’s far left problem before propagandizing any concern about its far right.

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The more interesting Tablet article posted at the same time was An Inconvenient Truth by August Hanning.

"A former director of German intelligence argues that neo-Nazis are not the primary source of antisemitism in Germany today. It is the intersection of left-wing activists and Muslim migrants."

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Oct7 disabused anyone with a brain of the idea that the tiny number of neo-Nazis were the major source of antisemitism in the West. Of course, those of us who had been paying attention had been seeing the growth of open antisemitism on the Left for a decade or more.

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So true. The recent breathless reports of rampant Neo-Naziism on the right turned out to just be projection by the left. Good to see some things never change!

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