"I am going to give all my money to causes that support the common good"... Said no rich leftist with mom-and-dad-issues ever.

This guy has turned his hate of himself into the hate of others...

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First off, I'm pretty sure my mom taught me to never listen to or trust guys who have face tattoos named 'Fergie'

"We need to make all of white America afraid that everything they have stolen is going to be burned to the ground" says the guy sporting the Red Sox cap.....ya know.....that awesome major league baseball team that's been owned by 15 different wealthy white men since 1901.

Also equally idiotic: "Fergie himself has claimed that he’s 'not a big gun guy'." Two minutes later - “I’ve always been into self-defense, and I was always kind of into guns”

I don't know about you, but Fergie Chambers and the Berkshire Communists group sounds a little bit like Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple 2.0. Nothing like cleaning up 1,000 corpses to prove you have the answer to all the worlds problems.

Finally, if I'm a betting man, I'd say there's about a 101% chance that this dude and his group are up to their tattooed necks in some weird sex based sh*t. Anyone interested in laying odds on that?

Just sayin....

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Tucker Carlson was on the All-in podcast recently and talked about this very thing. Very interesting. When people get too rich, too easily, too fast, they self-loathe and become destructive. In the past super rich people like Carnegie used their wealth to build libraries and concert halls. But Carnegie started from nothing.

Funny how this commie in his commune is not self sufficient, out farming, raising dairy cows and chickens. That would require work. This guy wants to punish himself and take others down with him. Maybe people should refuse to sell anything to him. No food, no supplies, nothing.

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Hates whites but is white

Hates the rich but is rich

Shouldn’t have more than one home but has many

I don’t think this guy is paying his fair share. Neither are the college endowments . Tax them to the max.

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I am sorry but $250 million is nothing in todays world.

Honestly I am not worried about this kid, he is just lost as many of his generation are.

If you honestly want to write about someone who is a Billionaire (with capital B), then please write about Alexander Soros, son and heir of George Soros. He runs Open Society Foundations that has funded many of "progressive" District attorneys, that have ruined American cities.

Thus please dont write about some dreamers that wear T-Shirts with Che Guevara, but please write about people who have immense power, and actually use it to shape America to how they see fit.

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He sounds like the losers of the Red Brigade and Bader Meinhof from the 70s. Overindulged sociopathic rich kids with no morals who decided that it was chic to try to destroy western values.

Oh and if he was such a communist why does he keep his money? Why doesn't he give it all away to organizations that help those in need or create one himself, and actually do some good ? Of course he doesn't. Because he is full of crap.

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“The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money” (Thatcher) - I hope he runs out of his late parents money before he does more damage.

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When privilege, unearned wealth, low IQ, self-hate, and psychotic mental illness combine in one pathetic freak of nature, you get dear little Fergie. Thank you Free Press for finding this icon of the globalist monsters who actually believe they alone should determine how the rest of us live our lives.

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If you’re almost 40 and you still believe the things you’ve believed since you were 13, I’d argue you haven’t learned anything.

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This isn’t what *everyone* does when you tell them rich people got rich by stealing. It’s just what most people do. Now we probably need to figure out how many people we have told that rich people got rich by stealing..………oope turns out we told everyone that.

I love how it’s not dawning on anyone that the blood libel against whites, about their disproportionate representation in high positions indicating a nefarious scheme that must be destroyed, is the exact same as what the Nazis said about Jews.

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An espresso machine communist.

Real Marxists, the early 20th century kind, would put this guy in the basement of the Lubyanka after confiscating his wealth.

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“and instead of conservative, they’re all—except for Fergie and a lone Republican aunt that no one talks to—establishment Democrats.”


This guy is a mainstream Democrat, he’s just doing the hard part right now. 70% of Democrats agree with this guy on everything and 30% are worse.

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If I understand correctly, this guy cashed out of his family's investments? And now he's spending money, but not earning any more? Evidently no one ever explained to him that you can't just keep spending money when there's no income?

This guy sounds scary now, but he'll become even more dangerous when his funds start running low. Once he can no longer make problems go away with money, his violent rhetoric will become his only way out.


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There is nothing that infuriates me more than rich & spoiled communists that don’t realize they are rich thanks to capitalism. What a waste of his family’s legacy and hard work - I am sure his ancestors are rolling in their grave.

This article should be shown to everyone multimillionaire with children so they can adjust their wills. Seriously stop giving your kids money they don’t deserve.

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1) “If ‘Fuck You, Mom and Dad,” were a person...” is one of the best lines I’ve read in a while.

2) This guy is living prove of the maxim that there is an inverse relationship between a man’s trustworthiness and the flatness of his cap brim.

3) Note to editor: In the eight pictures, our little Robespierre is practicing jiu jitsu, not muy thai.

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