Unrelated to anything in this morning's front page, but I want to to comment on the insanity that is the increasingly common celebrity interview with a current/former Democrat president. I listed to Biden on Stern over the weekend, and because apparently I'm some kind of sadomasochist, I also listened to the comedy podcast SmartLess's episode in which the three celebrities interviewed Biden, Obama, and Clinton.

It's not hyperbolic to say that these interviews would make a North Korean propagandist blush. I am not joking that in the SmartLess interview, one of them gushed about the presidents saying something like "with you you three, one plus one plus one equals ten, it's just so amazing".

The only time any of these figures sit down for an interview anymore, it's with some vapid celebrity(ies) who ask predetermined toothless, pointless questions, and the resulting unabashed ball washing is excruciating to sit through. Who are these interviews for, if not only the totally brainwashed blind adherents to the modern Leftist religion? And what does it say about our leaders, that they increasingly not only embrace these kinds of interviews, but increasingly only go through such channels to talk to the American people?

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This country has gone into a toilet. Literally. The left has pushed us into the toilet. I'll put some blame on Republicans for not have any balls to put a stop to it but it's pretty bad. I will be dead before ang changes happen sadly. I feel bad for my nephews and nieces.

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I'll put most of the blame on republicans. I've come to expect dumb sh*t from democrats, but always had hope that republicans would be the party of common sense and adulting. Saying they've failed miserably would be the understatement of the year.

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The Republicans have been silent on so many critical issues of the day. It’s truly a uniparty

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You are absolutely correct! The field is ripe with examples of Bidens senility and his misconduct. The Reps should be running multiple daily ads on Biden's pedophilia, his losing his way when he gives a speech and how he gets lost trying to exit a stage. Run the clip where he brags about forcing the Ukrainian President to remove the minister of justice because the minister was investigating Hunter's oil company.

I could go on for another three or four paragraphs. The Reps are asleep at the switch or incompetent or just plain stupid. I go with stupid.

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I must disagree with your last sentence; these RINO's are not stupid (it could be argued either way about their competence depending upon what it is exactly that you think they are not competently doing); they are corrupt. They are very competent in putting their own interests ahead of the people they were elected to represent.

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What you just posted could be said about all of those corrupt clowns we have in congress.

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Chris, you just described ALL the swamp dwellers, Left & RINO! We have the best politicians / President money can buy!

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I think you give them more credit than the deserve.

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I agree with both of you. They have zero balls. They are spineless pussies.

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There are some that step up. Tom cotton. JDVance Mostly not though

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True, there a few who speak up, but the Republicans are so disorganized that they accomplish very little.

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I think there is a war going on in the Republican party. I also think it is a good thing. I am tired of the half-assed approach.

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May 7·edited May 7

I think it's because we have chosen flash instead of substance for our politicians these days. I hear my mom talking about VP candidates and if a choice is charismatic enough. We the people need to start choosing non-flashy political candidates who will actually pass budgets and do their constitutional duties instead of try to vie for going viral like teenage girls. I think we under appreciate how social media and 24 hour news has changed politics and not necessarily for the better.

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Social media has some positives but the negatives to our society far outweighs the pos.

It has become increasingly difficult for solid , smart, talented people to run for office. The parties are preselecting who they want to run, and then control them. Rarely can someone break through the lock the parties have on politics( local state and national) Ramaswamy was successful to a degree largely because he is fabulously wealthy and was able to run his campaign the way he wanted. The game is fixed and corrupt.

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I posted this in 2023 but is relevant today:

The Republicans are just stupid. Democrats are evil.

We need a Rep president and congress to reverse the evil the Dems are forcing on us. We need someone to not discriminate against the alphabet gay community, just ignore them. Force our schools to stick to teaching the three Rs (that is figuratively). Ensure teachers leave their politics, ideas of social engineering, racial philosophies like CRT at the door and if they can't fire them. Have them teach that this country, warts and all is still the land of the free and the home of the brave. Democrats hate that concept and try to undermine it. It is as if they can't look around and see truly evil countries like Russia, China, Cuba, Islamic countries and North Korea and dozens more and then look at our country and think, thank God I was born here and not there.

We need to overhaul our political atmosphere and try and change the opposition party's hateful, destructive agenda like calling concerned parents terrorists. The way you do that is through aggressive, truthful advertising and change the minds of the voters to a more middle of the road thinking to destroy the radical left's vile, destructive philosophies.

The Republicans have the ammunition to do these things so why are they sitting on their hands? The radical left sure doesn't.

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Republicans gave up their identity after Bush I's loss.

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How Regan handled campus mobs:


We need Uni administrators and politicians to grow a spine and do what Regan did.

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I remember reading somewhere that Democrats are evil and Republicans are just plain stupid. I was taken aback by that statement but am finding I kind of agree with it as this year progresses😩

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Republicans are not stupid. They are just spineless pussies. They just don't care as long as their pockets are lined.

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Most republicans are controlled opposition.

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Exhibit No.1: Mike Johnson

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I wrote that several days ago.

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Once more: Not long ago I worried for my grandchildren. Then for my daughter. Now, that I may be called upon to do that for which I am far too old.

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Jeez, JJ sounds like me, especially the nephews and nieces. Are we all the same, here on TFP?

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Not the same person, but the same experiences.

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Even the Free Press (aka The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project) makes sure to treat Biden with kid gloves... We get all sorts of news about failed Democratic policies but nothing about Biden himself. His crime-family is off-limits. His plagiarism, sexual harassment are all ignored. But the mere mention of Trump is accompanied by the obligatory sneering from the usual suspects...

But since the Democrats like abortion, that's literally all that matters. As long as a fetus can be ripped to shreds with forceps piece by piece through the vaginal canal, then The Free Press will remain loyal servants of the "party of the people"...

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Biden's own daughter revealed that she was damaged by his making her shower with him. That's not a slur made up in some right wing chat room. It's her own words. And yet still we pretend that this monstrosity is fit to lead us.

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Wonder if Bari and her group - Suzy, Nellie, Olly agree that Biden is unfit. Or do they remain in thrall to the narrative? This is a serious question. Biden is cognitively impaired. He is arguably corrupt. He is demonstrably perverted. He presides over a dysfunctional family and can't even control his pets. How, then, can any sentient being argue that he's fit to be our President in these dangerous times? (And don't "But Trump" me because we had four years of safety, prosperity and fealty to the rule of law under him).

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It can’t be stated often enough that Biden will not serve out another four year term if re-elected. He will be replaced by Kamala Harris either sooner or later. Even Obama famously observed that if something can be screwed up, Biden will find a way do it. The only person who could do a more effective job of screwing things up is our affirmative action vice president. Try to form a mental picture of the state of the nation after Kamala Harris is president for a term of years.

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Even odds on Kamala getting 3 years in the Oval Office

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I have wondered if the TFP folks are keeping silent on Biden because he is supporting Israel, even though he keeps pretending to try to please everyone.

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For a long time I wondered if that might be some sort of fake diary, but then I read that the person who found it is being charged with theft of the diary from Ms. Biden. You can't be charged with stealing something that doesn't exist.

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And the FBI being subverted to act as some praetorian guard for this abomination is truly chilling. The diary was not stolen. Ashley Biden left it. Finders keepers. Would this be a federal crime in anything other than the perverse bizarro world that America has become under the rule of the Senile Imbecile?

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And drug-addled Hunter ‘left’ his porn-filled computer at a repair shop….seems like the Biden children are crying out for help.

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Good grief, even Biden’s dogs are deranged. There seems to be a pattern emerging.

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Good insight that. I would say yes.

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I thought that almost from the beginning.

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The republicans also have their lunatics, and these lunatics have a slobbering hatred of female sexuality. This has been displayed by the stupid attacks on the morning after pill, which prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, but then running to defend IVF, which includes destroying fertilized eggs. One republican pol was asked about this conflict several years ago and he stated “It’s not in a woman’s body.” I despise the dems who want legal abortion at full term, and I also despise the wingnuts on the right that would punish women for not being celibate, or punish a woman impregnated by a rapist.

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Well, you sure put me straight. There is no meaningful difference between a right-wing nutjob who opposes a morning after pill and someone who supports inserting a surgical tool into the vaginal canal, penetrating the skull of a human fetus, crushing it into pieces, tearing out a spinal column, ripping limbs from the remaining husk of flesh and extracting it through the female body...

No meaningful difference at all...

I wish those right-wing "crazies" would get their act together...

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You do realize the morning after pill would PREVENT the inserting of the surgical tool into the vaginal canal, penetrating the skull of the human fetus, crushing it into pieces, tearing out a spinal column, ripping limbs from the remaining husk of flesh and extracting it through female body...... Don't you?

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Condoms do the same thing.

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Exactly. Sometimes I wonder why we have to keep repeating sex education over and over again.

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So does "responsibility". And it's 100% free and available without a prescription.

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Apparently, responsibility is incompatible with female sexuality.

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You just argued my point even better than I did.

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The abortion IVF inconsistency puzzles me too. Not just for the pols but the parents too. How can you move heaven and earth to create the precursor to life then disregard the extras?

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May 6·edited May 6

Yes...it's really nice to know that there are some fools out here that still believe that abortion and 'female sexuality' should still be defining issues of our time. Oh yea. All while men who believe they are women continue to invade girls sports, the world is on fire, and miscreants (and democrats) have destroyed the institutions in America. Congratulations.

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Omg you're giving me flashbacks to Todd Atkins and his "legitimate rape".

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I was thinking more along the lines of Whoopi Goldberg and her original comments about Bill Cosby not committing "rape, rape"...

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Yes, opposing the deliberate killing of innocents obviously signals a slobbering hatred of women’s sexuality. Got it. 🤣

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Integration Propaganda, which says “there is nothing to worry about; all is good; these people are trustworthy; if someone says different, dont trust them, and where possible report them to the honest patriots who make up our very noble government.

If it feels Soviet or Maoist, it is because it is.

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Cowards who know they have lied, stolen, cheated, and only made things worse, but are not willing to face the questions of why?

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Saying they know this about themselves suggests a level of self awareness I don’t think is possible for any of them. Maybe these interviews are just there way of trying to further bury into their subconscious the creeping doubt that they just might be the baddies

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I think you nailed it. Very few bad actors can acknowledge, even to themselves, the harm they have done, because it would contradict their own self image as 'good' people. All humans have this tendency to some degree, but with most of those who have clawed their way to the top of the heap, it has been refined to a psychotic level.

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If you are running for POTUS, it should be almost mandatory in the 18 months leading up to the November election that you appear at least once on each of these long form podcasts:

Joe Rogan - Joe Rogan Experience

Dave Smith - Part Of The Problem

Michael Malice - Your Welcome

Adam Corolla - Adam Corolla

Drew Pinsky - Ask Dr Drew

Bari Weiss - Honestly

Bill Maher - Club Random

Zuby - Real Talk With Zuby

Glenn Greenwald - System Update

Cenk Uygur - The Young Turks

Lex Fridman - Lex Fridman Podcast

Tucker Carlson - Tucker Carlson Network

Chris Cuomo - Chris Cuomo Project - Newsnation


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I would add either Megyn Kelly, Victor Davis Hanson, or Ben Shapiro, or all three.

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RFK Jr is the only one who’s done any podcast to my knowledge.

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Absolutely. Megyn and Ben are heroes. I enjoy Hanson as well.

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Not everyone listens to podcasts. Some don’t like them, some have hearing issues and some prefer more traditional means of getting their news.

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It’s not what it says about our leaders as much as what it says about us. This is what Americans expect. Having elevated sad-sack pathetic mediocrities to god-like figures of ultimate power, they can not afford the slightest criticism of those excuses for leaders lest the whole illusion crumble. To be fair this is not only true for the people in the unenviable enterprise of pretending Biden is a sentient leader of anything - try having a rational discussion of Trump's many faults with a MAGA type. Same thing.

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If we have to ask the question “Are America’s college campuses safe for Jews?” then maybe we also need to ask if we should be permitting Muslim immigration into our country. Because there's only one real threat going on and it ain't illusory "white supremacists" that exist only in the fevered imaginations of the lunatics in Biden's cabal.

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That's not very tolerant sir. :-)

As we speak the Biden administration is contemplating allowing refugees from Gaza into the US for "protection". Keep in mind, not a single country in the middle east will take them for some strange reason. This administration couldn't do more dumbass sh*t if it tried.

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I am entirely intolerant of the creed of the Satanic Verses. And if anyone wants to know why, the interview of the son of a Hamas chieftan, Mosab Hassan Yousef, by Jordan Peterson will open his or her eyes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5VPFw0vI6U

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I am sure you already know this Bruce but for others reading the comments I am going to link here to the George Soros funding of the Muslim Brotherhood and it's many affiliates operating openly in the US. As well as a link to the 1991 MB Manifesto outlining in detail it's planned takeover of the west. These assholes never left after the 60's, they just dug in deeper and got smarter and changed names and tactics and have been quite successful in infiltration and indoctrination of segments of America. Hamas is a provable militant arm of the MB .I feel like I am a broken record on this shit, but I also feel like people need to know. Anyone who still thinks these pro Hamas protests are a just a fad, need to read up on how long and well this has been planned.



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Foreign influence and money being used by US citizens to destabilize America looks a lot like treason to me.

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Good point, Bruce!

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Everyone should listen to that interview and then decide how sympathetic they are to the cause of Hamas.

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I wonder whether the Biden supporting writers of the Free Press would welcome refugees from Gaza into their neighborhood. I am truly curious. I know they have been fine with the illegal immigration in this country - would truly be interested to know their view on this issue. If you voted for this - then you should be ok with accepting it into your own neighborhood.

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Wr know they would not be welcome on Martha's Vineyard.

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...or Park Slope.

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I am very concerned that my own community is going to accept Gazan refugees. Our city council voted unanimously to support Palestine two weeks after Oct 7 and we are a so called sanctuary city already. It's beyond nuts. It is totally self destructive. But then I watched this community do a lot of self destructive shit during Covid, so why should I be surprised?

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I don’t know where you live, but all I can say is head south my friend…..head south.

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Wish I could, but then I have watched my old home state of Oklahoma sell off huge tracts of farmland to China for commercial pot growing supposedly. And it just so happens alot of that farmland is around or near military installations. Also a drag queen principal was hired by a Oklahoma school district recently, etc etc. Shit is happening in the south too, although of course there is more pushback down there than here. We considered Florida during Covid because our state was making it so difficult to live here if you refused the vax, but then the area we planned to move to in FL got hit bad by hurricane Ian. We are old crippled and poor so not a lot of options, but that's okay, cuz a I still have at least one or two good battles left in me.

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China buying up our farmland all over the country is extremely disturbing! No foreign countries should be buying our land, "donating" to our universities, and otherwise indirectly influencing the country!

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You are right. My little community near Austin is unrecognizable.

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So sorry to hear that.

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Shit isn't spelled with an *. Today TFP article spelled fuck without an *. You should be able to spell without an *.

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Yes, this is hugely important.

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Yes the magnitude boggles my mind.

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Watching London( Khan winning a third term as Mayor) , and other Muslim wins throughout the UK, is a harbinger of what’s to come in the USA.

The Muslims are openly telling anyone who disagrees with their Islamist , sharia ways to leave and not let the door hit them on the way out. The Islamist’s have not been shy in telling us their goals. Having Ilan Omar, Talib and the rest of the squad in Congress, Maher Bitar as director of the intelligence coordinator for the Natl security council , does not bode well for this country.

Leftists in bed with Islamists is a peculiar toxic mix.Islamists will turn on the WOKE leftists once they have enough power and control.

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At least Humza Yousef had to step down. Misogynistic asshat.

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The next person seems like a clone of Humza Yousef??

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Biden’s administration is acutely aware of the Muslim movement in the UK, where voters were entranced, and motivated, by a singular issue…Gaza.

Now that Biden appears to be behind in polls, he will 100% windsock regarding any support for Israel and will throw himself towards Palestine in order to get the younger vote.

Watch it happen.

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Yes and the turnout was only 40%. As I noted in earlier posts, the Agincourt bowmen are weeping for their beloved Albion.

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I am saddened beyond words that the nation that withstood the Blitz has invited its doom in through the front door.

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I would like to see a follow up story to Brandeis University's offer for Jewish students from unsafe and problematic campuses to accept transfer offers to Brandeis.

From Bloomberg -- "Brandeis, long a popular destination for Jewish students, pushed the transfer deadline to May 31 and said it will notify students by July. The letter encouraged “Jews and students from every background” to apply if they are seeking “an environment striving to be free of harassment and Jew-hatred.” Apr 24, 2024

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That is such a weak approach, crying to mommy and transferring to Jew U. Just what the Islamist colonialists and Socialists want. They should toughen up, stand their ground, and defend themselves at these s hole universities. It's not like they are storming the beach at Normandy 1944.

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Talk to some parents of Jewish students who fear for their safety. If I were a parent who had a child at Columbia for example, the first thing I would do is get them out of there.

A mass exodus of students will also send a powerful message.

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The savings of transferring to Brandeis also amount to a mere $4000. Better to send your kid to a good Southern school for less money, more safety and a better education, grounded in American values.

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Ok, individual family choice is fine. As far as a message getting through, no way. The Leftist, Muslim alliance in charge doesnt care about "messages" or some cut back in Jewish donations. They just want to destroy their enemy. There is plenty of money in their hedge funds, and from Qatari Muslim brotherhood, Chicomm students, and Soros/Rockefeller donations to keep the faculty, DEI staff fat and happy.

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Agreed, but the problem is that the elites are not paying for education; they are paying for credentials and connections.

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True. But the endowment investments are wherein lies the rub. Investment in Israel pays off pretty well.

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The old school self of me agree with you. But seeing hoe things have become since 2020, the kind of strength in character you describe simply doesn't work anymore in our crazy country today. Storming anything only works for the self-proclaimed "oppressed" and toddler agitators claiming to be fighting for the "oppressed". Anyone perceived as "oppressed" acting tough will only be used as proof against them as in fact being "oppressors" exercising their force of oppression to threaten and "oppress" the "marginalized" and "oppressed" people.

Sure, you can say ignore what these assholes say, but the media will still have a field day, or make that a field week, going on and on about how the oppressors are using strong-arm tactics to get what they want and "harming" "oppressed" people. And the narrative will stick after repetitions. Toughness, resilience, and courage don't win or work today if they have slapped the "oppressor" or "colonizer" label on you. They won't be perceived as positive traits, but oppression tactics.

It's the same reason why 4'11 waify teenage girl is now categorized as oppressor and bully of 6'4 fully grown male if she stands her grown telling the world a man is in the women's locker room, or if he's taken the trophy she deserves in sports.

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I take the opposite stance. Go to where quality education can be found. Leave the faux elite schools to the protesters. That way everyone with firing neurons sees those bastions of illiberality for what they are. Seriously isn't a degree from one of those places shaping up to be a liability?

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Columbia joined UCLA in cancelling grad ceremonies. Michigan's was destroyed by the pro Hammas gang. I predict an avalanche of applications to conservative schools next year.

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Hadn't heard about it but sounds intriguing. Could the narrative be changing?

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I worked with many immigrants over my decades in the tech sector. Some were Muslim, Hindu, Christian or whatever. I didn’t experience anything but gratitude for the freedoms of the US. Most were orders of magnitude more positive about being here than what we are seeing on the campus today. Advocating for a ban based on religion is not going to solve any problems. The progressive activists pulling the Biden control strings will still be here spreading their poisonous propaganda

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Agreed, and I've worked in the environmental field for 25 years. But, they were all Legal immigrants and imho, they are far better citizens because they know what they left behind. They don't take America for granted.

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"We do not know precisely what crime Trump is charged with committing,” writes Byron York.

Actually, we do: He committed what amounts to an accounting error that committed by anyone else is punished by a fine and that's all.

That it wasn't precisely erroneous but deliberate matters little in a legal sense.

Tish James has never been anything but a self-serving opportunist -- and probably a racist. She and Alvin Bragg make big noises about doing what's best for their constituents (i.e., black people); but they will get their comeuppance when the black people all over New York City who own their own homes, shop every spring at the Terminal Market for their flowers, and get their cars stolen and garages broken into, along with those who live in apartment buildings who are afraid in their elevators, rise up and kick them out.

Why it didn't happen after over two months of sleepless nights during the BLM riots is beyond me. With fireworks explosions occurring nightly from 8 PM until after 4 AM, "underserved" people still had to get up at five o'clock in the morning and drag themselves to work.

Who footed the bill for all those thousands of hours of fireworks explosions, and why they ended so abruptly, is what I'd like to know.

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This is the story that needs to be told and retold every day of the DJT witch trials. No crime but yet he is guilty. The witches of Salem were treated fairer than DJT. Yet the Free Press the Beacons of honest journalism totally ignore it because they still are liberals who refuse to acknowledge that DJT is not what the MSM claims he is.

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DJT is the elites, of both political bents, kryptonite.

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And he knows exactly who he is dealing with.

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I think so. Plus my instinct is that he knows it takes all kinds - janitors, assembly line workers, clerks, accountants, ..., so he values all kinds. IOW it is all us, just with differences, not us versus them.

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May 6·edited May 6

Success for all is such a loathsome idea for the powerful that Trump must be distroyed.

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May 6·edited May 6

I agree. I am really starting to believe it is not left versus right, Republican versus Democrat, but rather (faux) elites versus everybody else. And everybody else vastly outnumber (faux) elites so wake the eff up everybody. Ask yourself what kind of person brands themselves ""elite" because of their mere existence? I think there are elite athletes, elite musicians, and other elite skillsets. I do not think there is such a thing as elite based on where you live as that is a function of your bank account and trash can get rich. Or where your sheepskin comes from because that too is a function of somebody's bank account; those universities recently proved to be anything but elite do not provide their services for free. I have utter disdain for people who identify themselves as elite. It is a form of pride that defies the needed human trait of humility.

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Actually, we do (know the crime): He upset the Queen Hillary Coronation Wagon.

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Oh CJ, excellent, excellent marksmanship.

I love it.

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NYC'er here: don't hold your breath for some common-sense uprising in the ballot box. Patronage masses are being assembled. Divide and keep conquered.

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York's excellent article points out that Bragg cannot charge Trump under New York law unless the false financial report was committed in connection with a felony (otherwise statute of limitations has run out). But Bragg has never stated what said felony is, even in the indictment. Trump is charged with aiding or covering up a crime of which he has never been charged or convicted. Only in a blatantly biased court could this have ever reached trial.

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"With fireworks explosions occurring nightly from 8 PM until after 4 AM, "underserved" people still had to get up at five o'clock in the morning and drag themselves to work."

These are the people who contribute to society. They care about their families and neighbors and feel they are much better off to keep at it rather than complain.

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Remind me again why we pay taxes?

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Well, Bruce, here at least it is for the firemen, sanitation workers, and police officers who keep our city relatively safe and functioning. They deserve all the money they earn.

Teachers too although for too many their own educations have been lacking and so they do not do for their students what they should. DEI helps not one whit. Neither does endless sympathy for students who refuse to learn.

Yet another Broadway hotel has been closed to tourists and given over to illegal migrants. The Square Hotel is across the street from the Gershwin Theater. When you can't hear the play for the roaring motorbikes and salsa music these guys blast, well, there we are.

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Yes and if they cops were permitted to do their jobs I would agree. But we pay taxes to provide for "domestic tranquility" and the ability to enjoy the fruits of our labors in relative safety. When government fails to deliver that elementary duty, the social compact is broken and the government rendered wholly illegitimate.

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True. But I give credit to our municipal workers for doing the best they can under difficult conditions. They do deserve the salaries our tax dollars generate.

We don't have enough cops to "prevent" crime. When Bragg releases felons and the cops catch them yet again, they are still doing their jobs.

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I think that is actually Bruce's point - when an entity taxes to fund public safety, including via police departments, but then prohibits those departments from.performing their mandate the social contract is broken.

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Doing the job we expect or the things that the corrupt city administration permits them to do? Big difference. Arrest and remove dangerous and diseased vagrants from public streets and transport? Oh no way. I don't blame the cops. The blame lies foursquare on the half-witted socialists who run the show.

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May 7·edited May 7

Bullsnort . Government unions are evil and deadly for taxpayers.

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YeahButt, they trot out the ol', "Ask not what your country...," which you all thought was so precious. I learned those words are directly from Johann Gottlieb Fichte, 1762-1814, German academic -- the father of Nazi thought.

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I never thought it was precious. JFK was a poseur. A reckless addict who got us as close to nuclear war as we've ever been.

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If only there was a flat tax and we could then direct where we want our taxes to go.

Of course, you’d have to have a min (let’s say 2%) go to each of the following: police, fire, streets and sanitation, education. That leaves you with 7% to steer where you want it to go.

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They are the non-elites. And they massively outnumber the faux elites. Even in such a bastion of elitism as NY. All the non-elites need do is seize their power.

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May 6·edited May 6

To do that we need to address the revolution factories. The faculty "shield" in the photo is a motley collection of tenured Marxists. I'm sick of seeing masked or head-wrapped malfactors on the TV screen. This doesn't look like America because it isn't America. We show our faces. I think we all know how we got to the point where Third World hatreds and infiltrators now define campus life, places where masked "stoodents" decide which students can enter blockades at their own universities. What we're seeing is nihilism. It is race-based, bent on destruction, tearing things down. When predominantly newer arrivals to the United States tell the cameras that the whole thing, "the universities built by colonialism" must be dismantled, or chant, "Death to America"; when college students take part in command and response conditioning -- " One step forward, repeat after me...", and the university does nothing about that, we're in trouble. This is about more than Israel. October 7 opened Pandora's box on civil societies everywhere. This is getting way too close to the Red Guard takeover and disruption of universities and street mobs, just like the ones blocking bridges and disrupting Christmas celebrations here.

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May 6·edited May 6

I think America and Israel are intertwined though. In a way the "American experiment" is a testament to the teachings of ancient Israel. In combination with more modern teachings. Jesus was not a Christian he was a Jew. What used to set us apart was a universal acceptance of the rule of law, even those with which we disagreed. Rule of law underpinned by Judaeo-Christian principles. The purpose of the assault on Jews and Christians is, I think, to undermine that foundation. The (faux) logic being that if Christians are bad, and Jews are bad, then their principles are bad and are not a good foundation. Thus wiping out millenia of hard fought reason. To be replaced by what? A theocracy is my guess.

Edited to add: I have had to limit my exposure to the footage. For my own well-being. It was very anxiety producing. But in doing so I developed the strong belief that there is something else afoot. It is all so coordinated. I do not think there is anything organic about it, including press coverage.

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May 6·edited May 6

They are intertwined. But limiting this to Israel misses the fact that they're after the U.S. Israelis are saying that. It is a phrase I hate, but some people feel their ox isn't being gored, because it's Jewish kids on campus and it's anti-israel. It's all of us,

our kids, our way of life. Or worse.

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As the brother of one of the hostages said so eloquently (to America): "You are next."

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I agree absolutely and I feel I have been a broken record about this, but the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) became entrenched in America and started with radical Islamic infiltration and indoctrination of Americans in the 60's and they never left, they spread into a multi headed hydra under multple names funded by George Soros among others. Hamas is not only the militant arm of the PA, it is also provably, one of the multiple militant arms of the the worldwide MB. If anyone doubts that the endgame is takeover of the west, they need to read the 1991 manifesto of the MB. Here are links of Soros funding of MB and the manifesto itself.



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You and I are on the same page about that.

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Just remember, Lynne, that New York City is vast. The "elites" have homes everywhere, not just here, and we are a bastion of nothing anymore.

What we do have are miles upon many miles of tidy brick homes, working-class apartment buildings, and small commercial strips that no one knows about except those who live nearby. We have middle-class neighborhoods lived in by generations of the same families. While we sometimes (or often, as the case might be), suffer from the stupidest politicians on the face of the earth -- well, Haiti's are worse, most of South America's and Africa's politicians are far worse -- many millions of us also live good, ordinary lives.

I know because unlike the vast run of New Yorkers, I travel the streets of New York. I have favorite places everywhere in out-of-the-way spots that are only out of the way to snobs. Writers at The New York Times and elsewhere don't know these streets: They call Cortelyou Road "Cortelyou Avenue," for heaven's sake.

The people who have power here are not the wealthy. They are a cabal of island people who like to be revered. We used to have a councilman named Matthieu Eugene, whose constituents literally kissed his hand. This is voodoo stuff.

God, I wish Mrs. Astor were still around to wield some power. Now, she was an "elite." And the old-time politicians who actually catered to the upper classes rather than the guys who stand on street corners scratching their crotches.

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I did not commun8cate clearly. I know the non-elites outnumber the elites in NYC. That's why I said they should take their power back. When I said it was a bastion of elitism I should have said PERCEIVED as a bastion of elitism. No offense intended. I will try to do better.

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So the novel theory Bragg employed is that Trump was committing a federal election crime when he committed the state act for which he is charged. This makes the state charge a felony as opposed to the misdemeanor the accounting matter would ordinarily be. It is defining the federal offense that is proving problematic. This despite a high-ranking DOJ lawyer quitting his DC and going slumming in NYC to spear that lance. As I ponder whether these novel theory prosecutions are based on legal insight as opposed legal ignorance I am concluding the latter. An if you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle 'em with your bullshite ploy. And the saddest thing of all is realizing how many are utterly and completely baffled.

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They really want to be baffled, because Orange Man bad, whether what he did warrants this kind of prosecution or not. What they don't understand is that it sets a very bad precedent.

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But when it goes bad, and it will, they will cry "[B]ut, but, but what happened?" At some point willful stupidity cannot be condoned.

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Willful stupidity runs rampant in this country right now.

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It is taking the easy path of intellectual laziness I think.

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Too busy to read past the headline. TL;DR

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""We do not know precisely what crime Trump is charged with committing,”"

Stealing the election from that nice Hillary Clinton.

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I do feel I should publicly acknowledge the overdue but welcome story on the ridiculousness of the Alvin Bragg trial. This case is Kafkaesque. You show up to court, start the trial, then eventually, maybe, you get told what the charge is? That is the precise sort of abuse common to tyrannies that the Bill of Rights was written to end. Of course it is UnConstitutional. It is abusive law period.

And this is apparently no longer a well known cliche: what can be done to ANY of us can be done to ALL of us. All tyrannies eat their own. No one can either conform or murder their way to absolute safety. We all win when all of us are treated consistently by a reasonable process.

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And from an earlier document:

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation

America was ruled by a mad man then. And now.

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Have you ever heard of a trial where the defendant doesn't get to know who the witnesses are until they walk in the room? Humor intended here but the defense on an episode of Law and Order would never let this fly. They may as well put him in a glass box like Russia does.

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Abigail Shreier’s excellent piece was published Thursday of last week. This may be a small matter, but professionalism dictates some acknowledgement or explanation why it’s just now being announced.

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Because people would read Ms. Shreier's piece and then compare to idiotic pablum that comes from their other "contributors" like the "left-wing" Peter Savodnik, Oliver Wiseass and whichever fool puts together the Friday smug-fest.

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You have to remember and admit TFP is very Gay. I was in Hollywood 1963- 2003, I'm used to it.

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The Chris Rufo piece was also published a few days ago. It seems that articles published late in the day are not read by the majority of readers. The Free Press is republishing them a few days later in the morning.Maybe there is not enough material ?Can that be?

The articles are also posted on X

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May 6·edited May 6

Not enough material? There's plenty of material if TFP is simply willing to look less like NYT-lite. At some point it becomes impossible to pretend that which has become so excruciatingly obvious simply doesn't exist.

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Yes, plenty of material and it doesn't have to be about Krisiti Noem. What I am especially interested in, and of course it is not even being touched upon in TFP, is that extent that Biden seems to be using the Office of the President and taxpayer dollars to win reelection. From the student loan bailouts which go against the Supreme Court ruling to most recently using foreign policy pronouncements such as no more ammunition to our ally Israel to help secure votes in Michigan. (There is a much longer list than this.)

He has nothing to run on given that every facet of his presidency is a failure and it is disturbing to me the extent to which the White House is now nothing more than a campaign office.

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Absolutely! So much easier to look away from the disaster and just write another story about Noem...or Baron Trump!

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Another dishonest, or negligently researched article on Noem. TFP can pick which they prefer.

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I offered Bari a solution. Less Wiseman and his ilk and get a few conservative contributors. Such as our own Unsaint Finbar - who would then be unmasked so that he can be recognized properly for his trenchant daily contributions.

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Taibi and Kirn's recent podcast discussed TFP and said it is basically "the off ramp" from left woke NPR story. True, but it is still ALL LEFT. I so agree there needs to be more balance at TFP, though I am grateful for the comment section. And they did run a piece by Rufo/Young. So there's that. But there needs to be more balance--or TFP is, yes, just a small off-ramp from the heritage/NPR mess. I do hope they correct this imbalance soon.

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Conservative reporters/reporting would absolutely be the antidote.

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For example, conservative reporters might expose and ask why we have US troops in Gaza. How insane is that? The Senile Imbecile is going to embroil us in yet another conflict.

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I see that cat's (Wiseman's) face or name and usually I just hit delete. When I don't, I'm quickly reminded why.

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The “ not enough material” comment was sarcasm. This tactic of republishing articles from days ago is disturbing.

What simply doesn’t exist?

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May 6·edited May 6

I know, 'not enough material' and article reruns!! What simply doesn't exist but is excruciatingly obvious? The Hunter Biden laptop, Biden corruption and potential foreign influence. Trump docs case falling apart as are all others pretending lawfare isn't the main agenda. Biden executive orders pertaining to the border and energy. China aiding and abetting fentanyl production in Mexico. The government now flying in immigrants through their phone app. Biden purposed tax code that wants its fair share from everyone. The massive debt and over 1 trillion in personal credit card debt brought on by higher costs of living. The articles write themselves.

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Don't forget the mandating of an improperly tested experimental medical product. Or investment in bio labs creating dangerous pathogens that can leap into animals including humans. Or the gutting of female sports. Or the data corruption at NOAA and the climate scam. Or the EPA running small and medium farmers off the land with "rule" changes that are weaponized environmental policies. Or the production of cricket protein now being put into our foods. Or the mucking about with genetic changes to foods or "enhanced" foods. Or all the federal funding of private universities. I could go on.

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Louisa: But….it’s hard to cover any of those stories in-depth and continue to back Democrats. Get real.

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Yes, yes, yes!

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Disturbing, became typical, long ago.... it's legion elsewhere but TFP seems to be trying to make up for lost time.

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I noticed that this morning as well. What's going on at TFP?

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Repurposing material is an old trick of the trade.

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It’s a new one for The Free Press and those of us who don’t like it should let them know.

It rather lazy

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It has to do with how the FP does its round ups. M- Thurs Olly, Friday is TGIF, Sat is the thinking thing/the Prophets and Sundays is Douglas Murray. If you follow the FP on twitter, you can find out when certain articles appear.

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Oily sullies these pages more than once a week.

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Monday through Thurs are the days he does the Morning Page thing.

Btw did you see the interview with the editor in chief of the NYT who apparently reads the Free Press. https://twitter.com/NellieBowles/status/1787260975873413184 ?

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That rag has been truth challenged since the days of Duranty.

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True but it was interesting to see the snippy comment. He can't ignore the FP but wants to dismiss it.

If the NYT was truly 360, they would have been covering many more topics in much greater detail. But I can always hope that the Grey Lady is starting realize the limitations of total capture by ideologues. There is always hope alongside a low expectation of pigs flying.

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But why no new stories this morning?

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Does The Free Press really think we aren’t noticing this ? It was better with one excellent article per day.

More is not better if there is a lot of junk

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Exactly. We used to be able to count on a new article every day of the week. Not a single new one this morning. I wish Bari would explain.

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I think Bari cares less and less about TFP. She has divested much of her control so she may concentrate on Israel. That is understandable. But putting a little more thought and care into what she has left behind would be greatly appreciated, especially by early subscribers.

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I suspect they had these but they should have done one on Sat highlighting the stories.

Who knows if a number of articles did not come up to scratch. There are certainly a lot of angle they could be pursuing on a number of stories.

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Yes I read it over the weekend and thought Shrier published it through her own Substack, it's so confusing!!

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So the media, including The Free Press, has decided to target Kristy Noem. When the country is falling apart with inflation, layoffs, foreign wars, government driven censorship, government gaslighting and lies, Hamas- supporting encampments, record homelessness, an open border, and on and on, the media chooses to focus on making successful governor Noem the big meanie. Grow-up Oliver.

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Trump has already said she wont be his VP pick, so there is no reason to run hit pieces in her.

In any event, I would prefer as VP someone who shot an out of control dog to someone who put people in jail for marijuana possession then went home and relaxed from her busy day by sparking up a joint.

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Or somebody who rose in the ranks by providing sexual favors to the leader of the CA assembly?

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You and Unsaint, proving 2 things can be true at the same time.

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Who rose in the world by going down on Willie?

I ask myself daily how any of this is possible.

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Wasn’t it Willie who rose in the world?

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Ouch!!! 😊

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Well I think you might be seeing the real Noem. She seems pretty bizarre. Happy to shoot her chicken eating dog, imagined visits with Kim Jong Dickhead, tv adverts for Texas dentists …. The cringe factor meter is red lining.

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Seems like writing an autobiography is something best left for retirement. Particularly if you don't have the time to go over the manuscript with the ghostwriter.

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Save the trees!

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Noem took this dog as a rehome as the original owners thought it to be too aggressive. It wasn't a pet--said Noem in a follow-up to the original Guardian story--it was a work dog. n she got hold of it as it was killing the chickens, it tried to bite her. What concerns me here is how we can't trust the news to tell objective facts any more. I'm not defending Noem for telling the story--though I think it is a metaphor for the cultural divide between rural working people on the land and city dwellers--but I am lamenting the lack of trust in mainstream media produced by hit jobs like this story. And I think Ollie's snipe here is a black eye for TFP.

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Read my comment above. This isn’t about putting down an aggressive dog. It’s Noem’s judgment in writing about it. You needn’t be partisan or sniping to question this woman’s judgment. Early on, she was an interesting, seemingly tough minded Republican elected official. But she - her own actions and writings - are fair game and aren't sniping.

As to the dog, why go to lengths to justify it? If the dog story has any relevance to her life (I suspect it doesn’t, at least not for what prolly she wishes it to mean) a wiser course would have been to say simply something like “I rescued a dog that had a history of aggression to animals and people I wasn’t able to reform the dog and I had it put down“. It's a judgment and savvy issue. She seems a tad clueless - as the Kim Jong Un story and the Texas dental adverts also suggest.

What’s that old saw about better to keep silent and seem a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

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Then, of course, there is Biden's dog which, according to CNN, has had 24 incidents of biting Secret Service agents. If you or I had a dog that bit one or two people, we would have to put it down, but not "clueless" Biden, who clearly is above the law -- any law. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/21/politics/commander-biden-secret-service-bites-white-house/index.html

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Those who know my occasional rantings on TFP Comment Board, know that I think Biden is the contents of a soiled diaper. His.

I think Biden should be put in a cell with his dogs. No food. A scene out of Game of Thrones! You could have Kristi Noem as Sansa Stark and Brandon as Ramsey Bolton. Commander as the very hungry dog!

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Thanks for stating the facts. It used to be legal if not mandatory in most states that a dog which even harassed livestock, much less killed any, would be put down. That was the norm when much of the population was farm folk. Now we have out of control dogs around here, that neither the owners or the authorities will do anything about. A few folk have had to shoot one or two and quietly bury them.

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Ollie is himself a black eye for TFP.

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Given the entire carnival freak show on the left side of the aisle, funny you'd pick on Kristi.

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I think she’s pretty much picked on herself …

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The ad campaign ND has been running in TX starring Noem is cringy. The ads started my shift in opinion of her. She is deliberatly portrayed as ditzy. If you havn't seen any (and there are many versions) she plays a tradesperson that does not know what they are doing. She is encouraging people to move to ND. I believe they enforce elitist opinion of rural areas and red state. Curious what type of focus group, if any, they used for this.

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He's just too clever by half. This continued coverage of KN just shows how they do not relate to a large portion of their readers/subscribers. Similar to the ongoing references in TGIF to George Santos' alter ego Kitara. Funny to no one ever except Nellie.

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George Santos but no Bob Menendez.

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C’mon, Santos is a hilarious example b of the stupidity of our politics and, at least in his district, the electorate.

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Not to the exclusion of far more absurd and important issues.

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I thought that was Gretchen Whitmer.

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So agree.

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Quick take - Abigail should be a bigger contributor. Much more content from her and she is correct about a two tier system of justice. But that is Socialism, Communism, and the woke-ism these absolutely stupid and clueless idiots are chanting for.

Biden as I said long ago will turn on Israel and he is starting to do that to appease the radical small minority he needs to get re-elected. It's all about Joe and screw everyone else. He has always been on the wrong side of major events and decisions. He would rather Hamas live and continue to kill than lose a single vote.

Anything the Dept of Ed with the clownish fool running it is a wrong move. The picture of incompetence and wasted money.

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Selena Zito would be a great contributor, especially leading up to the election. She did have one article of which I am aware that appeared in TFP.

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And a much more astute observer of the Little People than is Ben Kodswallop, (Bless me Father for I have sinned -- but I could not resist. Mea maxima culpa...)

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Those Ben interviews are a waste of time. One of my least favorite items in TFP.

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Absolve te, Casey...

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I dislike preening know-it-alls who decide whether Jews have rights or not.

The IHRA definition of antisemitism is the accepted definition by all major Jewish national and international organizations and by a large number of countries, organizations, and respected universities. The US State Department uses it. It doesn't expand any rights that Jews have beyond defining as antisemitism when Jews are targeted by haters and by those who think "global intifada" is the best thing ever. It actually clarifies how Israel is targeted for antisemitism and the canary in the coal mine for western freedoms. You want to criticize Israel as you would the US, then fine. You want to say Israel has no right to exist but every other nation does, then yes you are an antisemite. Get over your Jew-hating self.

In order to identify something, you actually do need to define it.

But contrary to what TFP wrote, the bill is stalled in the Senate. Why? Schumer is a democratic apparatchik who is following Biden's orders to bury the thing. The DNC doesn't want to upset the Hamas caucus of the party by codifying the fact that they are simply Nazis with pronouns. The bill is going nowhere fast. Schumer even said so.

And for those who think that the biggest issue is the world is Palestinian state, the Palestinians were offered a state 6 times in history. (The Kurds would like just 1 offer) It was rejected every time simply because it left Israel in tact. Apparently getting 98% of what you ask for is not enough for the Palestinian leadership. Read Clinton's memoirs on the subject.

Israel is not required to commit suicide so a Palestinian State can be born, or should I say resurrected from the ashes of Gaza. Because if you dont think Gaza was a Palestinian state then you really haven't been paying attention. We saw what the Palestinians did when they had their own statelette, Oct 7. The White Saviorism of the Left is really getting on my last nerve.

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I had not heard that the bill had not passed the Senate. Seems like that's a rather important piece of news. Olly? Bari?? Is anybody there? Does anybody care?

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And "From the river to the sea" simply means eradication of Israel.

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Well stated.

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Also, facts on the ground actually matter. No one talks about what system a so-called Palestinian state would assume. No Arab nation wants to shepherd that process. No new state can survive without a wholesale revamp of the culture. They need 15 years of hand-holding with total outside control of education and institutions before a neighborly political party can govern. To the Gazans’ dismay, this will likely never happen.

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Cogent insight. Thank you, EKB!

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Thank you.

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I'm supporting the Antisemitism Act from the standpoint of making the Left play by their own rules. If a court finds it unconstitutional, the judiciary will then be compelled to find a whole bunch of the rest of DIE unconstitutional too. That said, as EKB points out above, it doesn't stand a chance in hell of becoming law.

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Ironic that NYC will let rich anarchist James Carlson off with a slap on the tattooed wrist, but fined Trump $300M for getting a loan and paying it back and now they’re prosecuting Trump for…what exactly?

Carlson should be fined the full balance of his trust fund and sterilized. I guarantee you his inheritance is very much a part of Wall Street and the “evil capitalist system” against which he protests.

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NYC gave 80 million dollars of Trump's money to a woman who said on public tv that she thinks rape is sexy, while accusing the president of sexual assault.

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How much taxpayer $ have been spent chasing Donald and how much taxpayer $ were destroyed by the trustafarian Carlson and his ilk. Upside down world where physical violence and property destruction is sponsored by the wealthy activists.

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Here is a fact. If a student group of the Aryan Nation held a protest at any college or university and spewed their hateful messages regarding black Americans and ended with “from the River to the Sea, America will be free” does anybody believe they would be allowed to continue? To build a tent city, have demands of the university that the university would aqueous to?

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Not a snowball's chance in you know where

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Liberals invariably attack and destroy excellence wherever they find it, and replace it with hatred and tyranny. Ancient Rome, India, China, Argentina, Ancient Israel, Venezuela, Canada, 1930s Germany, 1920s Russia. It takes time but it never varies.

The most perfect example is occurring before your eyes in America. Liberals are doing everything they can to run Republicans out of existence while at the same time they are deliberately replacing that exceedingly moderate and peaceful excellence with the most ultra conservative, forced-conversion-driven, religious theocracy in the history of the world.

Their shrieks as they are flung off of rooftops are always the first time they realize their own folly.

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"Liberals" is the wrong word. Liberalism, at least clasical liberalism as defined by Locke, Hobbes, JS Mill, Voltaire, et al -- equal treatment under the law. freedom of speech and religion, etc -- is a foundational principle of the West.

What you're talking about are flavors of socialism and wealth redistribution, which can often lead to some terrible outcomes when taken to the extreme and enforced tyrannically.

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In America, republicans have always been classical liberals. Democrats have never been that.

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FWIW, apparently FDR decided to use "liberal" to describe Democrats' ideology, after Wilson and his crew made the word "progressive" so loathsome to voters.

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yeah. they have always stolen terms like that and claimed them to be democrat party line.

the democrats have always been horrific.

slavery & kkk have been replaced by human trafficking & antifa. same thing. democrats always the same. now they want to replace antifa with islamic terrorists.

democrats sit in highly guarded mansion enclaves in beverly hills while the rest of their los angeles plantation is covered in filth and squalor.

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Ironically they are using laptops, software, the internet, and cellphones that were a product of the capitalist economy in the US. (Sure DARPA the evil military industrial complex funded some of it)

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Will Yale ban keffiyehs come Halloween?

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"....turmoil on American campuses, many questions come to mind." Yes and here's another: What are these wilfully ignorant brats doing in an 'institution of higher learning' in the first place?

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It appears that many of these “students” aren’t actually students. They are outside instigators and being paid to be there possibly

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The Socialist fascist, Islamist alliance on campus and in the streets only respects muscle and force. They see in the Jewish American a combo of Larry David, Woody Allen, Jonah Hill, Ben Stiller... add a few other neurotic nebbishes. After all this intimidation, 5 Jews fighting back against dozens of UCLA brown shirts is the best we got? This is not going to end well.

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Yeah, well, they did invent the A bomb, and they still have it, I understand. I wouldn't push them to far.

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I cannot tell for sure but I notice a change - for better - in OW reporting. Wishful thinking? Or are we approaching “hitting the bottom”?

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I have to admit wondering the same thing. Time will tell.

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Evanescent. Leopards and spots.

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Genetically impossible? Yes I know.

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See how sympathies would change if the students who are cosplaying "Palestinian Terrorist/Gazan Refugee" were to say and do the exact same things while cosplaying "Skinhead/Klansman".

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