
“black pregnant people are more likely to be drug tested”


Hey, jackass, you have to capitalize Black.

If you’re going to call them “pregnant people” you can’t forget to capitalize Black because that cancels out all of the social credits you get for saying “pregnant people”.

Someone get me my baton!!

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Harvard continues to lead the insane WOKE war on civilization, truth and science. We must reprogram our minds that Harvard is no longer the best of our country’s universities. It keeps sinking to new lows. Last in FIRE’s ratings on free speech. It’s medical institutions have fallen.

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I now only accept medical treatment from Asians who graduated from third-tier schools 30 years ago.

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Go read the their policy on cardiology (linked in article) if you really want to read some racist garbage - non-white people had better avoid that hospital if you have a heart attack. (Their paragraph on why their policy isn’t racist is a priceless exercise in woke-speak.)

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Stupid people. They are setting themselves up for major lawsuits here.

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Democrats have a very well-funded NGO that targets people for disbarment if they oppose Democrats in court.

They are Nazis.

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We can not rely on lawsuits at this time. The courts and legal system are also captured by the woke left.

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The word WOKE makes me want to throw up.

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The old guard of medicine is retiring as fast as possible.

Only the DEI WOKE , corporate controlled will be left.

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The only medical treatment I consider to be safe in 2024 is a retired doctor with silver hair rendering services in exchange for cash in his garage next to his ‘68 Camaro SS.

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Ha, Ha. I didn't know that you know my husband, but it is a '72 Challenger

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Make sure it has the 350 engine with the 750 cfm carb. Oh, and 4 speed of course. I should have buried that car, instead of selling it.

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My young friend, who is all of 35, was lamenting that all of her trusted doctors (old white guys) are retiring and she doesn't know who to replace them with.

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This is a problem for many people of all ages. The older wise pediatrician who is retiring is irreplaceable for example.

The same is true for most specialties

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I took a lot of time finding a doctor I could deal with, who was not totally co-opted by drug companies and actually spent time with me figuring out exactly what was going on with me. I started seeing him in the late 2000's. He unfortunately retired a couple years ago (right after covid, which I don't think was a coincidence....he was in his 60's, but probably could have been good for another 5 or 10 years as he was pretty healthy). During our last visit, he had a younger doctor with us, the one he was thinking I could see when he was fully retired. He kept saying things to me like, "you don't have to come in every year....maybe you should just come in if there is a problem". Things he never said to me before. I think he knew what was happening and was giving me a subtle warning. In any case, I haven't been to see a doctor since.

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By the time we vote in Nov your young friend will be screaming if we don’t vote the right msn into power

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Fortunately some of them are moving into concierge services. That way they can actually treat patients without being subjected to corporate BS.

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Concierge medicine only works for primary care- internal medicine and only for the very rich. Even for the rich once the person develops cancer or another serious medical problem , that model falls apart.

Even for the primary care the patient - client is oversold on all kinds of “ preventative “ or screenings that have little to no value.

In addition most drs doing the concierge practice are generally older p, experienced and trying to preserve the patient doctor relationship as they knew it. They are trying to survive a little longer before retiring.

It’s not feasible for most younger drs ( for financial reasons) as well as they only know this new DEI WOKE corporate way of medical practice

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When our young neighbor wanted advice on going into dentistry or medicine, my MIL (gyn) and my neighbor (dmd) had the same advice: “Don’t.”

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Life tip: if your doctor uses the term “pregnant people” run like hell, find a new doctor, or just take vitamins or something. And also that hospital might want to have a conversation with their legal counsel about what a mandatory reporter is required to do.

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My thoughts exactly about mandatory reporting laws. In my State, pretty much every person is a mandated reporter, you don't just decide to exclude yourself one day because of the color of someone's skin. Lord have mercy

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Does this also include the Black pregnant men? Or is that now wrong again?

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Wait, I thought we couldn't say Black; we have to stay African-American? I'm so confused

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African Americans can be white like Elon Musk. Don't assume everyone from Africa is white. Lots of Asian Africans too

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I mean don't assume Africans are black

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So true! That's why it's such a ridiculous term.

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1 They do NOT 'have to' capitalize black/Black.

2 Would you expect them to capitalise White/white?

But yes, they should say pregnant women and not pregnant people.

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I prefer ‘pregnant mass accumulations’ or ‘pregnant chest-feeding bleeders’.

Whichever feels more open-minded and compassionate at the time.

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I like "fetus-makers" it's even more dehumanizing.

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Fetus-endowed? Because if it's IVF, they didn't make the fetus.

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Possibly “forcefully occupied”?…..

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That made me reach for my Luger.

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Care to address the quote you cited?

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Kiss my butt!!!

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So....that's a 'No?" You cannot cogently address the quote you cited?

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I feel like I have given you enough of the opposition’s best arguments, to put in your Soros NGO database, for one day.

The data that shows Democrat doctors and nurses working for Democrat-run hospital systems in Democrat cities (where the Black population resides for the most part) are racist, is the same as the data that shows you should vaccinate 2-year-olds.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

You can "feel" however you want, but the fact is: you've provided nothing. So, we've established that your answer is "No."

Now....please elaborate on:

1. "Democrat hospitals" that are racist and how is this accomplished by the doctors?

2. How that squares with other documented types of health disparities in rural areas for white patients/population?

3. How does that square with the disparities in black health care that exist in rural/red areas as well?

4. How vaccine data re: 2 yr olds proves your claim that "Democrat Hospitals" are racist.

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Okay, fine. The Democrats who provide healthcare to the Black population are racists.

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“Israel has pulled troops from southern Gaza, and only one brigade remains in the Strip. The IDF says the move does not mean the end of the war is close.”


Since Egypt is being very helpful by making sure nobody goes anywhere, I have been saying this whole time that Israel needs to fight the war with regular 3-day ceasefires to send in humanitarian aid.

Not only would this help a little to blunt the criticism from the international community of antisemites, but it would give Israel a great opportunity to surveil the hell out of what takes place and who moves from where to where etc etc; given that Hamas will come out to steal all of the candy bars.

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Kevin, I think TFP is #1 because of commenters like you, Unsaint, a few others. Most of the time I scroll through the article, especially Ollie’s, just to read the comments.

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Same here. Here for the comments for about half the articles 😊

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Today was a rare foray by Olly (as Bari calls him) into the zone of (mostly) sanity. But agree that the comments far eclipse Wiseman's ravings.

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Amazing how "Olly" looks like "Oily" up to about the third look.

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I think he is more a 'Stan' myself.

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NC, I not only look for Kev's comments I look for your comments and among others, Bruce's.

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I love the comments. Some are unhinged, but most are excellent. I love TFP and try to promote it everywhere. I need to see where this rating is, so that I can send it out and about.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

The number of comments is higher than likes most of the time. It means we all are coming here for comments.

When I compare the TFP with other substacks - and I have been here from the birth of Common Sense - this is relatively not a very tight bubble. Mostly like-minded people but not all. We still get in our opinions even when they go against the tide. I personally am not worried about writing what I think. And we keep it civil. Other sites resemble X, which I got away from because of its poisonous and brutal incivility.

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And a REAL plus, we don't have to pay the $79.99/month to read his comments :-)

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But you can

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Many times I skim through the article, roll my eyes a few times and then come to the comments to see some actual sense.

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Me too.

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You have not been saying that "this whole time."

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Anyone who claims Islam is the religion of peace is an idiot. All you have to do is read a history of Islam to know it is the religion of hate and violence.

We did this to ourselves by letting these murderous fanatics into our country. We already had enough home grown far left and far right fanatics without having to import Islamic religious fanatics.

It is the religion of hate and violence.

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To be fair, there would be far less hate and violence if we behaved better and complied with their edicts.

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Yes, accept Sharia law which is antithetical to the rights within our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Convert to Islam. Reject all other religions and make sure that the adherents who refuse to convert are subjugated or killed. Then, according to the tenets of Islam, there will be peace.

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That is hilarious! I think I'll use that one, if you don't mind

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Right. But a little too even handed re left v. right fanatics - and would you classify Islamists as right or left?

Wiseman’s vacation seems to have worked wonders; great article Oliver, but TFP becoming #1, is not because of your own past performance.

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Islamists are left-wing because they are progressive utopians. Christians are right-wing because they do not believe in an earthly utopia; they believe in the reality of a sinful fallen world.

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No I would classify them as dangerously nutz!

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That’s a great idea, and I consider you every bit as qualified to weigh in on what the IDF *should* do as Michael Walzer. While I am much in agreement with him, I wonder if he’s ever been in an actual battle; his knowledge of war seems to be entirely theoretical. This is something I’ve been thinking about after watching the superb “What We Saw” season on the cold war, and how McNamara bollocksed the Vietnam War with an overabundance of theory and zero military experience.

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Putting people whose only skill is attending college in charge of everything may have been a bad plan.

Especially since the colleges are run by communists.

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Well said Kev. Well said.

You are absolutely correct. For decades universities and colleges have been called the Ivory Tower because many professors have never had a real job and have spent their lives in an insular environment.

We have to go no further to see the result of this by reading compro's drivel.

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Well, we have presidents who have never had a real job in their lives and have been community organizers or spent half a century in the government. Never having a job means they have never had to make a sound decision and handle responsibilities. Go figure.

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Thomas Sowell said that there's nothing worse than putting people in charge of decisions who pay no price for being wrong. That sums up our federal government pretty well.

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You are on a role today!

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What current college/university president is a Communist?

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He said the colleges are "run by Communists". College/university presidents don't "run" the colleges. Just like President Biden doesn't run the country.

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Oh....colllege/university presidents don't run their institutions?

Wow. This is a The Free Press Discussion board original!!

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They are just the face of the institution. Who makes them president? That's who runs it.

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Lol. You think college/university presidents do not run their institutions.

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Oh come on you guys. Walzer hasn’t been in battle so he can’t opine on whether a was is just or unjust? Like someone who hasn’t been a sitting judge can’t opine on the criminal justice system? Or someone who hasn’t been president of Harvard can’t opine on the school? Walzer is emeritus at Princeton (well okay the Ivy’s are not what they once were). But one of his many books is Just and Unjust Wars - in numerous editions and the standard work on the subject. It’s great that TFP got him to opine (again) on this war. That’s the kind of thing I don’t think you will find in other media (not only that TFP knows who Walzer is but that they can get him to weigh in on the record).

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No one said he couldn’t opine. We all opine. The question is how much that opinion is worth. I’m aware of his book, and that’s why I read his bio to see if he had any ACTUAL military experience—because sitting in a classroom theorizing about war is not the same as fighting one. That was my point about McNamara. The same series explains why the F111, which looked amazing on paper, was a disaster-in-waiting for actual air combat—and why the F15 and F16, designed in coordination with a real-life fighter pilot, reigned supreme in the sky for decades.

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And FTR, I am in agreement with Walzer a lot of the time.

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I see your point but I think it demonstrates how far down the "expert" rabbit hole we are. Plus he did not really say it was or was not an unjust war. He just raised the spectre of disproportionate warfare. How does an organized army engage unorganized combatants?

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Exactly. They're doing it all wrong without a clue about how it would be done better.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Retire to safe distance; lay down a couple or three tactical nukes. Job jobbed. Our enemies have had their rope and I have no more fucks to give.

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Actually, Israel sends in humanitarian aid every single day. The only thing a ceasefire will do is give Hamas the opportunity to become stronger.

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They're not Egyptian.

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Seeking a better life. We are all immigrants. Huddled masses. Citizen of the world. Other things. LGBTQ+.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Lol. You just tried to equate Egypt with America.

'"Strong borders for me,

but not for thee?"

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds, KevinDurant.

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“Butler has a new book out called Who’s Afraid of Gender?”


Your first hint this is communist horseshit is that she is describing her opposition as ‘fearful’. This is a common Marxist tactic. For example, with mass uncontrolled immigration, they say that you are just afraid of brown people if you oppose it. Xenophobe transphobe homophobe etc etc etc Republicans are always described as scared.

“Scared of change” is another one they use. The goal is just to paint the opposition as dangerous cornered animals who are also irrational. So you aren’t thinking straight and you’re dangerous.

In reality Democrats are just like a homeless guy squatting over the hood of your car to defecate as you try to parallel park and they are screaming “Why are you scared of change??”

Well, will it technically be a ‘change’ if you take a shit on the hood of my car? Yes. But I’m not necessarily scared I just don’t want you to shit on my car.

(NOTE: in this analogy, Democrat policy is the homeless guy’s shit)

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"The sloppy scholarship of Judith Butler: If you’ve ever heard the phrase “gender is a construct,” you can blame Judith Butler, the nonbinary Berkeley philosopher who, incidentally, is also a Hamas apologist." No one is "nonbinary" even if they chop off all of their sexual parts.

Butler is not just sloppy - she has always published unreadable Marxist gender psychobable.

But, today marks the day of: The Catholic Church v. Gender Ideology and I expect to see parochial school enrollment suddenly become very very healthy. I am not even Catholic but now we would never send our kids to the public elementary school we once loved. Public and private schools are Woke - flying "Pride Progress Flags" like most protestant churches I see. So, as a not-even-religious person I am very happy to see this from the Pope!

"Vatican Clarifies Opposition To Radical Gender Theory, Says It Threatens A Person’s ‘Unique Dignity’

Pope Francis warned against the "age-old temptation to make oneself God.""


"Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity, 08.04.2024

Declaration “Dignitas Infinita”on Human Dignity"


Hurrah for the Catholics!

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P.S. I guess Dr. Jack Turban figures he is a Frankenstein sex god and has no need to follow "evidence based medicine". Since he is at the University of California at San Francisco he likely does know what it is but chooses not to follow it for ideological reasons or professional advancement or personal profit - or all 3. He should certainly lose his medical license and go to jail over this:

“Leor Sapir The Deposition of Jack Turban

One of America’s leading gender clinicians proves that he doesn’t understand evidence-based medicine.”


For a long time Medical Gender Activists - like those at the WPATH - have claimed to follow "Evidence Based Medicine" but they do not - as revealed by Michael Shellenberger.

Here is another article about the new treatise from the Vatican "Vatican condemns surrogacy, gender-affirming surgery, gender theory in new doctrinal note

Vatican doctrinal chief calls it 'painful' that some Catholics support gay criminalization"


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"Democrat policy is the homeless guy’s shit"

Figuratively and literally.

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Oh also, please note the irony and projection of how liberal women say conservatives live in fear of everything, and then they have a national emergency over an eclipse. "Out of an abundance of caution".

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They're also still wearing masks even outdoors.

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Kevin need his own column on TFP.

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So Michael Walzer thinks that belligerent countries are obligated to allow aid to enemy civilians in the middle of a war. Can he cite a single other country that has done this? The US has employed the tactic of deliberately starving enemy populations in all of its wars.

Why is Israel being required to so something that no one else does? Isn't there anyone around to challenge this hypocrisy?

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Wait! Are so saying Hamas and the Arabs wouldn't pause for aid if they were killing all the Jews and destroying Israel? Well I am truly stunned. Only fools talking about how to run a war, yet who would never fight one can say such silly things.

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Jesus, man. You need lessons in writing coherence. That comment is pretty close to incoherent. And 28 years in the Pentagon doesn’t help your writing.

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William T. Sherman is rolling in his grave.

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Not to mention good old Dwight David Eisenhower

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Do you have a button you can press that eliminates antisemitism? If not, let’s maybe figure out how to distribute aid in a way that gives Israel a strategic advantage. No one is going anywhere or coming in from outside so surveillance is even more useful than normal.

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How about a truckload of food for every Hamas murderer turned over to the Israelis?

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Caroline Gluck has been reporting on an Israeli who hates Bibi( Ami Dror) who is apparently working with the Pro Hamas White House to overthrow the Israeli government and to allow Hamas to stay in power.

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Yes! Though you speled "sophistry" rong.

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Interesting comment. Perhaps because Israelis have traditionally followed that rule and continue to do so. Being surrounded by your enemies?

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Missing from the summary (unsurprisingly) is Shellenberger’s work uncovering censorship in Brazil, which includes arrests and jail for speech. Musk is bravely exposing everything he can on the judge central to the censorship, and if it means no X in Brazil, he will take the loss.

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So agree. Instead we get a lot of stuff in which I'm SO not interested and that just distracts from the very, very, very serious censorship going on everywhere. WAKE UP! What is happening in Brazil could easily happen here as we are already well down that path.

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I'm guessing Brazilians can use a VPN to access X/Twitter.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Michael Walzer says a "best case" solution to the Gaza war is "a political way of dealing with Hamas"? Seriously? Give up and leave Hamas in power? Israel has conducted this war with the least impact to civilians in the history of urban warfare (https://www.newsweek.com/more-accurate-accounting-war-gaza-opinion-1880784), but since you can't get to zero, the answer is "give up"? Great news for future terrorists: Human shields make you immune from losing!

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What the hell is a “political theorist” and why would we give credence to his opinions ? This war is like no other , and these academics are useless

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“Some polls show Trump leading Biden with young voters, and Biden beating Trump among those over 45. Is an age inversion underway? “

I don't believe this for a minute. Over 45s think Biden deserves their vote? Did they only poll suburban white women who were blotto on wine? But then it IS Politico.

“”A man in Quebec has had two healthy fingers amputated to relieve “body integrity dysmorphia.” The patient “was so desperate to get rid of his fingers he contemplated building a small, makeshift guillotine.””

Wow is he nuts. Now if he wanted to delete his nuts, that’s totally fine and understandable.

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I read the whole article on that, which said that traditional behavioral therapy and drug therapy had been tried first, only increasing the patient’s anxiety. Post amputation, he was much happier and his general anxiety had disappeared. It was considered a good outcome.

And this is analogous to how I feel about the small population of people who *truly* suffer from gender dysphoria: sometimes the only thing that works for them is to transition and live as the other sex (NB: not “become” the opposite sex).

The tragedy is the absurd development that faux gender dysphoria is now *fashionable*. I learned, while reading a book set in Tudor England, that women would sometimes artificially blacken their teeth to make it look as though they could afford to eat so much sugar that their teeth had rotted….proving once again, that humans are a truly fucked-up bunch.

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Even with real, classic GD interventions should wait until legal adulthood. It’s dangerous and fraught with so many problems, both ethical and medical to intervene earlier.

Amputating health fingers to treat a delusion is wrong. I too don’t have an answer bit to this isn’t it. Sometimes doing nothing is the most ethical thing to do.

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This is especially true now that we know most kids with gender dysphoria will outgrow it if left physically intact. The butchers who cut off minors' healthy breasts and genitals should be in jail.

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9

Amen to that, Bob.

I think that the reality TV show "I am Jazz" - with the world gawking at the abuse of the clearly gay boy, Jaron Bloshinsky, was the beginning of this medical frenzy. The butcher, "Marci" Bowers, seemed to really enjoy/get off on his work. And, then there is his mother....

After that we had the girls trans-Id - similar to the Salem Witch Trials of the 17th century, nervous disorders of the 18th century, neurasthenia disorders of the 19th century, anorexia, repressed memory, bulimia, and cutting of the 20h century. This time though, with "trans", we have the full force of the Federal Government behind "affirmation" because "victim groups" are useful to the DIE Marxist power grab.

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So, two fingers is reasonable? What about three? The whole hand? Where does it end?

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I didn’t say it was reasonable. The fact that the guy was mentally ill takes reason out of the equation. But according to the report, he’s happy now. I don’t understand it, but is the alternative to force the guy to live in misery? I have no answers.

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deletedApr 9
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I wondered the same thing. But if he continues to be happy, one can’t help but wonder: why those two fingers? It’s fairly intriguing.

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A problem is that there is no sturdy diagnosis for "gender dysphoria" and many have regret - even among the traditionally presenting cohort. That is why Dr. Paul McHugh who ran an early gender clinic (the first in the US?) subsequently closed it down. He concluded that it did not help with long term mental health outcomes. And, now there is the thing where there should be no "gatekeeping" and there are no long term follow up studies. It is too mean or something. The media represses stories of regret like those of Walter Heyer and "Corina" Cohn. We ignore any lessons to be learned from the suicide of that fully transitioned and "passing" flight attendant. Also, if you have read Helen Joyce's 'Trans" or writings of "Anne" Laurence, you understand that most who develop extreme sexual fetish as adult men started to claim that they "always felt this way" in order to get radical surgeries. Where, the boys who identified as girls mostly grow up to be gay. Today we have activist led medicine.

Of course, the new cohort of masses of girls and young women going "trans" because of the Gender Fairy Religion and the Federal government's crazy Gender AGenda are the true concern. If there are a tiny tiny number of adult men who really want this and it can be handled in a slow and careful way - most of us do not care. Which might be sad? They do need to be tracked for long term study. But, this is not the story today.

This is the story: “Leor Sapir The Deposition of Jack Turban

One of America’s leading gender clinicians proves that he doesn’t understand evidence-based medicine.”


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Wasn't a guy named Trudeau was it?

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Trudeau has already had his nuts removed. Oh wait, you were talking about fingers, right?

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They weren’t exactly removed, just transplanted from his perineum to his prefrontal cortex.

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If he wanted to delete his nuts, he would be celebrated as heroic and brave and given a job in the Canadian government.

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And his Johnson along with the nuts!

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“Today hundreds of schools across North America, from Texas to Ontario, are closing in order to protect pupils from sustaining lifelong injuries—from the sun.”


The teachers unions are going to need $400 billion for COVID air filtration systems and then $500 billion for protective eclipse-viewing glasses and then $600 billion for special helmets to protect them from Putin’s Havana Syndrome Ray Gun.

Luckily, there will be no cost for me to tell you wether or not this is a gigantic communist scam.

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Thx Kevin. I kinda think you should charge a few bucks for the mental anguish of having to juggle the total bullsh*t of a teacher stating they are closing school early due to an eclipse “out of an abundance of caution”.

No wonder 80% of public school children are basically retarded.

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Sorry but the lawyers are driving this bus. The Yankees game was rescheduled out of an AoC -- much as I'd like to, I can't hang that on the teachers unions. (Giggles as he realizes the similarity to AOC...)

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I would not listen to anything AOC says out of an AoC

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Fear is driving this. Fear is driving a lot of things.

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Agreed. When I first read this, I too thought it was stupid, but then my H reminded me that if any school kids removed their protective glasses while viewing the eclipse at school as part of school (great science lesson potential) and under teacher supervision, and their eyes were damaged, the parents would sue the school, the teacher, the school district, etc etc etc. The schools don’t want the potential liability so it’s cheaper and easier to make the kids stay home, potentially unsupervised if their parents work outside the home, and then if little Tommy or Sally goes out in the back yard unprotected and burns their retinas to smithereens the parents can’t sue anyone (theoretically, because a clever lawyer could argue that sending kids home to an empty house with no adult supervision, which they would have had at school, was actionable negligence and a proximate cause of the retina burning because the school either knew or should have known that unsupervised kids will watch an eclipse without protective glasses and therefore the school is still responsible).

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Yup. It's not a matter of actual fault, it's the locus of deepest pockets.

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Meanwhile in Daytona Beach, an elementary school teacher has been outed for calling her students retarded for being slow to pack up after she had a bad day. The father of one child

“Karim Bouaziz said his 9-year-old son told him the incident occurred as students packed up their belongings to leave Fuster’s classroom at the bell on Feb. 16. Bouaziz said he was concerned that she used the term because his son has an individualized education plan for language and speech. “

She’s been reassigned.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

The dad's name says it all. Meanwhile when I went to a catholic school my dad told the teachers if my son ever gets out of line you have my permission to (basically slap him around). How do you think that would fly around today? IMO that is what we NEED today. Bunch of pussy generations we have today that have ruined society.

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My parents at every parent - teacher conference "You have my permission to (basically slap him around) and then let me know and I'll (basically slap him around) when he gets home"

I'm not sure exactly how it was phrased but (basically slap him around) was the gist of the message.

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Yup. We knew if we got in trouble in school, we'd get it twice as bad at home. It kept us in line for sure. BTW, my elder sister's first grade class had 30 students, one nun, and no assistant. The students gave the nun no trouble. They didn't dare. But then, it was the early 60's.

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LOL Yes exactly.

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Bunch of johadists is the issue. Hang ‘em.

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Sounds like Karim may be a little retarded too. Just sayin.....

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Waiting for the traditional musical direction to be changed to “sloweeo downeeo” because “ritard(ando)” might hurt someone’s feelings.

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Why do some feel the need to interfere with Darwinism?

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“Speaking of big dudes fed up with the left, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has ruled out endorsing Joe Biden again in 2024”


Aaron Rupar, who is a parasitic Democrat piece of shit, on Twitter responded to this by saying The Rock’s statement was a “cowardly word salad”.

Please understand that every time you see someone online using the term ‘word salad’ in a way that makes no sense to describe something that isn’t a word salad, that person is either being handled by the IC or working for a sock puppet NGO.

They focus grouped ‘word salad’ and found it was effective for introducing confusion frustration etc etc. Many other examples like this.

Also, most of the racism you see online is from government actors or Democrat NGO’s pretending to be racist people on the right.

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I would like to point out though that one place not to eschew it is having ‘Word Salad Days’ (I’m here referring of course to the all time brilliant tv show Boston Legal (S2E21), boy would that show be cancelled in no time today. Try to watch it if you haven’t, it’s a bit scary and also fascinating so many topics that can kind of be related to today. Seems really we should have some in the system yelling “enough of that Jibber-Jabber” now. (I’m sorry if you find I’m ruining your thread but it’s just this “Word Salad” got me of a tangent I guess. But you are so right.)

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That was a great show. Shatner and Spader were the best. Loved those balcony scenes.

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Thank for the rec! I will look for the show.

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It was a follow-up to The Practice, also a great show.

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“Colleges will soon be charging $100,000 a year. How did this happen, and who out there wants to contribute to my daughter’s 529?”


Literally a 10,000x worse scam than Trump University.

Eliminate all funding loans grants etc and turn the buildings into prisons for illegals.

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I think the solution is simple: pass a law making student debt dissolvable in bankruptcy. Why is it treated any differently than any other sort of debt? You can walk away from a house. Why nit walk away from a NICE house worth of debt?

Colleges and universities are playing our kids and families for suckers and getting rich doing it. Its arguably an analogue with the War Racket.

Become an electrician or plumber. Its more dignified and way less stress. And youll be making $60,000 plus almost immediately in most markets.

At a minimum, send your kids to a State school. Fuck all these private colleges. They provide NOTHING you cant get by listening to Teaching Company CD’s you can get for free from a public library, and arguably less.

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This reminds me of my plan to end abortion by offering the woman $100,000 to have the baby as long as we can ID the father and staple a $100,000 non-dischargeable loan to his forehead.

You l’ll know it’s working if nightclubs start going out of business.

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Or providing free condoms and diaphragms and nonoxynol 9, if that is still a thing.

Or vasectomy raffles.

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Cutoff the gov’t subsidies and make them spend down their endowments.

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This is why just erasing debt, and not dealing with the problem, is such a terrible idea. The cost of college is not rational, and further we are exporting our education system- foreigners come here and take their education back to their home country. Let’s prioritize Americans and keep it here.

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It burns me up to see foreign students in our universities who have no intention of staying here. Those seats belong to Americans.

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Just erasing debt is a terrible idea with no qualification required.

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The rising cost of college is rational if you look at the financial incentives and government subsidies. In fact, it is a highly predictable outcome. What is not rational is continuing to provide the subsidies that drive the cycle if we expect the pricing to change. Asking the nation's large pool of non-college professional trades to continuously foot the bill for a consumption by choice (college education is a choice, no matter how others try to color it) is likely to result in a quite a lot of backlash, and here we are.

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Agree 💯. What is also not rational is paying for a 4 year degree- at even a state school anymore - and thinking you can teach, or do social work just for example. The economics just don’t work out.

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Given the state of US "education" this just means that in twenty years time their home countries will be even bigger shitholes.

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If those bone-headed parents want to spend $100k per year for their little nose ring toting angels to earn degrees in "lesbian poetry of the Maasai", I say, let them do it! It'll make for some entertaining eavesdropping as I wait in for my Starbucks order.

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Two problems:

1) much of this is from loans guaranteed by taxpayers

2) the money goes to POS Democrats who need to be starved until they do something useful

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My thumb gets tired from hitting the like button on pretty much everything you say Kevin!

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Agreed. Taxpayer funding should only apply to traditional degrees like business, management, accounting, STEM, etc that have real world practical application.

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That sounds good on the surface, but what we really need is to bring back the old liberal arts degree. It was general knowledge of civics and core understanding of Western philosophy and literature, designed to equip students to be good citizens, We have eliminated that knowledge, and now students are easily led by the nose because they know nothing about their own history or how we became the United States.

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Teach this in high school. problem solved

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Get rid of the DEI department for starters.

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Texas has. Some places are still trying to back door it. But oh my, you should hear the squealing.

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And stop the funding of such places by regimes who hate us. Along with seeding them with spies and agitators.

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Too bad you buried the discussion regarding British Muslims towards the very end. That is a big story that deserves much greater focus. I have read that in Londons sister city Dearborn many of the weekend demonstrators shouted death to America along with the usual kill the jews. Again worthy of discussion.

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No it was Death to America, but not the Welfare Workers or Aid Societies that give us free shit. Dearborn use to actually be a nice place but now, well you get what you ask for and allow. The desire to free a hell hole and then demand to live in a hell hole never ceases to amaze me. Next you will hear about Congresswomen marrying their brother or something;;;; Oh wait!

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Another Boeing incident, see how that DEI fetish works?

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DEI needs to DIE

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DEI = didn’t earn it.

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Discrimination, Exclusion, Intimidation

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I think it equals something else ;)

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Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. ;)

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I just realized “Dei” is Latin for God. Probably not a coincidence the left made it the acronym for their new religion.

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My new preferred definition of DEI: "Didn't Earn It"

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I call it

Division, Exclusion and Inequality.

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Alt: Discrimination, Exclusion, Intimidation

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The Lord works in mysterious ways though.


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I read a bit about this, and I think the problem is deeper.

The article highlighted how all of Boeing's top leadership are new to the company and the industry. There is a widespread attitude among corporate executives that they can all follow the same policies, practices and politics no matter where they are, because there's one approved way to do modern leadership in the eyes of their peers.

So every single leader in every company says, "DEI, Agile, and outsource everything" because it's easy and convenient and their jobs are mostly about kissing the right butt while looking fashionable.

If the political winds change they will drop DEI in a heartbeat. But that by itself wouldn't bring our leadership back to a place of competent leadership, industry specialization, and equitable compensation. That requires accountability, and we need a sweeping wave of accountability for leaders who are only in their seats because of their race or sex.

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As much as I hate DEI and was an early victim of its effects in a large well-known American corporation - I have to agree. I have seen every department from HR to Finance to Marketing to Purchasing bring in some new hot-shot executive who as an instant expert and sold a “better numbers” short-cut plan to management that eventually blew up in everyone’s face.

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That's it exactly. The strategy is to boost short term numbers by gutting and outsourcing infrastructure, call it success, and bail out before the consequences hit.

Which is also exactly what our federal leadership are doing.

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So DEIs are making the plane doors fall off?

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DEI policies lower plane maintenance standards and allow hiring of unqualified, untrained, and poorly supervised staff

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Actually, the issue with Boeing has been their habit of reusing parts, cutting labor, reducing internal safety staff, and outsourcing services, etc. to cheaper vendors to reduce cost and improve profit.



The Boeing whistleblower who died was not getting ready to expose DEI. But if it makes you feel better to blame "the Niggers at Boeing" go right ahead. Why not? Caused the bridge accident in Baltimore, too.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

You are probably right in listing all the reasons. I am not the industry insider and can't argue there. However, I speak from the retail and financial customer service experience and project it onto all large corporations nowadays today.

By the way, I never emphasized and blamed a particular race and was referring to lowering of standards across.

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I am currently working at a place that is constantly trying to improve things. Leadership reads books and goes to conferences to figure out how to do things better. When I realized is that they are starting with the frosting before the cake is done baking. Basically they have not figured out how to do the core functions solidly yet, but they are worried about higher levels things like morale and productivity, which is nice, but not if the day to day processes aren't working.

My point being that I agree that too many leaders are trying to do the same playbook regardless of their industry. But I also think that many of them lose sight of the core function of the business. In this case, making planes well. They have lost that focus in favor of higher levels worries like profitability or growth.

I watch a lot of random videos on the rise and fall of companies. And so often the problem is losing sight of the core business. They will try to do all kinds of creative moves to fix the slump, but they almost NEVER try to actually do better at making or providing whatever they do, better.

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So DEIs are making the plane doors fall off.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

Boeing's issues have nothing to do with that, but their long history of reusing parts, cutting labor, going with cheaper vendors, etc. to reduce cost.

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Boeing may in fact have issues related to poor decisions around who to hire/promote due to their immutable characteristics, but most of their issues, if I've read the testimony of the whistleblower correctly, stem from short sightedness in chasing the approval of stock holders. All the things they did had easily demonstrated cost reduction. The issue was and remains that the trade-offs to those choices never had or have easily calculated costs, both short and long term. So the easy math wins at least in the short term.

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It is the MBAification of industry. It is not planes, trains, automobiles or lawnmowers being produced. Just widgets.

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Actually, the issue with Boeing has been their habit of reusing parts, cutting labor, reducing internal safety staff, and outsourcing services, etc. to cheaper vendors to reduce cost and improve profit.



The Boeing whistleblower who has died was not getting ready to expose DEI. But if it makes you feel better to blame "the Niggers," go right ahead.

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In all honesty, a lot of these incidents have nothing to with Boeing, but instead they are result of airline maintenance.

I don’t disagree with your point about DEI, but blaming everything on DEI is like calling everyone racist.

If everyone is a racist, then no one is!

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From my reading I understand that Boeing refocused top executives’ compensation toward achieving DEI goals, when goals ought to be safety, safety, safety.

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I am not disagreeing with you at all, the issue I had was that a cowling coming off an engine on a plane that had been in service for years has nothing to do with Boeing and everything to do with airline maintenance.

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This eclipse is a good example of how EVERYTHING gets an emotional tinge to it that is just not helpful or needed. On the one hand I'm told this is the most fascinating thing ever; on others, that I should be very fearful, that NASA is launching rockets into the shadow named after some ancient Sumerian (or something) God (I suppose many of you have no idea what I am referring to, since you don't go the mostly but not entirely crazy places I do) and Indiana is declaring a STATE OF EMERGENCY!!!

Imagine being a kid nowadays. Everyone is telling you what to feel. On the one hand you feel guilty or odd if you don't feel ecstasy watching what in effect is not so very different from a cloud passing over the sun. On the other THE WORLD IS ENDING.

When everything has a strong emotional valance then nuance and simple pleasures simply vanish. It's not hard to see that as a goal for someone, although seeing it as an outcome of the increasingly strong measures needed to get the attention needed to make money is not unreasonable either; but seeing it as a reality is I think necessary.

There is a continuum to be drawn between one strong state of emotion and another, but a completely different continuum between strong emotion and calm tranquility. That second continuum seems to be largely invisible to most Americans nowadays. We spend much too little time in silence, away from screens, and in the presence of trees and flowers.

Even now, I am getting pictures of fields full of people filming the eclipse with their phones.

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I will add that my only memory from the 2017 eclipse is the leaf patterns on the ground. For those of you participating, don't forget to look down. The leaf shadows change in really interesting ways.

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The best way to view the eclipse is with your eyes closed.

Abundance of caution

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It was pine needles for me, and yes.

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yes!!! that was our favorite part during the 2017 eclipse, too. (we were still in pdx at the time.) we are now in the southwest desert and told our kids to look at the ground today when they go out to view the eclipse at school this afternoon. fortunately, they are making the eclipse viewing a part of the school day activities and providing glasses for the kids.

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The best eclipse story remains that in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Fooling the rubes never fails. As clouds descend on the multitudes assembled in Buffalo.......

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I dunno…I’m partial to the eclipse story in Ladyhawke. I even named my dog after the hero in that movie.

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I like the eclipse scene in the movie "Apocalypto"


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Good one.

Another satanic death cult.

Like Islam.

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“Some polls show Trump leading Biden with young voters, and Biden beating Trump among those over 45. Is an age inversion underway? “


For the 12 millionth time, polls are not conducted the way elections are. They try to conduct polls fairly.

Elections, on the other hand, are conducted by hiring teams of nightclub promoters and street hustlers to aggressively oversample Democrats. Do a poll like that and I’ll listen.

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Colleges charge more and more because the feds give loans.

Ever since, colleges have spent big bucks on bowling alleys, food courts, dorms that rival swanky hotels, and celebrity professors' salaries. All the while, the quality of education has declined. It's obscene.

Let colleges give loans. Or scholarships. You'll see how fast college costs come down.

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The food courts blow my mind. We got pizza to which they would add leftover green beans. Sunday night dinner was a little piece of shoe leather so that when everyone called home (collect, from pay phones, because Sunday evening long-distance rates were lowest then), when the ‘rents asked what you ate for dinner, you’d answer “steak.”

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So a person named “Wakeman” decided not to automatically report drug use affecting the unborn of minority women, in the name of equity. (1) Well isn’t the unborn baby, which is presumably a minority, at risk of an inequitable outcome from sustained maternal drug use? (2) The name checks out, the universe rhymes, etc.

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Apr 8·edited Apr 8

It's like statistics about shootings. As long as they don't report it, it doesn't happen.

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And algebra- just don’t teach it so kids can’t fail it- it’s a win!

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Not drug testing infants when it’s highly likely is not going to end well for the child, and not for society.

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This new policy is racist and deadly. They are too stupid to realize it.

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I wish it was just stupidity, but I fear this "equity" movement is a deliberate plot to harm black people and black communities.

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And then blame that harm elsewhere so the Bacl community continues to give the government more power to keep screwing up their lives. Sadly vicious cycle.

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I see this as a big win for the ghetto lottery. There will be lawsuits down the road from the mothers because their doctors chose not to intervene.

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They are just reconciling this with the abortion agenda. The unborn do not matter.

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