A good reminder why I do not read books by celebrities/ghost writers.

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I do not read books written by whites. The problem with The Whites is that they are kinda dirty and they have gross white skin.

What we really need is Black Lesbians who wear weird looking glasses. That’s the key to success. Black near-sighted lesbians are crucial.

Imagine how much their diversity will help us. The reason we survive is because of the sustaining empathy of Black Lesbians.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

I would totally read a book about the Black Academic Lesbian, addicted to plagiarism and backed by Obama, who reached the pinnacle of success in her field.

The key to success is the right glasses, the right skin color and Obama endorsement.

Now that would be a book.

According to the best PM in Canadian history; Diversity is our greatest strength (for Trudeau that could be diversity, bottle service and Alphabet flag season, but i digress) .

PS - i would read the book that makes the credible argument, Chris Rock should have smacked Jada Pinkett-Smith in the face. The woman is a complete psychopath, who is not capable of being a parent or a spouse. Even the excerpts from her book read like a horror story from the 1800's.

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Amen to Mr Lederman. There are enough serious intense situations in the world and in my little part of that world to work through and care about. Never been interested in dime a dozen celebrity stories and at 75 I doubt if I will change!😁

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I can relate to this. I don’t give a damn about the rich and aimless.

The last books I read were the Harry Potter books, to my son as a young child. I loved those books. I rarely actually read print other than my Bible. I read stuff online mostly and need to get a subscription for one of those services that reads them to you. It might put me in a coma but I will check out the couple recommended above.

Probably not really though. I honestly don’t have the time or interest for nonsense and have a very small to none respect for celebrities.

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Ya beat me to it GRRR!

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Indeed. 971 pages on Barbra. Pass.

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Literally zero interest in all of the above.

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Not exactly an Oprah book list Barry.

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That is a good thing.

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My favorite book review title this year: 'Spare Us'...The Economist's review of the Prince harry memoir.

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I saw that book in a bookstore in Kilkenny, Ireland. I took a picture of the cover and laughed. What a whiner.

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God bless the Free Press. Sometimes when life is getting tough, I have to ask myself why I haven’t read more celebrity memoirs.

I would say thank you for reading all this drivel so that I don’t have to, but I have sticks in my yard that have contributed more to my outlook on life than these “authors,” so I’m not sure I was going to rush off to the bookstore in the first place. I have a hunch that 99% of the subscribers to this substack would have more interesting and fulfilling life stories to tell. While I’m waiting for those to drop, I’m going to go read the model tag on my refrigerator-which by the way I also find more interesting than this cringe fest.

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lol!! Great comment!

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"God bless the Free Press. Sometimes when life is getting tough, I have to ask myself why I haven’t read more celebrity memoirs"

I always listen to what famous people say to guide my life. Because they are Famous, and Famous people know stuff!

OTOH There are those Famous people who actually know something.


Aug 29, 2016


Steely Dan and Doobie Brothers guitarist and National Security Advisor.

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I was a faculty kid at the boarding school at which Jeff was a student (almost ended with a preposition... whew...).

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At least your didn't end it with a pronoun :-)

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Okay, now that's funny

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“While Spears lay bleeding and in pain, Timberlake “thought music would help, so he got his guitar and he lay there with me, strumming it. I kept crying and sobbing until it was over.””


Why was she crying? Abortions are good and they reduce your suffering according to MSNBC.

(the acoustic guitar is the *real* abortion in this story)

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You never disappoint Mr. Durant!😂

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The bar for disappointment must be very low.

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nope, never read celebrity stuff, & certainly not anything about Barbra... your comments about her worship of Clinton confirms my distaste for celebrities believing themselves to be so smart just because they might be very talented, which she is.

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Funnily enough, the fact that most of these books haven't sold very many copies gives me hope. Maybe people are not as interested in celebrity culture as celebrity culture would have us believe.

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That any have sold dampens my hope.

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“The glass is half ____.”

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If you're an optimist.......full

If you're a pessimist.......empty

If you're a liberal............the glass is racist

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An optimist believes this is the best of all possible worlds

The pessimist fears this is true

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If you're an engineer...... too much glass.

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Here’s a Christmastime treat:


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The brainwashing of America’s young

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“Honey, do these jeans make me look rightwing?”

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I love this! Well done.

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Excellent post

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"Starting off the year was Prince Harry . . . with his explosively cringey memoir, Spare—also known as 'WAAAH' -- in which he sold out his family, aired one-sided petty grievances, and bemoaned the loss of his mother."

And, evidently, told "his truths," which in many instances turned out to be lies, absolute humdingers. The boy is addled and has been made more so by his marriage to the ambitious, unscrupulous Markle.

As for the rest of these autobiographies: Can't their authors wait until they're at least 70 years old and have proven themselves worthy of our reading about their extraordinary lives? (At least Barbra Streisand, whether we like her politics or not, has had a long, varied, successful career.)

It sounds as though most of them have run out of friends to whom to tell their sad-sack, minor experiences. Who are these people?

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The Fonz: 78; Arnie:76. It sounds as though you are a numpty.

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One loses track of time. Of course the Fonz would be in his mid or late 70s. I guess I was thinking of the younger celebrities.

Mystified: What's a numpty?

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Another Scottish word for eejit.

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numpty dumpty sat on a wall, etc., etc.

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I can't think of a worse job in the world than having to read these books; this is a time she will never return. I can see myself in solitary confinement, and the guard says as punishment, you must read these books. But what is impressive is that people buy tens of thousands of them. When calculating the impact on swing voters, one must understand that a lot of their intellectual diet consists of gossip of tidbits of Prince Harry, Brittney, and Morsels from a woman who dated Kanye. I guess this is why so many like Trump? Sadly, as a personality, he is more like the authors than he is like the great men in our history, Washington, Lincoln, or Roosevelt. That is a clue of cultural decay when that happens. Wow, am I more depressed ending this post than when I started. Merry Christmas, all.

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TDS on display. The fatuous fools who read this drivel are the Oprah book club types. Entitled, vacuous women who despise Trump and march with BLM and Hamas to signal their virtue before heading to expensive restaurants in designer clothes.

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Good grief, you think that housewives who voted for Donald Trump don't read drivel and watch daytime TV? Intellectual mediocrity knows no political boundaries.

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Housewives? What an ignorant comment. How about women trying to manage a house, a family, meals, shopping, a job all with a smile on her face. Another jab at Trump, who in many ways spoke to us. At least the economy was better then and eggs didn't cost $6/dozen.

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I used the word "housewife" as a catch-all, Laura, with absolutely no condescension intended. Most of the 1950s women I knew as a child had jobs.

My mother was a housewife who also had a job and also took care of her ill mother, who lived with us. Her sister was a housewife with two children who also ran a successful restaurant in the financial district back when. I know many women, Democrats and Republicans, who fit that bill. And yes, they never complained. And they loved their hardworking husbands.

I think Donald Trump did some very good things as president. It bothered me that he was so puerile.

I was responding to Bruce's suggestion that only Democrats read about "celebrities."

My original comment stated that intellectual mediocrity knows no political boundaries. Bruce somehow missed that.

I stand by it.

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Agree or not, thank you for the respectful reply!

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It’s nearly 2024. That’s “HOUSEPERSONS” you bigot!!!!!!!!


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Come on man! You’ve included a male patriarchy term, sons. It should be houseperdaughters.

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People who identify as houseful?

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What if they live in condos, are they Condowives, or Condopersons?

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Yip Laura they got to bring President Trump into the mix otherwise the book article lacks the real spice!

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Lest we lose track of the thread, it was Mr. Miller who first mentioned Donald Trump.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

Lest you lose track of reality, "Mr. Miller" was responding directly to "Mr. Loveland's comment which stated "When calculating the impact on swing voters, one must understand that a lot of their intellectual diet consists of gossip of tidbits of Prince Harry, Brittney, and Morsels from a woman who dated Kanye. I guess this is why so many like Trump?" So, I clearly did not "first mention[]" Trump. Would you like to take "Intellectual Mediocrity" for $100? Hint the Question is "What is the unifying principle for all arguments by Leftist Democrats?"

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$6 a dozen, no wonder people are throwing chickens in their back yards............We get our eggs from a woman my wife knows who has chickens. $2.50 dozen..............even the various farm stores around don't charge that much; neither does the chain supermarkets in this area.

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Trump is great; but as we see here, the mong quotient of his fans is a tad high.

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Oh so female Trump voters watch daytime TV? Got it. So unlike the self-proclaimed geniuses who installed a senile imbecile as POTUS.

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I am no fan of silly hoi polloi Democrats who'd vote for Mickey Mouse if he were a Democrat. But it's funny that you think Republican women don't watch daytime TV but Democratic women do.

Or that you think I think Democratic women don't.

Don't be so quick to take offense. You'll do yourself no good that way.

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I think democrat women go on fatuous leftist talk shows like Ellen and the view to make up their audiences.

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The View???? Hilarious.

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Why is it TDS to say the Trump was a tabliod darling who has little personal substance? He is an awful human being with little redeemable qualites toward educating the youth around. You have a bad case of TDS - Trump Devotion Syndrome. You are a lot like the people who read about these Celebrities. You love them as heros but that is ok as we all need them. Have a great day! Merry Christmas!

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Truly lazy thinking. One can support Trump without believing he walks on water or is even possessed of stellar moral values. But what I do know is that most of the shrieking imprecations about Trump are delusional fantasies dispelled by the reality of his having been President. And although he might not have been a stellar examplar of our ideal of a president, he was never a "dictator," or a racist or any of the silly slurs thrown at him and his policies were mostly sensible and in the best interests of the American people. Much to the consternation of his enemies on the left. So we will continue to disagree on this. And while I'm not sure if your Christmas well wishes were genuine, mine back at you are I do hope you have a nice holiday with those you love.

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I don't believe any of the nonsense of the press and think the four cases against him are nothing more than political. I just think Desantis is a better candidate. I will vote for him over Biden. And I will say my vote for him in 2016 is the best in my lifetime as he did keep his word on judges. I think of the US Supreme Court resembling the Colorado Supreme court makes me very thankful he won in 2016. I just want to destory progressivsm everywhere. His failings makes that impossible as the race will be centered on him rather than on them. Enjoy your day!

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But Albert “you are an enigma wrapped in a mystery” (note the italics). Why didn’t you just say you would like De Santis to win and cut all the crap about President Trump out. You remind me of the MSM can’t live with Trump but can’t live without him either.

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That is a great point as DeSantis has no chance of winning and we are heading into an awful year. That is a great point. Thanks for taking the time to point this out.

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You'd probably be shocked that I agree DeSantis would be a better choice - if only because of his age and experience in government - but he hasn't resonated with voters yet. Trump was not and will not be a bad president and his choice of a VP will hopefully be better than the last. Because given his age, it will matter. A lot.

As far as his "failings" Trump's kids all seem to love and respect him. And, while he has not been a shining moral example, that tells me much.

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I just want a resounding defeat of Biden. Goot chatting with you as always.

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The truly awful human being is the senile creep currently occupying the White House.

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And the folks behind him truly pulling the levers of power!

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The “Oprah Book Club types.” I guess that’s me. Once upon a time I read many an Oprah book club recommendation. Most of them were fairly meaty books - not for the “vacuous”. What they all were was depressing, which is why I stopped reading them. But you must know that - you must have read many yourself since you know that their target audience is entitled vacuous rich fancy-restaurant-eating Trump haters. Although I admit to the grave sin of enjoying a fancy restaurant once in a while I am none of the others. And I’ve never read a celebrity memoir.

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Albert has “long TDS”

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My acronym vocabulary is lacking. What is TDS?

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All of these books sound dreadful. I couldn’t stomach reading one of them.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

Not like the Fonz? I'd kill yourself now. dear. Your life is so over. /s

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Dreadful, dreadful books especially Jada’s.

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“I hate Trump so much I’m gonna mention him on a post that has nothing to do with him.”

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Its not that I hate him but that he falls in this genre of people. He is a celebrity first and foremost. The post is about the public that loves him - You do have to admit that the people who love him do so is more similar to people who love Brittney than people who loved Reagan for his governing philopshy. There is not much thinking with Trump supporters.

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I’d take Trump any day of the week after Biden; a corrupt hack politician.

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Albert, is Trump in the room with you right now?

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Is there a particular mean tweet of Trump’s that prevents you from getting to sleep at night, Albert, or just the general idea of Trump?

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In Jerry Kramer's book "Instant Replay" he points out how the Green Bay Packers hated Coach Lombardi because he was so demanding of them, but he brought them to the promised land......often.

It's ok to hate Trump. We need a return visit to the promised land.

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Probably Mark after Israel’s war against those savages Trump is the next news item. In fact after the Colorado shame he went to the number 1 spot, gave Israel a bit of breathing space, even if it was for a short time.

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Nope. In his head, actually.

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The choice is not Trump vs. Biden but Trump vs. DeSantis. I think Desantis blows out Biden and has coattails. Haley does as well. Trump might win but it will be too close for my liking.

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Tah very much. You just insulted 85% of the folk here. The only person who regularly comments with a brain that has dribbled is 666 - and now you. Prat; and you were doing quite well too.

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The basket of deplorables Albert.

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We're Donnie and the basket of deplorables,

comming to an election near you.

We're Black, Brown and White,

Red and Yellow too,

we work for a living

and some of us wear shoes,

we sweat, smell and stink,

don't live on welfare,

some smoke and drink.

We don't follow orders

and are still able to think.

Our leader is a national disgrace,

we are Donnie and the Deplorables,

a real basket case,

and we're coming to an election near you.

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You are in competition with Douglas today Herr😂😂.

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Not really, Douglas doesn't write the poems.

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Brilliant Herr loved this!

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Cheer up. We are kindred spirits!

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Who Jay Albert or me?

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I was responding to Albert but merry Christmas to you!

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Merry Christmas to you and your family to!

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“When calculating the impact on swing voters, one must understand that a lot of their intellectual diet consists of gossip of tidbits … I guess this is why so many like Trump?”

It sounds like your intellectual diet consists of tidbit gossip proffered by MSNBC. Maybe you should try reading a book. I understand Trumps latest best seller, “Our Journey Together”, has grossed $20 million in less than 2 months.

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No, not a fan of MSNBC. I do read book, I own over 500 of them. I think Trump's books are a lot like the books written about this morning. Written by a ghost writer. I want Biden to lose badly and think Trump is the only one who he can defeat. Have a great day!

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Thanks for this article, (it reminds me why I like The Free Press). Very entertaining and oddly thought provoking.

You are an incredible reader to plow thru all that pablum. But saved the rest of us a lot of time.

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Had she not read all those books, I doubt whether any of us would have read any of them.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Paula Froelich

She read the narcissism so we don’t have to.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Paula Froelich

Gonna order the Maria Bamford for my daughter right now. %-)

On a purely pet-peevish note, I so wish John Stamos had not codified in his title the grammatical error that most puts my teeth on edge. Whatever happened to the past perfect? Instead, everyone illiterately substitutes the conditional tense in almost every context.

So the title should be "If You Had Told Me." Not "If You Would Have Told Me." (Well, I actually would have, but I don't know you.)

I've heard people misuse the conditional instead of the past perfect in so many iterations that their sentences end up totally devoid of content. "If I would have known she could have been there, I would have gone and we could have met."

So what you're saying then is... nothing happened. At all.

If I would have bought this book and then would have read it, it would have made me very unhappy every time I would have looked at it.

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Is that a Finnish name? If it is, you are letting the side down, this comment is far too long for a Finn! ;-)

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LOL! You're absolutely right, Steven C. Watson. My Finnish ancestors would be perplexed indeed.

In fact, the only Finnish joke I know involves a brother who stayed in the old country who is then visited by a brother who moved to America decades before. They go out to a Helsinki bar and order a round, and then another round, while the American brother tries to keep the conversational ball in the air, to the native brother's stoic silence. Finally, after another couple of rounds of this, the taciturn Finn turns to the American and says, "So. Do you want to drink? Or do you want to talk?"

My mother's side of the family is all Irish. ;-)

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Ah! In that case the comment is not long enough. :-)

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Thank you for drawing attention to this. I can understand the dimwit author being clueless about grammar, but what about the publisher, the editor, the proofreader? I guess mastery of the English language is no longer an en entry requirement in publishing as long as you tick all the right diversity boxes.

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Haha! Love this: "If I would have known she could have been there, I would have gone and we could have met."

I'm a fan of the past perfect, and I remember liking the pluperfect very much too.

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Extremely well done!

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I’ll add I automatically dismiss anyone who uses the awful new mangling of “in” words: gifted, curate, onboard, platform etc. We have a millennium-plus worth of words that can more-precisely describe what they are discussing. They’re just too lazy or uneducated to use/know them.

And most are probably “communications” majors……

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Paula Froelich

I laughed, I cried, I cringed. I need a shower.

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😂😂😂especially after one has read this crap!

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I am feeling more and more clearly every day how most of us live in a dream world that is filled with lives that are not our own. We live in TV, and movies, and video games, and managed political conflicts, where we are given scripts like combatants are given clubs, and told to go out in the managed wild and bang the heads of the People Who Are Not Like Us, while wealthy psychopaths watch and giggle from their yachts or penthouses, and continue to be astonished that people are buying their BS.

I didn't care enough about any of this to even make it to the bottom of the reviews. All of these people remind me of Joanne Rowlings excellent satirization of these types in her second book. I can still see Kenneth Branagh playing Gilderoy Lockhart, and saying, if memory serves, the gloriously vapid lines "Fame is as Fame Does."

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".....while wealthy psychopaths watch and giggle from their yachts or penthouses, and continue to be astonished that people are buying their BS.?

They are installing a new feudalism and the peasants better wake up before it's too late.

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Agreed, but I think most people are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of crap on the internet, and tend to gravitate to one refuge or another.

It's hard for a rational and intelligent person to see much hope, but you never know. You fight until you can't. That's my motto, in any event.

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In the words of Nathaniel Greene - "we fight, get beat, rise and fight again."

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Ironically all the monged out daffy shit du jour leads straight back to Plato.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Paula Froelich

I'll say it--i love this stuff. Even if I haven't read any of these. Celebrity narcissism bullshit makes me feel better about myself. I'll take anything for that--not picky! And--I used to be friends with Kerry Washington. We did a summer acting conservatory together in 1996. She was nice, vanilla, gossipy and flirty. She didn't risk her ego to wow teachers while the rest of us fell over ourselves for validation. and so she sailed straight to stardom saying that her marketable type was "black Meg Ryan." We lost touch early on and I still contend with jealousy all these years later. I am happy to hear her memoir is meh. Safe is her jam. Not mine! Merry Christmas comment comrades! 💚❤️💚❤️

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I'm jealous, I LOVE Kerry LOL. Wish I was your friend too, maybe I could have met her hahaha.

Merry Christmas!

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You're my friend now! 🥰

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That's good to hear. I remember seeing her for the first time in Boston Legal. I was floored by how beautiful she was.

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“Sometimes you just have to say fuck it and throw your life down the drain just to see where you’ll come out on the other side. The most profound beauty emerges from the ashes of destruction”


This reminds me of my plan, which I call ‘Operation Rock Bottom’, to vote for Democrats in 2024.

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I think it is a toss-up...you could vote for the Democrats (Biden/whoever) or you could vote for the "dynamic duo", Donald/Vivek.

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I think Vivek is likely a total fraud and Trump, as we know, is not a conservative. But I would gladly support those two because there’s at least a 2% chance they will fix some things.

With Nikki Haley there is a 0% chance of anything getting fixed and a 100% chance of conservatism getting blamed for more DC communism.

RINOs are the true threat to democracy because they make it so voters don’t really have different options to choose from. It’s like Putin running against Putin’s brother. Not actually a democracy.

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Dec 23, 2023·edited Dec 23, 2023

Right…we’re at the point where if Biden or whoever replaces him wins, we’re done for, but if a republican wins, we can’t even feel confident anymore that things will be a lot better. Just clean up this sick looking country! At this point, nothing comes close to concerning me more than the borders. It’s out of control, has changed the trajectory of the country likely forever, and it’s exactly what democrats wanted because the admin has done zero to improve it. Incredible that the single-day high in history of illegals entering the country under Biden and it’s hardly a concern on msm.

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....or here, either.

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But but but...... Chris Crispy?

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I'd take 10 Haleys over this disgrace, and 110 more RINOS before I ever vote for a Democrat, No Labels or not.

It's Trump to lose and with all the MSM help, whacked out SC Justices with their Ivy sheepskins and audiences of one, the lawyers, judges, and courts will displace the corrupt election system we now pretend determines the winner.

Hang on tight to a country that's disappearing faster than a Hunter Biden line of blow

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Honest question: what has Vivek said that is wrong?

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I don’t know I just assume he’s lying. He says he wants to cut the federal workforce by 50%. It needs to be cut by 90% so at least he’s saying it.

He seems like a con artist but maybe he is legit I don’t know.

All I know is that Nikki Haley 100% is a con artist.

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Seems like everyone piles on Vivek when he’s the only one making sense. Is he too normal? He’s civil, unafraid, obvi smarter than everyone else; is that why we hate on him? Wish I could vote for him in Iowa.

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Haley is a MIC product.

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D/V my choice although I’m not so sure V will be President Trump’s Veep choice, however, 2024 is going to be a very interesting year.

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All I needed to know is he is Pharma; apparently Snake Oil Pharma at that.

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Do you not like any aspect of Western medicine?

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Will a RINO do? Is that the ultimate cognitive dissonance?

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If Nikki Haley is the nominee I will not only vote for Biden, but I will also help collect ballots in poor neighborhoods.

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I make no secret of my preference for Nikki Haley...the one adult in the room who is not overweight.

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I agree that she has the appearance of being a smart conservative who will do some conserving.

How many more times do we need to do this before you think

“Oh jeez this looks like it might be a scam.”


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Looking forward to WWIII I see. Must have all your money invested in Lockheed Martin, Northrup Mammon, Boeing, and Raytheon stock. Cha ching!

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Pick me up at 0700.

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The sobriquet of "rino" is leveled by those who do not really know, nor can define, what Republican stands for. In fact, not even Republicans can define their own name! Let's just remove that term from common discussion and move on to more productive dialog.

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But sir! I take umbrage! This is The Free Press comments section community! Productive dialogue?!!!!🎄

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Your umbrage has been noted! What I MEANT is that the use of the word to describe those with whom you disagree is counter-productive to dialog. Dispense with the "one-upmanship and name calling, and hammer out position on issues that are productive, not merely to "stick it to the man"! But, by all means, go ahead and use that term if you like, I really don't care. But be forewarned, you opinion will not be given a fair hearing.

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I was being facetious and thought that would be obvious. I don’t necessarily disagree with your point and I’ve personally never used the acronym myself. I figured the four exclamation points and the Xmas tree would’ve made my levity apparent. Has anyone used the expression. Also “…comments section community” is a pretty stilly thing to say. Merry Christmas man.

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“Arnie’s memoir offers his guide to life, which I’ll summarize like so: have a clear vision; never think small; work your ass off……”


And don’t don’t forget to aggressively bully people into taking an experimental gene therapy in an accent that sounds German.

They should do a remake of ‘Twins’ with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tony Fauci, who would play the stumpy Danny Devito character this time, where they are both tried for war crimes and sentenced to death.

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I will never forget or forgive him saying "fuck your freedom".

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Yeh, once an Austrian...

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