Oct 21, 2023Liked by Suzy Weiss

Suzy Weiss this is the balm I needed. My husband and I are dying in bed reading this.

“After my own four laps, the equivalent of two miles, I eat a cheese blintz, half of an everything bagel with cream cheese, a quarter of a sesame bagel with cream cheese, a Dixie cup of green tea, and a mozzarella stick to stay safe.”

This is my kind of person.

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This sounds like many university students - running around in circles thinking they will change the world.

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No, we’re not all one, and running around the block won’t change that. Our DNA is tribal just like that of our ape ancestors. Biology demands animals pass on their DNA, and if that means disadvantaging others, that’s what they do. Humans have “civilized” that, but we can never all be one. Over the past couple of decades, social forces have been to accentuate differences and create identity groups to advantage some groups over others. We have actually regressed towards worse tribalism, more conflict. And it was a conscious decision by the so called progressives to do so.

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“The goal of this is to bring humanity together, and stop having these borders,” he explains. “There’s no way that we’re gonna be one in any of our issues that we have until we take those walls down.” - The answer to this is simple: where have you seen this work anywhere or at any time in the history of civilization? Curious if any of the runners have a fence around their yard, locks on their doors or windows in their homes or cars, have a safe deposit box, etc., etc. I applaud the attempt to improve themselves and the desire for enlightenment, but they will not change human nature by running.

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Ah, the Sri Chinmoy crowd. We had a lot of them and still have some where I live. They ran a restaurant, which I was dragged to many a time as it was vegetarian. Chickpea everything with no salt or spices, followed by stodgy crumbles. Very expensive for what it was. Later I came to meet a lot more of these disciples as they needed treating for some nasty infections quite frequently. They must have been an extremely friendly group if you get my drift. I don't have high hopes they will change the world.

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Suzy Weiss, please write more for TFP. Your unadulterated reporting dotted with innocent humor and harmless sarcasm is refreshing and pure pleasure to read.

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Oct 21, 2023·edited Oct 21, 2023

Fun piece Suzy! As a long time runner who has spent a lot of time with everyone from Olympic sprinters to neighborhood joggers, this is an accurate depiction of ultra marathoners. These distances tend to attract a very woo-woo set, and they tend to be highly addictive personalities or are straight up recovering from various substance abuse issues. More power to them, there are worse ways to spend your time for sure. But I wouldn't look to them for a higher truth.

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With so many things going awry, why criticize this? Will the race bring about world peace? Probably not. Is it hurting anyone? Probably not. What's the point of adding more ugliness to the world by mocking people who aren't doing anything wrong? Your reporting on Israel/Gaza has been so spot on; stick to that. Show us the truth that other media outlets refuse to reveal. And, in the meantime, leave peaceful people to their peaceful endeavors. Sarcasm is ugliest when aimed at people who are essentially kind and open-hearted.

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It’s a simple life: You eat, run, and sleep, says one of these “runners” (shufflers might be a better word). And this regimen, done circling the city blocks around a school in Queens, will bring humanity together. It seems harmless enough, and Lord knows nothing else has unified humanity, so who am I to judge?

Thanks to Suzi Weiss (who once lost a trail race to a girl on crutches). I welcome this break from the dire news from Israel. No doubt we’ll soon be back to regular FP programming.

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Like studying your belly button

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My brother is a crazy marathoner and does 24 hour runs, 100 mile runs, always runs the NY Marathon. I'm going to make sure he hears NOTHING about this race.

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Nice break from reality for you and us!!! Thanks!

And I had to laugh out loud at...."a mozzarella stick to stay safe!"

"I eat a cheese blintz, half of an everything bagel with cream cheese, a quarter of a sesame bagel with cream cheese, a Dixie cup of green tea, and a mozzarella stick to stay safe." 😂

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Thankfully these disciples are holding their event in the U.S. if they had held in Israel, they might be either dead or hostages by now. No amount of Sri’s grace could save them from a Hamas raid.

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Could be a really cool (and by cool I mean crazy-challenging) distance running event if it weren’t all about some dead guru and some naive notions of peace and no borders. Bummer.

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Good reporting on a unique subject. 60 miles per day is more than two marathons. These folks are dedicated and perhaps a bit crazy. I disagree with the runner who said, “I don’t see myself as an American. We’re all one.” It is apparent that we are not all one even in America, where I am disheartened by large rallies of my fellow citizens to support terrorist Jew-hating baby killers.

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Is this what Forrest Gump’s running story was based on? 😂

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